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Philip Howe and the Essex City Council

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philip-howe.doc (click to view full file)
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United Kingdom
High Court of England
Wikileaks release date
Friday December 07, 2007
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SHA256 79eb5e205e31d79ebc94ec7000bb4b5b564cf0a437b20eb3ea0e0e29d27083c3
Description (as provided by the original submitter)

The enclosed document (Highly Confidential Third Party Information From Philip Howe, dated 4th September 1996)(Pages 8-11 of the word doc.) is a non-disclosed document withheld from a sworn affidavit in a Judicial Review in the High Court of England in an attempt to pervert the course of justice by withholding information.

KNowledge of it's existence, possession and failure to report to the court carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, within the Jurisdiction of the High Court of England. It was withheld by a legal dept of a county council, who criminally assisted their client to prepare a perjurious affidavit and as such no lawyer may claim legal privilege for it, are liable to life imprisonment for knowing about it, and are required to notify the Law society of England of the legal dept of a county council for committing criminal professional misconduct.

The enclosed document (Memorandum to Sheila Heaton from Philip Howe, dated 4h February 1997) (pages 14-15 of the word doc) is a medical forgery from a social worker who makes a mental health diagnosis they are not qualified to make (as not a psychiatirst or doctor), about someone they have never met, and is false in order to cover up that they stole a patient's medical files from an NHS trust. It was presented under oath by a deputy director of a social servies dept (Susan Traver) who knew it was false in order to withhold information and further records to a court, and therefore knowingly perjured in a court and attempted to pervert the course of justice by withholding information from the court.

In England it is a criminal offence to interfere with a civil court.

I suggest you get a qualified doctor and (medical or data protection) lawyer to read the last paragraph of Philip Howe's information (page 11): "This information has therefore been obtained from records to which I have no right of access. In the circumstances I feel that is is (sic) appropriate to provide you with this information but this memo should not be shown to anyone who does not have a "need to know" and in no circumstances should this memo be shown to Alasdair (sic )Budd or any reference made to if (sic) in any discussion with him." To the exent it was withheld from me, a court and my doctor.

Philip Howe is now an Executive Director of the South Essex Partnerhsip NHS Trust , the NHS Trust he was previously stealing medical files from and forging medical diagnosis against the patients of when, he is not a doctor, (under its previous name before it merged with another trust).

I went through a Judicial Review (pages 1-7 of the word doc.) when Essex County Council made false allegations against me on being on a British Govt vulnerable person protection register, as a DANGER to people, including old age pensioners and hospital patients since I was the VICTIM of abuse as a child.

Amongst other things the international child protection charity Save the Children Fund was given false information from Essex County Council about British govt child protection registers.

It was also stated (falsely) that I was holding people to hostage and planning on executing children by gunshot at a nursery with a gun licence I DONT have.

After I received a judgement in my favour, an apology, retraction and a court order against Essex County Council, I researched further and discovered the illegal sets of parallel, forged medical files on me (after social workers stole my medical files) from a different council who had had records transferred to them, when the social services depts were re-structured. (page 12-13 of the enclosed) They gave me a document that says on it not to give to me, which is why I have it.

I have tried, on my own, to be given an explanation and enforce the law, and have been lied to, as the police, Information commissioner and court officials themselves have concealed this matter from the court. (That an "expert witness" isn't medically qualified when forging medical diagnosis under oath and a county council has been withholding records from the High court, assisted by a public legal dept of local govt acting criminally.)

I have been repeatedly told that forgery isn't a criminal offence, referred by the polie to regulations that I discovered dont exist and have been told I complained about the Philip Howe "information" three years before it existed (1993 instead of 1996) as a reason for why the NHS is refusing to investigate the theft of medical files and forging of medical diagnosis (under oath in courts) against patients who were the victims of abuse as children, in what is a chronological impossibility.

The Legal Authorities have concealed information from the High court and police in order to cover up for the corrupt lawyers, to the extent of criminally assisting them.

A pretend doctor is wandering about, with the protection of the medical auhorities, forging medical diagnosis, which is a very easy way to kill someone if he decides to switch from mental to physical health, as I am informed he has already done.

I have lots more documents that are just as blatant, illegal and interesting, concerning a social services dept and county council keeping illegal sets of false medical records on the victims and witnesses in child abuse cases.

This happened because in my complaint of abuse as child at my school (where I was threatened with male rape by a racist teacher for being a "nigger-lover" for wanting to do "wog studies" when wanting to beome a Spanish Historian) I proved the county council lied about a teacher not existing in order to try and avoid an investigation into abuse by one of their employees at one of their schools, for which the county coucil would be liable to pay damages.

The County Council, also tried to use the false mental health diagnosis to claim that I had imagined the teacher in "gay love fantasies" in order to claim the teacher was a figment of my insane imagination and did not need investigation after someone excised his records from the County Council files, according to what I have both been told and have in writing.

I can prove the police and legal authorities of England are criminally conspiring to cover up a county Council keeping false sets of records in child abuse cases to protect abusive (racist) teachers in govt schools.

I have been informed that a peadophile ring operating out of my old school is bribing the authorities (including with the prostitution of its child victims.) in order to protect itself.

I have been informed a peadophile ring is operating within, to the extent of running, Essex County Council Social Services, and I got too close to someone.

I have had no help, to the extent that the NSPCC is in fact withholding information from the court and technically committing criminal offences in a child abuse case to cover up false allegations against victims.

There are a lot more cases where people have been keeping secret sets of medical files on children (victims or not) (in this case actually a real doctor now struck off for false allegations in child abuse cases) and the legal, medical and govt authorities are, in my case, criminally conspiring to prevent the widespread use of them being known.

I would appreciate anyone giving a tinkers cuss and actually doing something to get the authorities to do something with the information and documentary proof I have so painfully gathered so that other victims of child abuse such as myself do not have to suffer into their adult life as I have done.

I was advised by one of your editors to use this page, but I have had enough of hiding, and confidentiality has been previously used by those breaking it to deceive me about secret files on me.

I am therefore, yours:

Alisdair Budd
XXXXXXXXXXXXX [address redacted by WL-editor]
United Kingdom.
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