Economy of Sweden

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Economy of Sweden
Currency Swedish krona (SEK, kr)
Fiscal year calendar year
Trade organisations EU, OSCE, WTO, OECD and others
GDP (PPP) $285.1 billion (2006 est.) (36)
GDP growth 4.2% (2006 est.)
GDP per capita $31,600 (2006 est.)
GDP by sector agriculture: 1.1%, industry: 28.1%, services: 70.9% (2006 est.)
Inflation (CPI) 1.4% (2006 est.)
below poverty line
Labour force 4.59 million (2006 est.)
Labour force
by occupation
agriculture: 2%,industry: 24%, services: 74% (2006 est.)
Unemployment 8,4% (2006 est.) [1]
Main industries telecommunications equipment, wood pulp and paper products, motor vehicles, pharmaceutical products, iron and steel
Exports $173.9 billion (2006 est.)
Export goods machinery, motor vehicles, paper products, pulp and wood, iron and steel products, chemicals
Main export partners United States 10.6%, Germany 10.2%, Norway 8.7%, United Kingdom 7.3%, Denmark 6.4%, Finland 5.7%, France 4.9%, Netherlands 4.5%, Belgium 4.3% (2005)
Imports $151.8 billion (2006 est.)
Import goods machinery, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, motor vehicles, iron and steel; foodstuffs, clothing
Main import partners Germany 17.5%, Denmark 8.9%, Norway 7.8%, UK 6.6%, Netherlands 6.1%, Finland 5.8%, France 5% (2005)
Gross External Debt {{{gross external debt}}}
Public finances
Public debt 46.4% of GDP (2006 est.)
Revenues $222 billion (2006 est.)
Expenses $205.9 billion (2006 est.)
Economic aid donor: ODA, $3.8 billion (April. 2007)
Main data source: CIA World Factbook
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars

The Economy of Sweden is modern and highly industrialised. It has a modern distribution system, excellent internal and external communications, and a skilled labor force. Timber, hydropower, and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade. Main industries include motor vehicles, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and forestry.

Aided by peace and neutrality for the whole of the 20th century, Sweden has achieved an excellent standard of living under a mixed system of high-tech capitalism and extensive welfare benefits. The country is known for its high taxes and large public sector. Sweden has the second highest total tax revenue behind Denmark, as a share of the country's income. As of 2007, total tax revenue was 47.8% of GDP, down from 49.1% 2006.[1]


[edit] History

In the 19th century Sweden evolved from a largely agricultural economy into the beginnings of an industrialised, urbanised country. Poverty was still widespread in large sections of the population. However, incomes were sufficiently high to finance emigration to distant places, prompting a large portion of the country to leave, especially to the USA.

Economic reforms and the creation of a modern economic system, banks and corporations were enacted during the latter half of the 19th century. By the 1930s, Sweden had one of Europe's highest standards of living. Sweden declared itself neutral during both world wars, thereby avoiding much physical destruction like several other neutral countries.

The post-war boom propelled Sweden to greater economic prosperity, putting the country in third place in per capita GDP rankings by 1970.[2] Beginning in the 1970s and culminating with the deep recession of the early 1990s, Swedish standards of living developed less favourably than many other industrialized countries. Since the mid 1990s the economic performance has improved.

In 2006, Sweden had the world's ninth highest GDP per capita in nominal terms and was in 14th place in PPP terms (2005 figures)[3].

[edit] Crisis of the 1990s

Sweden has had a unique economic model in the post World War 2 era, characterized by close cooperation between the government, labor unions and corporations. The Swedish economy has extensive and universal social benefits funded by high taxes, close to 50% of GDP.[4] In the 1980s, a real estate and financial bubble formed, driven by a rapid increase in lending. A restructuring of the tax system, in order to emphasize low inflation combined with an international economic slowdown in the early the 1990s, caused the bubble to burst. Between 1990 and 1993 GDP fell by 5% and unemployment skyrocketed, causing the worst economic crisis in Sweden since the 1930s. In 1992 there was a run on the currency, the central bank briefly jacking up interest to 500% in an unsuccessful effort to defend the currency's fixed exchange rate.[5] Total employment fell by almost 10% during the crisis.

