
by Chuck Palahniuk
published 2001 by Jonathan Cape
binding Paperback
isbn 0224061909   (isbn13: 9780224061902)
pages 256
description Imagine watching live images of a runaway stolen bus on TV, and imagine that that same bus comes crashing through your own street, maybe even your own...more
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Read in January, 2008
recommends it for: piss someone off
“Excrement” isn’t the right word, but it’s the first word that comes to mind.
See also: Crap
See also: Absolute penguin shit.
For serious, probably the most pitiful rubbish ever published. Anyone who says ‘for serious’ is a total assclown; it’s that simple. Until having the misfortune of plodding through this drek, I thought I’d read some truly piss-poor $hit; I know better now, so I can at least claim to have learned something from the time I invested reading th...more
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Max Ostrovsky

Read in September, 2007
I'm getting tired of Chuck Palahniuk.
This the fifth book I've read by him and I wasn't the least bit thrilled. I hate it when authors get formulaic. And I hate it even more when it's from an author that I really really like. I can't read Dean Koontz, Michael Crichton, and others because of this. And loved their stories! It's just that I figured them out. I knew what to expect. And what's even worse than that, is that I knew who the characters would be. I knew their mannerisms, their quirk...more
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Read in January, 2003

"Here, I'm supposed to tell her the truth. I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing what will most likely wait for him down the road. He's taken some control over his ultimate fate, and his addiction keeps the cause of his death from being a total surprise.

In a way, being an addict is very proactive.

A good addiction takes the guesswork ou...more
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Jo Ann Jacobsen

Read in January, 2004
By the author of FIGHT CLUB, which I loved. Interesting. Very interesting. It didin't sweep me away, but I somehow appreciated it more months & years later. I like books like that. Sometimes they're not as fun to read at the time but they stay with you-make u think (God forbid!)
VVictor Mancini is a ruthless con artist. Victor Mancini is a med-school dropout who's taken a job playing an Irish indentured servant in a colonial-era theme park in order to help care for his Alzhe...more
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"There is no human soul, and I am absolutely for sure seriously not going to fucking cry."

reading a chuck palahniuk novel is like one of those long booze-soaked all-night discussions with someone you've just met. by the end of it you're convinced that you've solved all the world's problems, and how to proceed seems so clear. once you wake up in the morning you remember how good it was, but details are hazy and the big plans are gone.

his books all share similar ...more
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amanda marie

bookshelves: 50booksin07
Read in August, 2007
When I first started reading Palahniuk a few years ago, this was definitely the one I was most interested in. However, I was never able to find a copy. Victor Mancini is a med-school dropout, which is only because he needed to find a fulltime job immediately to pay for his ailing mother’s care (three grand a month). He’s making six bucks an hour at a colonial theme park, so obviously that monthly $3000 isn’t coming in from that. To bring in enough money he pretends to choke on his dinner a...more
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bookshelves: audiblecom, audiobook
Read in January, 2003
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Narrator: Chuck Palahniuk
Publisher: Random House Audible, 2002
Length: 7 hours and 10 min. (abridged)

Publisher's Summary
Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk's controversial and blazingly original debut novel, introduced a fresh and even renegade talent to American fiction, one who has retooled the classic black humor of Terry Southern and Kurt Vonnegut for the lunacy of the millennial age. In this novel, Choke, he gives listeners a vision of li...more
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Read in February, 2007
This book is subversive and awesome, a real thought-provoker. Just look at these quotes:

"Language was just our way to explain away the wonder and the glory of the world. To deconstruct. To dismiss. People can't deal with how beautiful the world really is. How it can't be explained and understood... We don't live in the real world anymore. We live in a world of symbols."

"People had been working for so many years to make the world a safe, organized plac...more
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Nathan Heller

bookshelves: books-i-hope-die, fiction
Read in May, 2007
recommends it for: Martians who aren't sure whether or not to settle here.
Wow! A book about a suburban white boy with low self-esteem and mommy issues! How novel! I've been told time and again by friends I otherwise respect to read Chuck Palahniuk. Well, I finally did, and it made me realize I've got too many friends. Choke is deeply funny in places, but at times it very much does not feel like it has any kind of natural rhythm, and it often seems contrived purely for the sake of the sick laugh. I haven't lost faith in Palahniuk and will probably read something else b...more
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Read in July, 2007
recommends it for: chestnut junkies
I liked all of chucks books on some level. but only a few of them really grabbed me by the booboo. this was one of them.

