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New Home for Starin' at the Wall
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 8/23/2007 4:18 AM
I've been pretty frustrated with the blogging engine here, so I took some initiative and moved my blog to jdconley.com.

A question in search of a volatile answer.
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 7/7/2007
Some sample code that shows that caching really does sometimes require volatile variables or locks. This example works in debug mode, and release mode under a debugger, but fails when run outside a debugger in release mode.

XMPP Training Course
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 6/26/2007
I recently gave a 3 day XMPP training course to an audience full of US Military and related personal.

[Updated] Presentation - Performance Profiling and Tuning for .Net Application
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 6/20/2007
I'll be presenting to the Bay.Net group on July 18 at the Microsoft Office in San Francisco. I'll be focusing on application tuning - both Memory Tuning and Performance Tuning.

Friend Photosaver for Facebook
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 6/20/2007 5:26 PM
I had a bit of a realization yesterday. I hadn't written code for the sheer fun of it in a really long time. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff I do (almost) every day. We're coding cutting edge stuff here and it's a blast. But, I wanted to do something for me! So I wrote a screensaver.

The Soapbox Communicator for Facebook is now live
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 6/19/2007
Our first pass at an integration of SoapBox with Facebook is alive and well. Facebook approved it as an application late last night, and we're now available for adding to your Facebook profile.

Simpler isn't always better - AsyncOperationsManager
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 6/8/2007 11:51 PM
We have a new invitation system coming out soon for SoapBox Communicator and I was doing a little premature optimization, err, I mean, capacity planning. :) I set about to perform the simple task (or so I thought) of sending all of our email based invitations asynchronously.

(Updated) Presentation - Concurrent and Multi-Threaded Development with .Net
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 6/3/2007
I'm going to be presenting on Concurrency and Multi-Threaded development at the Bay.Net User Group on June 14.

Concurrency Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Enumeration
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 5/19/2007
Allowing Collection Iteration in a Framework in such a way as to be concurrency friendly is tough. I've done it several wrong ways, and now, I think, I've stumbled onto the right way.

XMPP Presence Priority
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 5/8/2007 7:02 PM
In XMPP (the messaging and presence protocol SoapBox uses) you can log in simultaneouslyon multiple systems. How your contat list is displayed and how messages are routed are based on hints the client software provides to the server. These are my thoughts on how to improve XMPP user experience with regards to presence priority.

SoapBox Communicator 2007 Beta 2 (Build / Auto Update Oopsie
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 5/7/2007 10:48 AM
About an hour ago we posted build 76 as a beta release. This is an exciting release for us as it includes many man-months of development with useability being our primary focus. Of course, we couldn't resist throwing in a few great features along the way. I'd like to say thanks to all those on the "Bleeding Edge" (aka daily) build reporting bugs. As is to be expected, during our testing we encountered a couple major outstanding issues. I'll address those first.

Building Reactive User Interfaces in .NET: ISynchronizeInvoke on Idle Time
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 4/10/2007 8:55 PM
How to get things done on a .NET message pump thread (aka GUI thread) with minimal impact on the user experience.

Object Pools
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 4/7/2007
Object Pools are critical for managing expensive resources, and for memory management in a server application.

YouTube Getter
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 4/5/2007 6:13 PM
Every once and a while you just gotta have a little fun! Here's some C# code to get the Flash Video URI from a YouTube watch link.

The Not-So-ReadOnlyCollection
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 3/17/2007
The ReadOnlyCollection class is in no way makes the guarantee that your collection is Read Only. Don't make the assumption that you can treat it as Read Only.

Validating JabberID Nodes (XMPP/SoapBox User Names)
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 3/13/2007 10:48 AM
How to provide validation of JabberID Nodes in an intuitive, user friendly, and bulletproof way.

The Hotdog Salesman in the IPv6 Corner By digitaldivide on 3/9/2007 6:41 PM
Do you know what DMT is?
Comments (1) More...

SoapBox Communicator 2007 Beta 1 (Build
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 3/5/2007 3:03 PM
This weekend we released the first beta of the next version of SoapBox Communicator. This product has been my focus area for a while now and I'm really happy to finally see it out to the public.

