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[edit] bush-appointed

Not sure why it says the judge was "Bush-appointed." So what? A Clinton-appointed judge would have done the same thing. You lose credibility when you play that little game.

Exactly. I concur completely. It makes the site administrators look like fools.

Also foolish to say this is a first amendment case. Wikileaks lost the case because they did not show up for the trial.

it says that the judge was "bush-appointed" because he was. nothing mysterious, sinister, or even foolish there...and do you really think that a clinton appointee would have done the same thing? i rather suspect that someone a bit more internet savvy might have ordered the removal of the disputed documents, not a shutdown of the entire site (which is apparently pretty difficult to effect.)

It is a fair statement to say that judicial appointees of the Reagan and the two Bush administrations have brought the Federal judiciary distinctly to the Right. It used to be a litigation advantage in tort cases (among others) to bring the case in Federal court. That is no longer true and state courts are now the forum of choice for many or most such litigation.

Another interesting issue is the suggestion that "Conservatives" enter public service out of a notion of duty and mission and so are among the most competent of their breed, whereas "liberals" know they can make more money in the private sector so that many or most of those who accept such appointments do so because they are incompetent and unable to succeed in the private sector; or they are already rich and do so out of vanity; or they are corrupt. I have to say that from my experience with and in Government I see some truth in that.

Say what?? the above makes no sense. Everyone knows that liberals are out for the people and conservatives are out for the corporation.

Do They? You would think on a site like this, everyone would be smart enough not to paint groups of people with the same brush. Bush-Appointed is a pointless description. If he drove a SUV, would he be a SUV-Driving judge?

[edit] fix the typo

in the first sentence. "Wikileaks is developing an uncensorable system for untracable mass document leaking and public analysis. " Do we mean "untraceable?" or "untrackable?"

[edit] corruption in kenya


Kenya is the Wikileaks test" country. One thing that we can say for sure is that the courage of the Kenyan will very soon eclipse the corruption of its politicians.

You are right it is not fair that to focus only on Kenya. If you study the cases on this webpage where Julius Baer is involved respectively the arranger than Baer's conduct is also a kind of corruption. It is about money, about helping clients to avoid taxes and to hide funds form tax authorities. The public suffers, it is the man in the street who needs to pay higher taxes because the ultra rich do not. That has at least a taste of corruption because the Bank receive high fees which are well above market rates for its services. Here a Swiss company assits which you would expect to conduct in such an unethical und unmoral way. This is a shame for Switzerland!

[edit] Iraq robot stats

In the analysis that involved the leaked material and equipment spending for US forces in Iraq it was reported that 400 robots were listed. It was also mentioned that some robots had lethal capabilities. Which of the 400 listed were designed to be lethal? That is not stated nor can I find it in the data set.

Although mostly well intentioned, some of the people posting to this site need to do more research before making claims (several of which are untrue).

How is the information about the US order of battle in Iraq supposed to be helpful to anyone? This is all information available in congressional spending reports, and fails to reveal anything scandalous.

The US military obviously has M33A1 CS dispensers and M254 loading kits in Iraq, but no evidence has been provided whatsoever that any have been illegally used for warfare purposes.

And as for the "portable mobile chemical and biological stations" that the US army has in Iraq - these are not biological weapon laboratories as you would mislead people to believe. They are portable chemical decontamination areas, to be used in the event of a chemical or biological attack. Remember the chlorine bombs that terrorists were using in Iraq? This equipment is to help decontaminate people and items that come into contact with toxic chemicals such as high concentration chlorine.

To answer the question someone asked about which robots have lethal capabilities: some of the talon robots have been fitted with M249 machine guns or grenade launchers.

[edit] Wrong place for this Iraq material?

Mildly interesting (although a lot of this is publicly available), but right on the front page is the wrong place for this; keep the home page small, so it loads quickly (for those in areas with poorer connectivity, who may be using slow modems, etc).

[edit] Exposing illegal actions at US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Thank you for the site. I am interested in this type of reporting documented articles. I have had to go to radio free for nonpropaganda in the United States. I read on the internet and listen to democracynow on the radio. I have heard innacurate statements from the public radio station about President Bush supporting Global Warming issues. The people of the World need to hear truth to make decisions.

[edit] Iraq robot stats

How is the information about the US order of battle in Iraq supposed to be helpful to anyone? This is all information available in congressional spending reports, and fails to reveal anything scandalous. The US military obviously has M33A1 CS dispensers and M254 loading kits in Iraq, but no evidence has been provided whatsoever that any have been illegally used for warfare purposes.

We the people and tax payers need to know information of what is happening. We need to be informed to make logical voting decisions. The people of the United States are being forced to pay for the war. I want to know what my taxes are used for, and if it is against ethics, or the laws of the United Nations.

