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Jarvis letter to employees over the fatal Potters Bar rail crash

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potters-bar-rail-crash.pdf (click to view full file)
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United Kingdom
Jarvis PLC
Wikileaks release date
Monday March 17, 2008
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PDF document, version 1.4
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 91408149b64d2a41f52833b6266d9fd67f81bb6bd4dfe5c61c13a0f21be56f97
Description (as provided by the original submitter)
As far as I know this file hasn't been online before, it's an official document from the company in charge of the rail maintenance where the crash occurred, giving its details at the time, I'm hoping that this will give more details to what the company told its employees (and what it didn't) at the time immediately following the event. I believe it is important due to being factual verification of partial online rumours and brings an element of clarity to the situation.

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