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California Bar complaint against former federal prosecutor Miles Ehrlich

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california-bar-complaint.pdf (click to view full file)
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United States
Wikileaks release date
Monday March 31, 2008
Primary language
File size in bytes
File type information
PDF document, version 1.4
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 fa509dcbf8fd89a21fc05e7da0bbc6db4ac95b943d2fb5a185e1c56847640e1a
Description (as provided by the original submitter)
The attached complaint has not been released anywhere to my knowledge. The complaint details the furtive representation of criminal suspects by former federal prosecutor Miles Ehrlich who was informed of the suspects criminal activities, by a victim, prior to his leaving the US Attorney's Office. The likely audience are legal reporters. I believe my superior is being influenced to delay opening an investigation into the matters referenced in the complaint. I'm not aware of any event requiring the document to be published urgently.

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