The US military has M33A1 CS dispensers and M254 loading kits in Iraq for what purpose? Would the US military have the dispensers and loading kits in Iraq except for warfare?

All the dead people and weapons used are devastation for us the people and the Global Earth.

[edit] Why 'Like Wikipedia'

You say you use something similar to wikipedia for displaying information. Why not state that you are using open software by wikipedia? It would be a lot easier would it not?

The obvious answer to this is "because everyone except the detainees in Guantanamo have heard of and seen Wikipedia". The software is MediaWiki, not by Wikipedia, but adopted by the Wikimedia foundation and they've funded quite a bit of the development. You are correct it is open source, but "Like Wikipedia" answers the question quickly and to most people's satisfaction. --Brianmc 13:36, 4 December 2007 (GMT)

Why did this happen:(


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??? I found it in the source of the front-page.

...i can't understand why somebody wants this not to appear. Especially the "powered by"-thing is important imho.

Only triage, the whole footer is meant to be redone, but was put on the back burner. 05:34, 29 January 2008 (GMT)

[edit] Wikinews says thanks


I really appreciate you passing the embargoed details onto Wikinews and letting us get a story up quickly. If you scroll down on the English language version you've posted a link to you'll find links to versions in another four languages in the right sidebar. More should follow as the day goes on - including hopefully an Arabic version.

The Polish version is particularly worth a look, even if you don't know Polish. They've expanded considerably, added additional pictures, and goodness knows what else. They also have good media contacts and I've encouraged them to send links on to Polish papers. So, fingers crossed, their translation of the rules will be in tomorrow's Polish papers.

We're hoping to get enough feedback from various folk to do a followup piece and pick up some of the bits we missed in the current article (such as use of dogs). I would love to have been a fly on the wall when the PR guy at Camp Delta got my last email. My non-specific query had been forwarded to him and he wrote a polite and friendly email saying, sure we'll answer questions. Send them on along with a copy of the document (He didn't know what document at this point). I sent him the PDF along with my questions (without revealing source), and obviously did so before the Wash. Post contacted him.

As the comparison document has been up for a while I think the intelligence machine is failing if they weren't aware what might have been leaked. --Brianmc 13:33, 4 December 2007 (GMT)

[edit] 2004 SOP confirmed genuine by Camp Delta PR Commander

I have email from Camp Delta, they confirm the authenticity of the document.

Not much more to it than that - standard line stuff. --Brianmc 16:17, 4 December 2007 (GMT)

[edit] Chinese Dissidents involved in wikileaks?

In the introductory material it mentions several Chinese dissidents involved in the creation of wikileaks. I noticed that while there are many leaks from the USA and Kenya and a few other places, almost all the leaks from China discussed in English on this board were already leaked prior to wikileaks, which merely links to reports elsewhere. I do see a few items untranslated from Chinese, and I do realize leaking in China can be very dangerous, but given that Chinese dissidents are among the small group of founders, I'm surprised we don't see more from there. What do you expect in the future?


[edit] about leak in paradise Bank Julius Baer and Caymans, Rudolf Elmer

I read the articles. I admire Wikileaks. However the crux of the case is Mr. Elmer. I can not understand that if a man got into banking and went to the Caymans,would he not know in advance that some type of questionable activity might occur? would he be that naive in going there to begin with? is his activity more to save his own hide? was he not fully involved to begin with,then something happened so that he wants to save himself? he is worse than a "snitch"

When reading the transcript I got the impression that Mr Elmer appeared to be quite aware of this, and he clearly felt very bad about it. Did he not also mention not being happy with being overloaded with work, not being able to keep up with all his responsibilities? At least to my end he appears quite a responsibility aware person, and I think the step to having the courage to spread the word is a tough but not far-away one for an upright person. He also seems to have been an accountant in Switzerland before, maybe he was not entirely knowing what this would become. In any way its a courageous step, thanks for all this interesting read!

Time may tell what Elmer's motivation was: greed, spite, etc. There's a similar case going on in Eujrope now, involving a Liechtenstein bank and a bunch of German industrialist tax evaders: "Germany's attempts to track down an estimated 1,000 "prominent" suspects behind the country's biggest tax evasion scandal on record has sparked a furious row between the Chancellor Angela Merkel's government and the Alpine financial haven Liechtenstein." (The Independent, Feb. 20, 2008) A Google search will tell you all you need to know; suffice to say that the German Government apparently paid the snitch a EUR 4mn reward for the information.

[edit] What's the story?

It looks as if Mr. Elmer was the subject of the bank's enquiries, and the enquiries were excessive, to the point that Mr. Elmer felt threatened enough to write a letter to the bank. The letter may appear to some to be an extortion letter, but there's no money being requested, with the exception of perhaps, some medical bills.

