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BJB - Mr. Lewis - George Charles Lampitt - confusion of beneficiary

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United States
Bank Julius Baer
Wikileaks release date
Thursday January 17, 2008
Wikileaks has been received legal threats from a lawyer claiming to act for BJB, possibly in relation to this information. See Bank Julius Baer for further details.
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SHA256 e41b7eada762d35555b0493e1fe36235cf3f97d06382479d233140e212f0570c
Description (as provided by the original submitter)

Mr Lewis is alias Mr George Charles Lampitt just to hide Mr Lewis.

This is a striking example how Julius Baer not only advises a client to commit tax fraud but also gives clear instruction how the client should proceed. Details are in the file, however, here two examples:

BJB states: #Jonathan Charle Lamitt, the US beneficiary can inspect and copy the trust's permanent books of account, records, and such other documents that are necessary to establish that the trust should be treated for US tax purposes only as owned by another person#

2nd example: # Mr Lewis was very defensive and said he always paid his taxes so much so that he was not receptive or reponsive when I tried to explain to him that we need tax advise#

The conclusion is that

  • with setting and advising Mr Lewis BJB actively help Lewis to commit tax fraud in the USA
  • BJB actually betrayed the USA and their people in helping someone to adivse and commit tax fraud, a crime
  • BJB should be made responsible for this the the US Authorities should go after BJB in New York

The USA authorities need all to check the Grossmont Bank, Del Mar Office, 2775 Via del la Vall, Del Mar, CA92014 acct nr 1120725106 in the name of Mr Lampit.

The file is important to demonstrate how BJB actively supports tax fraud. The audience is US tax authorities and all the honest people in the USA.

Verification can be done calling BJB, Cayman Islands Mr Charles Farrington.

Journalists should publish the content or show how tax fraud does not pay off. It is a leak to stop tax fraud.

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