Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

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Arkady (left) and Boris Strugatsky
Arkady (left) and Boris Strugatsky

The two brothers Arkady (Арка́дий, August 28, 1925October 12, 1991) and Boris (Бори́с, born April 14, 1933) Strugatsky (Струга́цкий; alternate spelling: Strugatski, also Strugatskii) are Soviet Russian science fiction authors who collaborated on their fiction.


[edit] Life and work

The Strugatsky brothers (Бра́тья Струга́цкие), as they are usually called, became the best-known Soviet science fiction writers with a well developed fan base. Their early work was influenced by Ivan Yefremov. Their most famous novel Piknik na obochine has been translated into English as Roadside Picnic in 1977 and was filmed by Andrei Tarkovsky under the title Stalker.

Several other works have been translated into English, but did not receive even a fraction of the critical acclaim of Russian audiences. There are three chief factors responsible:[original research?] first, that failings inevitably arise when an attempt is made to translate colloquial Russian into a language that does not very well support its grammatical structure; second, that a basic understanding of the rigid mindset promoted by the Stalinist regime is a prerequisite to being able to see the contrast and rejection of uniformity that is evident in every one of the Strugatskys' works; and finally, that much of the humor of works such as Monday Begins on Saturday comes from hundreds of years' worth of cultural and literary allusions.

It should be noted, however, that the Strugatsky brothers were and still are popular in many countries, including Poland, Bulgaria, and Germany, where most of their works were available in both East and West Germany.

The brothers were Guests of Honour at the 1987 World Science Fiction Convention, held in Brighton, England.

[edit] Noon Universe

For more details on this topic, see Noon Universe.

Several of the books written by the Strugatskys take part in the same universe, known as The World of Noon; another unofficial and perhaps less-known title is the Wanderers Universe. The name derives from the title of one of their texts, Noon: 22nd Century. Among the main characteristics of Noon Universe are a very high level of social, scientific, and technological development, high creativity of the general population, and very significant increases in the level of societal maturity compared to either the modern world or any of those known to exist. For instance, this world knows no monetary stimulation (indeed, money does not exist), and every person is engaged in a profession that interests him or her. The Earth of Noon Universe is governed by a global technocratic council composed of the world's leading scientists and philosophers.

Noon Universe was described by the authors as the world in which they would like to live and work. It became highly influential for at least a generation of Soviet people, e.g. a person could speak with quotes from Strugatsky books sure of being understood. At first the authors thought of the Noon Universe to come into reality "by itself", then they realized that the only way to achieve it is inventing the High Theory of Upbringing, making upbringing of each person a unique deed.

One of the important story arcs of those books is how the advanced human civilization covertly steers the development of those considered less advanced. Agents of humans are known as Progressors. At the same time, some humans suspect that a very advanced spacefaring race called Wanderers exists and is 'progressing' humanity itself.

[edit] Works

[edit] Novels

English title Russian title Published in Russian Published in English Type of work
From Beyond Извне 1958 1982 novella
The Land of Crimson Clouds Страна багровых туч 1959 N/A novel
The Way to Amalthea (aka Destination: Amalthea) Путь на Амальтею 1960 1963 short novel
Noon: 22nd Century Полдень, XXII век 1962 1978 novel /
short story collection
Space Apprentice (aka Probationers,
includes The Gigantic Fluctuation short story)
Стажеры 1962 1981 novel
Escape Attempt Попытка к бегству 1962 1982 short novel
Far Rainbow Далёкая Радуга 1963 1979 novel
Hard to Be a God Трудно быть богом 1964 1973 novel
Monday Begins on Saturday Понедельник начинается в субботу 1965 1977 novel
The Final Circle of Paradise Хищные вещи века 1965 1976 novel
Disquiet (initial variant of Snail on the Slope) Беспокойство 1990
(written 1965)
N/A novel
Snail on the Slope Улитка на склоне 1966-68
(written 1965)
1980 novel
The Ugly Swans Гадкие лебеди (aka Время дождя) 1987
(written 1966-67)
1972 novel
The Second Invasion from Mars
(aka The Second Martian Invasion)
Второе нашествие марсиан 1968 1970 novel
Tale of the Troika Сказка о Тройке 1968 1977 novel
Dead Mountaineer's Hotel (aka Inspector Glebsky's Puzzle) Отель «У Погибшего Альпиниста» 1970 1982 novel
Prisoners of Power (aka The Inhabited Island) Обитаемый остров 1971 1977 novel
Space Mowgli Малыш 1971 1982 novel
Roadside Picnic Пикник на обочине 1972 1977 novel
The Kid from Hell Парень из преисподней 1974 1982 novel
Definitely Maybe За миллиард лет до конца света 1977 1978 novel
The Doomed City Град обреченный 1988-89
(written 1970-75)
N/A novel
Tale of Friendship and Non-friendship Повесть о дружбе и недружбе 1980 N/A novel
Beetle in the Anthill Жук в муравейнике 1980 1980 novel
Limping Fate Хромая судьба 1986 N/A novel
The Time Wanderers Волны гасят ветер 1986 1987 novel
Overburdened with Evil Отягощённые злом 1988 N/A novel

