Hundred Days War

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The Hundred Days War was a war fought between the Unified Lebanese Forces, under the command of the Kataeb Military Council's President Bashir Gemayel, and Syria in 1978.

  • Lebanese civil war 1977 Full of Pictures and Information In 1978 was marked by a series of bloody incidents between the Syrians and the Lebanese Forces and at one point Bashir Gemayel was arrested at a Syrian Army check point in Ashrafieh. February 7, 1978 saw a clash take place between the Lebanese Army and the Syrian Army in Fayadieh. The Syrians then surrounded the Fayadieh and heavily bombarded the barracks, fighting spread to nearby districts and the Ahrar Tigers where drawn into the action against the Syrians, that afternoon Syrian shelled Ashrafieh and attack the Ahrar HQ. The fight spread to all east of Beirut and mount Lebanon. Syrians took high buildings like Burj Rizk Ashrafieh and Burj El Murr using snipers and heavy weapons at civilians the fight stayed for 90 days.

The Kataeb Military Council received military supplies from Israel.

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