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Media/Report on corruption leaked ahead of Kenyan election

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Belfast Telegraph: Report on corruption leaked ahead of Kenyan election

United Kingdom
Sunday September 02, 2007
The looting of Kenya

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Long-standing allegations that Kenya's former President Daniel arap Moi stole millions from state coffers are cropping up again, just as his successor moves into the final months of campaigning for re-election. The accusations come in a purported 2004 report by Kroll Associates, an international security and investigations firm the government hired to help find assets stolen or spirited abroad during Moi's presidency.

The 110-page document was posted this week on the website Wikileak, which exposes corruption.

Kroll acknowledged it had done work for Kenya but would neither confirm nor deny the report on Wikileak was its work.

Kenyans endured vast corruption during Moi's decades in power, and President Mwai Kibaki has since fumbled on promises to clean up the government.

The leak three years after Kroll submitted it to the government came just days after Moi said he was supporting Kibaki's re-election bid, and Kenya's government spokesman, Alfred Mutua, said it was an attempt to hurt Kibaki's political chances.

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