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Kibaki Kenyan Presidential campaign media schedule

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pnu-media-plan-schedule.xls (click to view full file)
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The PNU/Kibaki Media Plan for the Dec 2007 Kenyan Presidential Elections.

The excel spreadsheet is a Media Plan authored by Mary M'Mukindia as head of the Kibaki communications in October 2007. She subsequently left the campaign. This can be confirmed by the Kenyan press. Mrs. M'Mukindia was appointed the CEO of the Kenyan National Oil Corporation during the first Kibaki term. She did not renew her 3 year contract for personal reasons. The Media Plan has RO and KM as targets for disinformation. RO being Raila Odinga and KM being Kalonzo Musyoka (then a candidate for President - now our putative Vice President). The campaign against RO includes the following:

1. Branding RO with the Violence Tag: including blaming him for an attempted coup d'etat in 1982; branding him as vengeful and liable to prosecute past leaders (see the Attached Leaflet that was widely distributed in Rift Valley before the election); and suggesting that "Luo violence will take over."

2. Promoting the fear of RO by propaganda including: special tv showings of Hotel Rwanda and "Make people in our zones fear RO leadership".

3. The cold statement that "Kenya can become the next Rwanda" is listed as an activity in the Media Plan.

4. Forecasting Kalonzo Musyoka's eventual co-optation by Kibaki, the Media Plan states that the KM project is "on hold."

5. Use of mass communication and viral communication techniques and technology to attack RO including music, SMS, internet etc...

The material comes from a trusted high-level source in Kenya.

Document forensics and other details are in-line with the both the public record and expectation.
Political group (ruling)
Kibaki Presidential Campaign Communications Directorate
File type information
Microsoft Office Document
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 ce4b066dd0479ac5f86bdb2688669ee3d33608091e78b05d53cde2fa27ca7832

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