The welfare system that had been growing rapidly since the 1970s couldn't be sustained with a falling GDP, lower employment and larger welfare payments. In 1994 the government budget deficit exceeded 15% of GDP. The response of the government was to cut spending and institute a multitude of reforms to improve Sweden's competitiveness. When the international economic outlook improved combined with a rapid growth in the IT sector, which Sweden was able to capitalize from, the country was able to emerge from the crisis.[6][7]

However, the reforms enacted during the 1990s seem to have created a model in which extensive welfare benefits can be maintained in a global economy.[4]

[edit] Current economic outlook

Real GDP growth in Sweden 1996-2006.
Real GDP growth in Sweden 1996-2006.

The Swedish economic picture has brightened significantly since the severe recession in the early 1990s. Growth has been strong in recent years, and even though the growth in the economy slackened between 2001 and 2003, the growth rate has picked up since with an average growth rate of 3.7% in the last three years. The long-run prospects for growth remain favorable. The inflation rate is low and stable, with projections for continued low levels over the next 2-3 years.

Since the mid-1990s the export sector has been booming, acting as the main engine for economic growth. Swedish exports also have proven to be surprisingly robust. A marked shift in the structure of the exports, where services, the IT industry, and telecommunications have taken over from traditional industries such as steel, paper, and pulp, has made the Swedish export sector less vulnerable to international fluctuations. However, at the same time the Swedish industry has received less money for its exports while the import prices have gone up. During the period 1995-2003 the export prices were reduced by 4% at the same time as the import prices climbed by 11%. The net effect is that the Swedish terms-of-trade fell 13%. [8]

[edit] Government

The government budget has improved dramatically from a record deficit of more than 12% of GDP in 1993. In the last decade, from 1998 to present, the government has run a surplus every year, except for 2003 and 2004. The surplus for 2007 is expected to be 138 billion ($20b) kronor.[9] The new, strict budget process with spending ceilings set by parliament, and a constitutional change to an independent Central Bank, have greatly improved policy credibility. This can be seen in the long-term interest rate margin versus the Euro, which is negligible.

From the perspective of longer term fiscal sustainability, the long-awaited reform of old-age pensions entered into force in 1999. This entails a far more robust system vis-à-vis adverse demographic and economic trends, which should keep the ratio of total pension disbursements to the aggregate wage bill close to 20% in the decades ahead. Taken together, both fiscal consolidation and pension reform have brought public finances back on a sustainable footing. Gross public debt, which jumped from 43% of GDP in 1990 to 78% in 1994, stabilised around the middle of the 1990s and started to come down again more significantly beginning in 1999. In 2000 it fell below the key level of 60% and had declined to a level of 37% of GDP as of 2007[10], and is expected to come down to a level below 20% of GDP in 2010.

[edit] Economic and Monetary Union

Current economic development reflects a quite remarkable improvement of the Swedish economy since the crisis in 1991-93, so that Sweden could easily qualify for membership in the third phase of the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union, adopting the euro as its currency. In theory, by the rules of the EMU, Sweden is obliged to join, since the country has not obtained exception by any protocol or treaty (as opposed to Denmark and the United Kingdom). Nevertheless, the Swedish government decided in 1997 against joining the common currency from its start on January 1, 1999.

In the first years of the twenty-first century, a majority for joining emerged in the governing Social Democratic party, although the question was subject of heated debate, with leading personalities in the party on both sides. On September 14, 2003, a national referendum was held on the euro. A 56% majority of Swedes rejected the common currency, while 42% voted in favour of it. Currently no plans for a new referendum or parliamentary vote on the matter are being discussed, though it has been implied that another referendum may take place in around ten years.[11]

[edit] Unemployment

In contrast with most other European countries, Sweden maintained an unemployment rate around 2% or 3% of the work force throughout the 1980s. This was, however, accompanied by high and accelerating inflation. It became evident that such low unemployment rates were not sustainable, and in the severe crisis of the early 1990s the rate increased to more than 8%. In 1996 the government set out a goal of reducing unemployment to 4% by 2000. During 2000 employment rose by 90,000 people, the greatest increase in 40 years, and the goal was reached in the autumn of 2000. The same autumn the government set out its new target--that 80% of the working age population will have a regular job by 2004. Some have expressed concern that meeting the employment target may come at a cost of too high a rate of wage increases hence increasing inflation. However, as of August 2006, roughly 5% of working age Swedes were unemployed, over the government-established goal.