A .Net Unicode Puzzle (Revised)
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 2/24/2007
Using Unicode & .Net to solve a Programming Perl of a problem

Installing Coversant Products On Vista
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 12/14/2006 6:32 PM
Due to the enhanced security in Windows Vista, not all Coversant products are able to be installed out of the box. Luckily, this is really easy to work around and, rest assured, future version of our installation packages will not suffer from these issues.

Creating DNS A and SRV Records with C# on Active Directory and Microsoft DNS
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 11/29/2006
A mechanism for manipulating DNS via code is needed. WMI never quite seemed to work, and no other mechanism exists. This blog entry explores using DNSCMD.EXE to manipulate your Microsoft DNS SErver

Production Debugging with WinDbg, Son Of Strike, and ADPlus
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 11/26/2006
A Step By Step guide through tracking down a real, customer affecting, production bug.

XSLT For MSDN Product Keys
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 11/21/2006 3:00 PM
Here at Coversant we're Microsoft partners. We have MSDN subscriptions for all our developers/testers, and we share the same set of license keys. Rather than give everyone willy-nilly access to the MSDN download web site (ick, lots of bandwidth suck) we setup an internal file share for MSDN installation files, CD images, etc. We used to have all the product keys in there just saved as html from Microsoft's web site. However, that's no fun!

Compact Framework WaitHandle.WaitOne Gotcha
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 11/8/2006 2:32 PM

I ran into a behavior in the 2.0 Compact Framework today that was most vexing. It wasn't hard to find like a subtle race condition. It wasn't an issue that only duplicated with a certain system configuration, under a full moon, on Wednesday. No, it duplicated every single time the code was ran. But, it wasn't documented anywhere I could find.

One of my favorite new features in the Compact Framework is the availability of the WaitHandle.WaitOne(int, bool) overload. That's something we use quite a bit in our test code and here and there in the actual SoapBox Framework. We used to have our own ManualResetEvent implementation for the Compact Framework that P/Invoked out to Windows CE. But Micrsoft was nice enough to add this into the 2.0 ...


The Case of the Interned String
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 11/2/2006
String Interning can offer a significant memory win under the right circumstances. Finding and using these circumstances, and later testing them, isn't always that easy.

ESRI ArcGIS Magic with Coversant's SoapBox Platform (tm)
Jason's Blog By Jason Frankel on 11/2/2006 6:10 PM
ESRI created a great application on top of Coversant's SoapBox Platform.

To learn more about what they've done click here.

Activating Office 2007 on x64
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 10/30/2006
Office 2007 has been having Activation Issues, and it took a while, but I found a work-around. It even works on my Windows XP x64 desktop.

Creating a Self-Signed X509Certificate2 in C#
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 10/16/2006
The mechanism for creating a new Self-Signed X509 Certificate from .Net is a bit strange. Here's the easiest way I've found so far.

The Catch with GoDaddy Dedicated Hosting
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 9/29/2006 11:40 AM
Frustrating experience with our hosting provider.

Gentoo Linux MAC Based Host Name
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 9/25/2006 6:22 PM
Create a dynamic host name in Gentoo Linux based on the MAC address of an ethernet card.

The Hybrid Windows Service
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 9/21/2006
Merge a Console Apps or a Forms App with your Windows Services for easier debugging experience.

SoapBox Platform Possibilities
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 9/16/2006 9:38 AM
We have many ISV's, students, VAR's, and other customers using our platform for much more than just instant messaging. I'm going to share some of those applications as they're very exciting to me! It's nice to see people harnessing the power of XMPP and the SoapBox platform.

Cross Platform Deployment Project Bootstrapper
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 9/1/2006 10:13 AM
The art of the bootstrapper in the cross platform world.

Writing Shrinkwrap Software
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 8/22/2006
Presentation for the Sacramento .Net User Group on Writing Shrinkwrap Software

Wish List: Static Interfaces and Abstract Static Methods for C#
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 8/20/2006
This is a language feature I've been wanting for quite some time. I had a few minutes, so I thought I woudl try to quantify what exactly it is I'm looking For.

Using the MySql Command Line from C#/.NET
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 8/1/2006 5:24 PM
We have added two new data access providers to the upcoming SoapBox Server 2007 release. We now support PostgreSql and MySql as well as Microsoft SQL and Oracle. The code for these databases have been in our server and test libraries for a couple of months and this last week it was time to add them into our post installation configuration wizard. We strive to make our setup process as simple as possible. You'll notice many improvements over the 2005 wizard. We have better auto-configuration and fewer wizard screens. . .