[edit] Short stories

English title Russian title Published in Russian Published in English Comments
The White Cone of the Alaid Белый конус Алаида 1959 1968
The Mu Man Человек из Пасифиды 1962 N/A
The Gigantic Fluctuation Гигантская флюктуация 1962 1973 included in the novel Space Apprentice
Wanderers and Travelers О странствующих и путешествующих 1963 1966 included in the novel Noon: 22nd Century as Pilgrims and Wayfarers

[edit] Short story collections

Short stories originally published in Six Matches:

English title Russian title Published in Russian Published in English
Six Matches Шесть спичек 1958 1961
Spontaneous Reflex (also known as Initiative) Спонтанный рефлекс 1958 1959
Forgotten Experiment Забытый эксперимент 1959 N/A
The Ordeal of SKIBR Испытание СКИБР 1959 N/A
Special Assumptions Частные предположения 1959 N/A
An Emergency Case Чрезвычайное происшествие 1960 1966

Short stories originally published as part of the novel Noon: 22nd Century:

English title Russian title Published in Russian Published in English
Night on Mars Ночь в пустыне 1960 1978
Almost the Same Почти такие же 1960 1978
Old-timer Перестарок 1961 1978
The Conspirators Злоумышленники 1962 1978
Chronicle Хроника 1961 1978
Two from the Taimyr Двое с «Таймыра» 1961 1978
The Moving Roads Самодвижущиеся дороги 1961 1978
Cornucopia Скатерть-самобранка 1961 1978
Homecoming Возвращение (also known as Известные люди and Пациенты доктора Протоса 1962 1978
Langour of the Spirit Томление духа 1962 1978
The Assaultmen Десантники 1961 1978
Deep Search Глубокий поиск (a.k.a. Моби Дик) 1960 1978
Pilgrims and Wayfarers (also known as
Wanderers and Travelers)
О странствующих и путешествующих 1963 1978
The Planet with all the Conveniences Благоустроенная планета 1961 1978
The Mystery of the Hind Leg Загадка задней ноги (a.k.a. Великий КРИ) 1961 1978
Natural Science in the Spirit World Естествознание в мире духов 1962 1978
Candles Before the Control Board Свечи перед пультом 1961 1978
Defeat Поражение 1960 1978
The Meeting Свидание (a.k.a. Люди, люди...) 1961 1978
What You Will Be Like Какими вы будете 1961 1978

[edit] Solo works

Following titles have been published by Arkady Strugatsky under the pseudonym S. Yaroslavtsev (C. Ярославцев):

English title Russian title Published in Russian Published in English Type of work
The Expedition in Purgatory Экспедиция в преисподнюю 1974 N/A novel
The Details of Nikita Vorontsov's Life Подробности жизни Никиты Воронцова 1984 1989 novella
Devil Amongst People Дьявол среди людей 1991 N/A novel

Following titles have been published by Boris Strugatsky under the pseudonym S. Vititsky (С. Витицкий):

English title Russian title Published in Russian Published in English Type of work
Search for Designation or Twenty Seventh Theorem of Ethics Поиск предназначения, или Двадцать седьмая теорема этики 1994 N/A novel
The Powerless Ones of this World Бессильные мира сего 2003 N/A novel

[edit] Legacy

Several writers have to a varying degree paid their tribute to the works of Strugatsky brothers:

  • Sergey Lukyanenko in his duology The Stars Are Cold Toys has the main character visit a world that is in many aspects strikingly similar to Earth from Noon Universe but in truth is revealed to be fundamentally different and oppressive. On his website, Lukyanenko commented that he disagreed with Strugatsky's view on education und upbringing and conceived his duology partly as a polemic criticism of it.[1]
  • The plot of Kir Bulychev's novella about Alice's adventures Vacations in Space, or the Planet Five-Four is based on finding a secret base of mysterious "Wanderers" (Странники), an extinct highly advanced civilization. He also depicted his own Zone in the story Save Galya!
  • In late 1990s, a three-volume collection of fiction by notable contemporary Russian science fiction authors, titled The Time of the Apprentices (Время учеников), was published with an endorsement of Boris Strugatsky. Each piece in the collection was a sequel to one of Strugatskys' books.

The asteroid 3054 Strugatskia, discovered in 1977 was named after the Strugatsky brothers.

Soviet film Charodey (1982) is loosely based on the novel Monday Begins on Saturday.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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