According to Jan Edling, a former trade-unionist, the actual number of unemployed is far higher, and those figures are being suppressed by both the government and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation. In Edling's report he added that a further 3% of Swedes were occupied in state-organised job schemes, not in the private sector. He also claimed a further 700,000 Swedes are either on long-term sick leave or in early retirement. Edling asks how many of these people are in fact unemployed. According to his report, the "actual unemployment" rate hovers near 20%,.[12] Critics say that the concept of "actual" unemployment, also termed "broad unemployment" by the Moderate Party, is absurd as it points out e.g. sick people, people with cancer, students who rather want a job, people with part-time jobs, conscripts in the army, and house wives as "unemployed". Moreover, compared to other countries like the United States and United Kingdom, Sweden has a low "broad unemployment".[13]

[edit] Trade unions

Around eighty percent of the Swedish labour force is unionised.[14] For most unions there is a counterpart employer's organization for businesses. The unions and employer organisations are independent of both the government and political parties, although the largest confederation of unions, the National Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions or LO (organising blue-collar workers), maintains close links to the largest political party, the Social Democrats. So close that after the election in 2006 and the resignation of the party leader Göran Persson, one of the strongest candidates for new party leader (and their candidate as Prime Minister) was the LO chairman Wanja Lundby-Wedin.

The unionisation rate among white-collar workers is exceptionally high in Sweden - almost as high as for blue-collar workers. There are two major confederations that organise professionals and other qualified employees: the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation or TCO) and the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Sveriges Akademikers Centralorganisation or SACO). They are both independent from Sweden's political parties and never endorse candidates for office in political elections.

There is no minimum wage that is required by legislation. Instead, minimum wage standards in different sectors are normally set by collective bargaining. Most labour contracts were re-negotiated during 2004, and call for wage increases of around seven percent over a three-year period.

[edit] Labour force

The traditionally low-wage differential has increased in recent years as a result of increased flexibility as the role of wage setting at the company level has strengthened somewhat. Still, Swedish unskilled employees are relatively well-paid while well-educated Swedish employees are low-paid compared to those in competitor countries. The average increases in real wages in recent years have been high by historical standards, in large part due to unforeseen price stability. Even so, nominal wages in recent years have been slightly above those in competitor countries. Thus, while private-sector wages rose by an average annual rate of 3.75% from 1998 to 2000 in Sweden, the comparable increase for the EU area was 1.75%. In the year 2000 the total labour force was approximately 4.4 million people.

[edit] Planned privatisations

The Swedish government has announced that it will privatise a number of wholly and partly state owned companies.

[edit] Gross Regional Product

Gross Regional Product per capita in thousands of Swedish crowns (2004)
Gross Regional Product per capita in thousands of Swedish crowns (2004)

The gross regional product differs from a top of 363 000 SEK in the capital Stockholm County where much of the economic activity is centered to 212 000 SEK Gotland County with an average or 263 000 SEK for the whole country. Much of the industry and services sector is located in the southern part of Sweden, while the north has many natural resources such as timber and hydropower. The extra regional figure referes to parts of the economic territory which cannot be attached directly to a single region, e.g. embassies and consulates.[20]

Rank County Total¹ Per Capita² Share
1 Stockholm County 669 900 363 000 28.54%
2 Västra Götaland County 386 538 257 000 16.47%
3 Skåne County 278 254 244 000 11.85%
4 Östergötland County 97 387 236 000 4.15%
5 Jönköping County 79 761 243 000 3.40%
6 Uppsala County 69 631 234 000 2.97%
7 Dalarna County 62 604 226 000 2.67%
8 Västernorrland County 61 540 251 000 2.62%
9 Halland County 61 339 221 000 2.61%
10 Örebro County 61 203 224 000 2.61%
11 Gävleborg County 60 417 218 000 2.57%
12 Västmanland County 60 287 233 000 2.57%
13 Norrbotten County 59 875 236 000 2.55%
14 Värmland County 59 497 217 000 2.53%
15 Västerbotten County 55 534 218 000 2.37%
16 Kalmar County 53 381 227 000 2.27%
17 Södermanland County 52 235 202 000 2.23%
18 Kronoberg County 43 256 245 000 1.84%
19 Blekinge County 34 566 231 000 1.47%
20 Jämtland County 27 628 215 000 1.18%
21 Gotland County 12 154 212 000 0.52%
  Extra regional 413   0.02%
  Total 2 347 400 263 100.00%
1/ Million SEK
2/ SEK
Source: Statistics Sweden (2004)

[edit] See also

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[edit] References

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