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Kenyan ODM and Raila Odinga 2007 election strategy

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odm-political-strategy.pdf (click to view full file)
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Purported 8 Sep 2007 Kenyan Orange Democratic Movement political strategy for Raila Odinga's presidential election. The document is very likely a full or partial fabrication. However it is increasingly politically influential due to an uncanny prescience over the January 2008 Kenyan ethnic tensions and vote rigging. While the language employed in those sections is the least credible given the authors and the nature of the document, whoever wrote them had a keen understanding of the likely movements in the Kenyan election. If those sections were fabricated, as is most likely, by PNU (Kibaki / government) loyalists then this provides a very interesting perspective into their thinking and strategy.

The document definitely predates the Dec 28 2007 election and has been flowing around Kenya as email forwards since mid December 2007. Public proof of its pre-election creation can be seen at ( ) where an identical version was uploaded on the 19th of December 2007.

The document, or at least a very similar version of it is also named as the source of an Abunu Wasi story on Dec 17, 2007 ( ). Abunu Wasi did not reveal the document, citing "fairness" to the Orange Democratic Movement.

Other influential fully or partially fabricated documents against the Orange Democratic Movement and Odinga have been a feature of the Kenyan election (see MOU between Raila Odinga and Muslims). The New York Sun scandalously used the later document as the basis for its Jan 10, 2007 editorial ( ), despite Wikileaks warning.
Political group (ruling)
Orange Democratic Movement
Wikileaks release date
Thursday January 17, 2008
File size in bytes
File type information
PDF document, version 1.4
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 41b27208222bef86bdfed8a1d90c3fa718eeb622d76bb811349d2e395c3e8284

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