Degree Confluence Project

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A GPS unit at confluence 53N 0, in Lincolnshire, England
A GPS unit at confluence 53N 0, in Lincolnshire, England

The Degree Confluence Project is a World Wide Web-based all-volunteer project which aims to have people visit each of the integer degree intersections of latitude and longitude on Earth, posting photographs and a narrative of each visit online. The project describes itself as "an organized sampling of the world".

The precise location of each degree confluence uses the WGS 84 horizontal datum, and visitors to degree confluences almost always make use of GPS receivers. For a successful visit, the visitor must get within 100 metres of the confluence point, and post a narrative and several photographs to the project website. A visit, or attempted visit, which does not conform to these rules may still be recorded on the website as an incomplete visit. The project encourages visits to degree confluences which have been visited previously, and many confluence points in North America and Europe have been visited several times.

The total number of degree confluences is 64,442[1], of which 21,543 are on land, 38,409 on water, and 4,490 on the Arctic ice cap[2]. The project categorizes degree confluences as either primary or secondary. A confluence is primary only if it is on land or within sight of land. In addition, at higher latitudes only some points are designated primary, because confluences crowd together near the poles[3]. Both primary and secondary confluences may be visited and recorded.

As of August 4, 2007, the project reported[4]:

  • 31.56% complete, based on 5,109 unique, successful visits to 16,189 indexed primary degree confluences[5]
  • 476 unique, successful visits to secondary degree confluences
  • 9,694 degree confluence visits
  • 9,893 degree confluence visitors
  • 66,671 degree confluence visit photographs
  • degree confluence visits in 176 countries


[edit] History

The project was started by Alex Jarrett in February 1996 because he "liked the idea of visiting a location represented by a round number such as 43°00'00"N 72°00'00"W. What would be there? Would other people have recognized this as a unique spot?"[6] Another reason was to give people with a GPS unit something to do with it[citation needed].

[edit] Milestones

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Latitude lines 89°N to 89°S (179), multiplied by 360° of longitude (360), plus the two poles (2) = 179 × 360 + 2 = 64,442.
  2. ^ Classifications as of August 4, 2007
  3. ^ Poles Problem
  4. ^ statistics page
  5. ^ Changes in the Confluence type
  6. ^ project history
  7. ^ some degree confluence visits that pre-date this visit have since been posted on the project's website

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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