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Douglas County police report on Masha Allen vs. Faith Allen

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douglas-county-sheriffs-report-on-masha-allen.pdf (click to view full file)
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United States
Government (bureaucracy)
Douglas County Sheriff
Wikileaks release date
Monday March 24, 2008
Primary language
This would not normally be Wikileaks fare, however it serves to provide some background to other materials on the Masha Allen case.
File size in bytes
File type information
PDF document, version 1.6
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 5623dfaac173c1fe15ec688ac3a98231c63792fbb85ceda88c20201ab69a7cd2
Description (as provided by the original submitter)
This report is a public document but it has not been released anywhere to my knowledge. It details an incident involving Masha Allen who is on this website. The audience is anyone. There are telephone numbers on the document and lots of sources on the internet for people to google if they want more information. It is useful in understanding the other documents up here about Ms. Allen and her strange past, present and future life.

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