It is really a warning to the bank. ie., if you continue to harass me and my family, I will fuck you, and I will fuck you good. And it appears to be working too. We'll just have to wait and see how it all ends.

Nick: Elmer's motives are irrelevant. If he has identified tax evasion then good on him! If rich people are illegally avoiding taxes, fuck them. It's nice to see greed and corruption punished - the Germany/Liechtenstein case is a perfect example.

[edit] mill polution linked to early death of population

Terris Bay Pulp & Paper mill in Terris Bay Ontario, Northwestern Ontario Canada. The Mill has not been regulated by Canada in over 10yrs. It polutes increadable amounts of toxic and high levels of dioxin, black liquior into the Lake Superior. Chemicals that stoped usage in 1980s are still being used today. Old practices due to poor management, and undereducated persons in charge of departements inwhich they are not qualified to operated by canadian standards. Damaging the environment in outragous and un needed proportions. Purposely poluting with no laws to govern them to stop The facts: it is cheaper to dump the waste pool into lake superior. All mills in canada are under strict guidlines for polution, this mill is not. It has slipped through the governments fingers, the only person who know are management. This mill which employees 300 persons polutes cancerous material into the lake superior and the air. The death rate caused by cancer, and unidentified illnesses in Terris bay is unbelievable comparied to its neighbor Thunder Bay Ontario. Most of the population lives near the mill suffers from many unreconizable sicknesses, and cancers. Most person's who work in the mill complain of feeling sick all the time, most who have worked in this mill for several yrs soon die after retirement or are forced into retirement from illness.

My wish, someone takes an indepth look at this mills operations, or puts and undercover persons into play at this location, I believe that this mill and its miss operations will soon be front page news. People are dying, someone needs to stop this, this has gone on for far too long please help.

[comment - feb. 29, 2008] - You mean Terrace Bay. Why not report these violations to an environmental ministry or to the Chronicle Journal newspaper in Thunder Bay?

[edit] Time Magazine quote unreadable

Using IE 6.0, the quote is not readable. pls fix it. Thanks.

Can someone please help us fix this? Wikileaks 00:36, 21 February 2008 (GMT)

[edit] Google News link broken.

The google news search is missing a "q=".

[edit] Yes We Can!



[edit] Not an open wiki

This site doesn't allow anyone to post or upload their own links, instead encouraging potential contributors to "submit documents". This intrinsically means that some information is going to be lost.

Open up new pages for editing if you want to make Wikileaks have more content and get read by more people.

There's a quality / quantity issue that's very difficult and we're not sure how to address. The world does not need more 'opinion' -- it needs more evidence and more analysis. We had page creation open to all previously, but with few exceptions only people wanting to push a barrow greated content. Wikileaks

[edit] Stumble

Stumble upon wont let me recommend the ip address main page ...

Just use one of many still-functioning DNS names, such as or

[edit] NIST NBS-1 Neutron Standard is in Error to Cause Binding Energy Itself

I do not have any classified documents as they are death penalty to post. I just used to work there, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST the former National Bureau of Standards, NBS. It is a palatial campus where nothing is hardly classified, and they keep the NBS-1 National neutron standard. In fact I stored the standard in my personal storage locker for Dr. David Gilliam the head of the neutron group.

The transfer was conducted in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Transferred from the US Department of Energy.

In the dawn a security system was begun, nuclear physics security. A source was generated to allow the classified world. And all quantum theory was derived from the original sources. A calibrated binding was the caused security system. All nuclear measure was diverted from true neutron fluence measure in the 1920’s. A class of theory called liquid drop theory was forbidden then because of the false nuclear forces derived from all neutron measurements.

I had no security clearance but learned the measures incorrectness while working at the NIST. Dr. Gilliam has a death penalty clearance where his existence was a security matter.

After many decades the NIST is planning the formal recalibration of this international standard. And the method is to be a shameful relative calibration. A re-enactment of the original source to cause binding energy is planned for 2010.

There is little to say to nuclear physicists because knowledge determine outcome. A class of theory is allowed.

Furthermore investigators found the exact number of neutrons emitted from the fission event and NOT the statistical measure often used.

When I get paperwork what would happen?

So I am forced to use word of mouth. -- 05:16, 24 February 2008 (GMT)

[edit] RSS feed for new leaks

Any chance of a RSS/Atom feed for new leaks? This would be very interesting to me and probably others

[edit] (brain) dead link on front page

the "unconstitutionally censored" link in the yellow blurp takes me to a nice NYT login required page. Is this really what you intended? Maybe wikileaks is a NYT ad campaign.

