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Seven years of failed strength tests from US steel mills

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rejected-steel.zip (click to view full file)
United States
Materials Engineering and Testing
Wikileaks release date
Tuesday March 04, 2008
Primary language
File size in bytes
File type information
Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 2ae2912fb4b2256abdf957b88eae77adddf6e66c4dd855a97c1b17f350f36863
Description (as provided by the original submitter)

1. Released before anywhere else on or off-line?


2. Why is it this information significant?

It proves that bad steel is being used to make 100's of buildings - civilian and military.

3. What is the likely audience?

Anyone who enters a commercial building such as a shopping mall warehouse or stadium.

4. Who should journalists contact for comment and verification?

Patrick Werner, Materials Engineering & Testing
Glenn Myrick, NCI Building Systems

5. Why was it leaked?

Public Safety at risk, No other avenue available

6. Urgency?

Buildings are subject to collapse

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