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SPAWARS High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Vault

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hemp.pdf (click to view full file)
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United States
ATT Federal Systems
Wikileaks release date
Saturday March 29, 2008
Primary language
The incorrect date on this document is almost certainly due to a word document macro inserting the current date on printing to PDF.
File size in bytes
File type information
PDF document, version 1.3
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 f59fcff7018092c3fe6cec36928d9b5d50c314ee3577490d0adbfafe76ee3c4b
Description (as provided by the original submitter)

High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Vault Interface Control Document

Data Item Number A04T

Prepared for: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, DC 20363-5100

Prepared by: AT&T Federal Systems R&D Division

1. First Time Online

2. Shows US Government Air/Space abilities in the late 80's. NOTE: The date on the document is incorrect, this project occured during the mid to late 80's.

3. Technical Minded people who wonder where their tax dollers go.

4. Verify with freedom of infromation act, Im sure they could give you something on the matter

5. Leaked to show what our government can do.

Know something about this material? Tell the world.
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