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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 

$59.99 Add to Wish List
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Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment Company
Developer: LucasArts Entertainment Company
Platform: PS3
Category: Action, Adventure
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Official release date has not been announced by the publisher. The release date listed is only an estimate and subject to change.
The Star Wars saga continues in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. You are Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice! The Dark Lord of the Sith himself has trained you to use a lightsaber and unleash the power of the Force, but now your destiny is your own. Will you join Vader as the next great Sith, or will you choose to defend peace and justice as a noble Jedi Knight? The expansive story, created under direction from George Lucas, is set during the largely unexplored era between Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

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As its name implies, The Force Unleashed completely re-imagines the scope and scale of the Force by taking full advantage of newly developed technologies that will be seen and experienced for the first time: Digital Molecular Matter (DMM), by Pixelux Entertainment, and euphoria by NaturalMotion Ltd. Paired with the powerful Havok Physics™ system, these new technologies create gameplay only possible on the new generation of consoles. DMM incorporates the physical properties of anything in the environment so that everything reacts exactly like it should - wood breaks like wood, glass shatters like glass, plants on the planet Felucia bend like plants on the planet Felucia would, and more. Meanwhile, as a revolutionary behavioral-simulation engine, euphoria enables interactive characters to move, act and even think like actual human beings, adapting their behavior on the fly and resulting in a different payoff every single time.
  • During the period between Episodes III and IV, players hunt Jedi in the role of Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice.
  • Unleash and upgrade the Secret Apprentice's four core Force powers - Force push, grip, repulse and lightning - throughout the course of the game, and combine them for ultra-destructive, never-before-seen combos.
  • Examples of unleashing the Force in ways never thought possible:
    - The Secret Apprentice won't just Force push enemies into walls - he'll Force push enemies through walls.
    - The Secret Apprentice won't just Force grip foes to throw them aside - he'll Force grip them in midair, zap them with lightning, then drop them to the ground to explode like a bomb.
  • In addition to new adversaries created just for the game, such as fugitive Jedi and Force-sensitive Felucians, players will also confront and associate with familiar faces from the Star Wars films, including Darth Vader.
  • Visit locations such as Episode III's Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk and the floral Felucia, the junk planet Raxus Prime, plus an Imperial TIE fighter construction facility.
  • Decisions made by players throughout the game will determine the path of the story, including multiple endings that will rock Star Wars continuity as they know it.
  • The Force Unleashed is LucasArts' first internally developed title for next-generation consoles, and it represents the first in-game collaboration of talents and technology between LucasArts and Industrial Light & Magic, two companies now finally under one roof at the new Letterman Digital Arts Center in San Francisco's Presidio district.
  • The Force Unleashed debuts Digital Molecular Matter from Pixelux and euphoria behavioral simulation from NaturalMotion Ltd.
  • LucasArts is preparing an unprecedented promotional effort around the launch of The Force Unleashed, encompassing a full line of toys and game-based action figures from Hasbro, as well as a full publishing program from Dark Horse, Del Rey and Palace Press.

Number of Previews:   56

looks sick
By: sum guy    Date: Friday, Mar 28, 2008
this game looks sick especially if ur a star wars fan like me and i recommend if u have the wii definitely buy this for it because the wii remote will be used as a lightsaber which makes it sick and ps3 which has sixaxis

amazing game
By: jeff    Date: Monday, Mar 24, 2008
The is game is going to be amazing. I hope that they don' t push the game back anymore. In the game they should have some type of multiplier. I' ve been looking at this game for a long time. I'm gonna get this game the first day it comes out ! It' s great

Bantha Fodder
By: Madgame    Date: Saturday, Mar 22, 2008
Can't they release a demo for us in the meantime??? I don't care if it's barely functional in half of a level....I would even take the ability to throw little R2D2s at a piece of wood like in the DMM demo. Seriously though I hope it has good multiplayer like saber duels and capture the flag like the jedi knight series.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Updated Impressions - Gameplay, Graphics, Story
LucasArts shows off its impressive Star Wars action game, offering a glimpse at the intense combat and sharp visuals.

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