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Road Home resignation letter over mismanagement of hurricane Katrina funds

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Unless otherwise specified the document described here:

  • Was first publicly revealed by Wikileaks
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  • Is of substantial political, diplomatic or ethical significance.
  • Has been verified if the analysis, summary or note fields indicate, otherwise has not (yet) been verified. Most documents come in from journalists. Frauds are extremely rare, but possible.
home-road-resignation-letter.doc (click to view full file)
The document presents a whistleblower letter by an S. Watson, a former member of the Road Home Program/ICF International who quit his job on Feb 21st. It relates to the mismanagement of huge amounts of tax money in the aftermath of Hurricane Kathrina. The 9-paged letter addresses issues like lack of command and communication, failure of retaining key personnel, very slow proceedings under the new head of department, Ms. Joan Greer, and details various other critical points around the treatment of appeals. Holding a lot of detailed information on the chaotic operations of RHP/ICF, the letter concludes with a strong appeal to the moral of the department.
United States
ICF International
Wikileaks release date
Tuesday March 04, 2008
Primary language
File size in bytes
File type information
Microsoft Office Document
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 f4c62102fb524bdbf9fd72f5cc703406f1c0eebdc3a2d3309cc53620250f2c8c
Description (as provided by the original submitter)

1. Has this file been released before anywhere on or off line? The memo was released by a Road Home Program/ ICF International employee to members of ICF International and Quadel management on February 28, 2007.

2. Why is this file important? This file is important because is voices concerns regarding the mismanagement of millions of Federal aid dollars dedicated to the reconstruction of Louisiana post-hurricane Katrina.

3. What is the likely audience? The target audience for this information is the Louisiana Legislature, the Louisiana State Office of Community Development, the Louisiana Recovery Authority in addition to any citizen who had their lives affected by the disaster and the lack of adequate assistance as promised by the state and federal government.

4. What are some approaches to verification (who can journalists call for comment etc)? Feel free to contact any of the following individuals/organizations:

Louisiana Recovery Authority: 225.342.1700

Disaster Recovery Unit Attorney - Patrick Keller: Patrick.Keller@la.gov

Disaster Recovery Unit Senior Housing Manager - Mike Spletto - Mike.Spletto@la.gov

5. Why was it leaked? This document is being leaked so that the mismanagement of this historical disaster recovery project can be known and dealt with before it is too late for the Louisiana Gulf Coast and its residence.

6. Is there some event that means the document needs to published ugently?

The sooner this information is made available, the sooner the facts of the matter can be made known to all parties affected by the gross negligence of ICF International and Quadel.

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