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File mediadefender-phonecall.mp3 (click to view file)
Summary Phone call between Media Defender and the New York Attorney's office discussing leaked email and their efforts to entrap file sharing users with a fake torrent company,
File Size 24001305
File Type MP3 audio
File Info MP3 encoded
File Identity SHA256 7885f9de7d1d2688481be104b8480b378fa85d5081c40226320abbbb1686591d
Wikileaks release 2007-09-15 (Saturday)
Primary language English
Country United States
Organization New York Attorney General
Organization type Government (bureaucracy)

How to verify (as provided by original submitter) Voices are easily identified and the phone call is consistent with the public record. Leaked emails on the same subject are discussed here:
Description (as provided by the original submitter) MediaDefender, hired by the RIAA, created a fake torrent company called This network, they created and promoted to get ordinary people to upload videos on the network. Then MediaDefender planned to go and sue those people for copyright infringement.

This is the telephone conversation with the NY Attorney General's office where they discuss how to keep their operation top secret, what's going on with the email servers, and how to keep everything "pristine" for court and law enforcement.

This is why it's dubious: This is applied fascism. This is the collusion of the corporation with the state for the sole purpose of making money for the corporation. This phone call has nothing to do with protecting the ordinary people of the state of New York. Record Labels and Recording artists have long known their business model is quickly failing in today's digital climate. Most recording artists make money from merchandise and touring sales. The RIAA and MediaDefender together created a fake company for the sole purpose of "farming" lawsuits from ordinary music listeners under the guise of sharing music peer-to-peer.

When you're a corporation, or when you work for a corporation, and your only source of income is from creating lawsuits to prosecute, you're not bringing these lawsuits to court in good faith. You're only prosecuting to squeeze as much money from as many people as possible. This is why people who file multiple frivolous lawsuits have their cases thrown out of court. This is why the RIAA/MediaDefender should have all of their suits thrown out of court; YET, because they're a corporation, they instead get the NY Attorney Generals Office working for them as their little henchman to HELP them. This is wrong.

If the RIAA/Media Defender wants to proscute, ya know what? Go ahead. Just don't abuse public resources or collude with the NY Attorney General's office to prosecute these things. THe people have more pressing concerns about legitimate crime than this. Then again, if the NY Attorney General wants to stand up for shady corporations like this, then I highly doubt that he would EVER want to stand up for the people.

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