Following chucks gross out style and familiar character arcs, we trace the path of yet another outsider with emotional problems. This guys a sex adict. He attends 12 step meetings to pick up on other "sex-aholics". Works as a colonial re-inactor during the day, pretends to choke in restaurants to earn extra money at night. The money goes to help his dying ...more
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bookshelves: modernlit
Read in January, 2002
You know, it's really messed up what a person will do to get some extra bucks.

The protagonist in the story is a man in a miserable life. He works in a colonial recreation town, he attends seminars and support groups for things that don't pertain to him. He has a destructive relationship with a woman as screwed up as he is. But, he has a new angle.

One night, after almost choking to death in a restaurant, he is saved by a helpful patron and saved. A few days later, the man ...more
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Timothy Gager
Read in December, 2004
Chuck Palahniuk is a great writer, but I found Choke to be an "uncomfortable" read from beginning to end. In Choke almost every character is physically or mentally disturbed but described carefully and perfectly. The protagonist is a sex addict, written about in such detail that you many never want to have sex again. Based on his upbringing you understand why he is the way he is. YOu understand too much. His best friend is prob. the most disgusting character ever written about (the pro...more
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Read in June, 2002
recommends it for: Anyone who loved Fight Club
Victor Mancini is a very troubled guy. From his sex addictions to his mother issues to Palahniuk's favorite well to draw from--the disillusioned 30 something who is trying to find his personal Jesus--Choke is BY FAR my favorite of Chuck's books to read.

The last one I read, Haunted, was extremely uninteresting and forced, but I digress.

Choke starts out both shocking and hilarious, and I read the entire book in one happy sitting. His misadventures in the old-timey town, h...more
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Natalie Bates
bookshelves: fiction, humor
Palahniuk's novels are always unsatisfying to me. :(On the upside, he's always funny and bizarre things happen in his stories.

However, I have the same problem with Choke as I do with most of his novels: they tend to meander off into nothing, and then in the last several pages he tries to bring in some philosophical point that really wasn't illustrated by the rest of the story if you give it any thought.

Basically, I wish he wouldn't stretch so much to end on a "deep...more
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bookshelves: fiction, own
Read in January, 2003
recommends it for: people with addictive personalitiies, people who like Palahniuk
The problem I have with this book is the problem that I have with all books about addiction - I don't have an addictive personality, so it's incredibly hard for me to relate to. So many books about addiction focus on that void that it fills, the longing, the contrast about the times when its there and the times when its not, and I find it incredibly difficult to relate to all of that. as a subject, it's just not something that interests me. and while addiction doesn't play a huge part of the boo...more
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Read in January, 2005
tourture is tourture and humiliation is humiliation only when you choose to accept it.
it changed my life. (or atleast the way i look at it)

ok, i wrote that awhile ago. now, (with the movie comming out), i feel the need to elaborate.
with the exception of diary, lullubye, and fight club, i do not like chucks stories. i think that they are meaningless fluff, that most of the time makes no sense, and is just his way of biting his thumb at the sheep of the world. haunted and ...more
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Read in September, 2007
This book was refreshingly different from what I have been reading recently. Palahniuk's writing style was enjoyable although I found it very similar to that of Vonnegut. I have yet to decide whether this is a good thing.

The story was bleakly humorous and interesting, but I thought that the repetition of certain sentences for effect was somewhat irksome, especially when they were being used on every page. Luckily, this began to ebb after the first half of the novel.

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Read in November, 2005
“We spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are. Sane or Insane. Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims. Letting history tell us how good or bad we are. Letting our past decide our future. Or we can decide for ourselves. And maybe its our job to invent something better.”

“Awesome” isn’t the word, but it’s the first word to come to mind. I loved this book. It was my first foray back into the library in years. Well, since I stole EYE SCREAM in ‘99. I have a...more
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Read in January, 2008
I listened to the audiobook read by the author.

Chuck Palahnuik has one of the most annoying, whiny voices ever. It's not as irritating as Fran Drescher's, but it's way worse than Woody Allen at his most wheedling.

That said, he's not a bad vocal performer. It's just that his accent is painful.

The novel itself is pretty good. Parts were fairly predictable, but there were a couple of nice twists at the end.

Misanthropy bores me, so I spent a while...more
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Has a copy to sell/swap — Read in June, 2006
recommends it for: hipsters? people who like fight club?
Generally Chuck Palahniuk and I don't really get along. I always found him to be the kind of guy that would come to a point in his writing and say, "Something POIGNANT needs to happen here. What could be POIGNANT?" and then makes up some kind of metaphor or flashback to fit the moment. I don't even know what I have against it; I guess it seems forced? Eh.

I think my complaint is that all of the things that could be subtle, all of the stuff that usually hides between the line...more
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