[edit] back up is back up! Superm401 02:47, 1 March 2008 (GMT)

[edit] Wikinews says thanks (again)


I would like to thank all of you for your cooperation in proving information for my Wikileaks article. When I emailed Wikileaks Press I got got the quickest response I have ever got from contacting a organizations press department (and it provided all the information I needed). When I asked Wikileaks users for more information about the 'censorship' of Wikileaks they were more than happy to provide my with information. I can honestly say this is the best experience I have ever experienced when trying to contact anyone for news articles.

Thanks again!



I have a grave concern that Wikileaks may not be what it represents itself to be. I can understand some need for privacy but anything in this world that is "ssecret" is very suspect and usually up to no good at all. I urge all Americans to use this site with the greatest skepticism. We, in the United States and some other countries, live in a relatively free environment and we must be ever vigilant in protecting our freedoms. I do not believe that the revelation of U.S. military secrets, for example, is in our interest but it certainly would be of great interest to countries like North Korea and China; even Russia (the bear to not be trusted).

[edit] Julius Bär,

who is really interested in this??? I am not, there are much more important problems in the world, as to know how money will be "invested". This is also not new, since mankind exist. So let move to real important matters.

[edit] US DOJ engages in criminal Cover Up of $300 million in fraud connected to US Attorney about to be a Judge

The public company of eToys was worth $8 billion initially in 1999. Then in 2001 it not only was losing money, inexplicably the Executives threw away money everywhere and then filed for Bankruptcy March 7, 2001. (Delaware US Bankruptcy Court #01-706) . The Law firm of Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnel (MNAT) was court approved as the counsel for the Debtor, eToys. The Law firm of Traub Bonacquist & Fox (TBF) was the court approved attorney for the Creditors and Collateral Logistics Inc (CLI) was the Court approved liquidation consultant for the bankrupt estate. eToys was going to sell everything they owned for only $5 million, the owner of CLI, Laser S Haas (HAAS) helped get back over $45 million in cash into the eToys accounts. . HAAS found hidden assets all over the place, including $2 million in cash deposits that was not disclosed to the Delaware Courts. David Hadden from the US and Mr Campbell from London made a mistake, allowing HAAS to find the memo that was for David Haddad's eyes only as Haddad was trying to get everyone's approval to run eToys Europe wind down items. . That discovery led HAAS to many other items of non disclosure and conflicts of interest. The US Bankruptcy laws state the mere failure to list an assets is criminal violation, no further intent need be provided. . EToys sold most of its assets to Bain/KB Toys. Bain was supposed to pay $10 million for the name, but MNAT and TBF along with the new CEO of eToys, Barry Gold, negotiated the sale down to only $3 million. . When HAAS discovered that Barry Gold might be connected to TBF he was offered a gratuity to look the other way. HAAS told them where to stick their offer. Basically turning down a bribe and woke up in hell. . The NY Supreme Court case of ebc 1 (eToys) v Goldman Sachs has been approved to go forward. It is a $300 million or more issue. (NY Supreme Ct case 301805/2002). . It turns out that Barry Gold was a paid associate of TBF and that MNAT, TBF and others devised a scheme to plant Barry Gold in eToys even after the US Trustee warned them not to. . After HAAS and an eToys shareholder Robert Alber, went to the Court to address the fact of perjury and fraud. The Court's and the Dept of Justice gave implied, blanket, immunity to the felony violations. . It is now discovered that the US Attorney in Delaware was a partner at the MNAT law firm in 2001. When the fraud and perjury began. For all anyone knows he may have worked on the case. The case is a major problem because it is also discovered that TBF, Barry Gold and MNAT all have undisclosed connections to Bain. Where they basically worked for eToys and sold the assets of eToys to their other, regular client, Bain for discounts in the tens of millions while also preventing HAAS from seeking and speaking to persons who wanted to buy the public company of eToys. . You can see the proof and online affidavits of all this at or at as well as and . . There is also a Wall Street Journal article on the immunity item you can see at . More than 18 resignations have occurred connected to the eToys case. Including the Director of the US Trustees in Washington DC - Lawrence Friedman as well as the Asst US Trustee, Frank Perch, who tried to disgorge TBF $1.6 million and The Director of Pres Bush Corp Fraud Task Force that was set up after similar cases such as Enron and Worldcom. . Bain paid itself $100 million in additional fraud and then KB Toys filed bankruptcy and sold eToys again to D E Shaw. Now eToys is public again on NASDQ at stock symbol KIDS without the original stockholders. . While all the parties seek to pretend this is a 3 level transaction. The fact is the US Bankruptcy law states that a sale is not a "bona fide" sale if done under fraud. Also the major eToys creditor and Bondholder Fir Tree Value Fund stated, by its manager, Scott Henkin, that there was an "off the record" permission for TBF and Barry Gold to do their thing. . Scott Henkin is now a Senior Exec at D E Shaw

[edit] Why censor the story guys

What gives, Government Corruption, DOJ cover up and you guys censor the story, Geez,,, .

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