More on Interop
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 7/26/2006 9:00 PM
I'm sitting on a plane on my way back to Sacramento (a whopping 1 hour flight) and I thought I'd try to give a little more information about the interop event. After two days of testing it appears as though, without any previous official testing, we're actually very close to having quite a few fully interoperable XMPP implementations.

Interoperability - Yup, we got it covered
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 7/24/2006 11:54 PM
Today was the first day of the first ever official XMPP Interop Event. In fact, it was probably the first day of any open instant messaging and presence interop event, ever.

Windows Sockets and Threading: How well does it scale?
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 7/9/2006
What is the best architecture for building a scalable sockets application in .Net? This post explores the pros and cons of the different architectures and the real world results we found with each.

How to Build Scalable .NET Server Applications: Memory Management
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 6/26/2006 9:24 PM
Yes, you do have to think about memory management in .NET, at least if you want to build a scalable application based on Sockets.

System.ThreadPool and when not to use it (Updated)
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 6/25/2006
Server applications cannot depend on the system threadpool. Doing so... won't work. At least not for long.

Fun Installing Vista Beta 2 on AMD x64
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 6/2/2006 12:50 PM
As a self proclaimed geek and MSDN subscriber I feel as though it's my duty to explore all the new software that Microsoft comes out with. This last week I have been embarking on one such journey. Working with beta software is always a bit trying, but tack on a beta driver model and a "new" hardware platform (x64) and things get really interesting.

.net 2.0 web service hair puller
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 5/12/2006 3:02 PM

Every couple of weeks I spend four hours doing something that should take five minutes. It just happened, and now I feel compelled to take another few minutes and explain so it doesn't happen to you. Not only did I waste my time, but the time of another one of our developers. What might waste four hours, you say?

We recently migrated our entire web site to .NET 2.0 and a new portal. Since we were building a new web site anyway we thought, "What the heck, let's re-factor the licensing subsystem. The database was hacked together over three years and we don't want no stinkin' .NET 1.1 code running on our shiny new site!" Well, this didn't turn out exactly as planned.

The SoapBox licensing web service is quite simple. There's a single method called "Activate" that takes in a unique hash of some information on the user's computer (so we can track duplicate usages) and the serial number. It returns an XML document containing all the license inf ...


from the trenches of my first software startup
Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 5/9/2006 2:53 PM
I was born and raised an entrepreneur (I'm pretty sure that's how you speel that). During my lifetime my dad never had a single "real job". He has always been a small business owner. From a carpet cleaning business, to a trucking company, to a coffee shop, he was always working on something he could call his own. Every time we get together we end up talking about businesses we'd like to start. If only I had the time. . . Somehow, after seeing him (and my mom) constantly working at least 80 hour weeks, stressed out, and exhausted, I still decided I wanted to start a company.

Starin' at the Wall By JD Conley on 5/8/2006 3:28 PM

There comes a time in every project where the developers realize we are building software for the users, rather than for ourselves. A user's perception can be the difference between a good and a bad reference, and we all know how detrimental bad word of mouth can be. This unfortunate reality hit me square in the face recently when I was told by a customer that "your application is bloatware".

Any desktop application with a user interface, written in .NET, that does anything interesting, can easily be mistaken for bloatware. It's quite easy to create a super elegant application with no memory leaks that appears to use 50MB or more of memory. I say appears, because the figure everyone sees in Task Manager is the "Working Set" size. Users (myself included, up until recently) see large working set sizes as a sign of bloatware and poor programming.

This is simply not the case. The working set is more along the lines of the amount of physical memo ...


Why is nothing ever easy? [.NET 2.0 Minidumps]
Mullin' with Mullins By Chris Mullins on 5/6/2006
MiniDumps in .NET 2.0

Blogging... Who's got the time?
Jason's Blog By Jason Frankel on 5/6/2006 12:40 PM

Well here we go... I'm going to take the plung and try to do a blog. I've never understood where people find the time to spend so much time writing in their blogs...

I guess now I'll see :-)

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