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Hail to the Chimp 

$39.99 Add to Wish List
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Publisher: Gamecock Media
Developer: Wideload Games
Platform: PS3
Category: Party
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Hail to the Chimp is a fast-paced party game that delivers exciting gameplay, lush interactive environments, and a comic look at politics. It is a bare-knuckled fight to win the crown of President of the animals.

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Below is a brief introduction to the candidates and what their goals are in this political campaign.

Name: Ptolemy Species: Hippo Hails from: Egypt Bio: Ptolemy lives in a world where the 1970's never stopped. With a unique style and charisma by the truckload, this happenin' Hippo wants to return Hippos (more directly, himself) to the top of the Animal Kingdom.

Name: Santo Species: Armadillo Hails from: New Mexico, US Bio: Born in the deserts of New Mexico, Santo was a painter before he joined the campaign. He thinks politicians and artists have a lot in common - prima donnas and shysters, the lot of them - and he's here to keep it real.

Name: Crackers Species: Monkey Hails from: Congo Bio: Crackers was the right-hand monkey to the King Lion before he was ousted from the throne. Rumor has it that Crackers' whole campaign is a ruse designed to restore his old boss to the throne, ensuring a cushy lifestyle for his favorite monkey.

Name: Toshiro Species: Octopus Hails from: Japan Bio: A samurai octopus, Toshiro's logic is simple – most of the world is water and therefore ocean-based animals are the dominant life form. A highly trained warrior and scholar, Toshiro's campaign is as elegant as it is ruthless.

Name: Bean Species: Sloth Hails from: Seattle, WA (by way of Bogota, Columbia) Bio: Bean is your atypical sloth -- super caffeinated, uber-motivated and ready to work the kingdom into shape. A coffee addict, she once lived in Bogota but found herself on a coffee shipment to Seattle where she is now an aerobics instructor.

Name: Moxie Species: Musk Ox Hails from: Liverpool, England Bio: Moxie is a self-educated Musk Ox who is sick of the patriarchal nature of politics. Why can't there be a Queendom? Her personal charisma, self-motivation and erudition make her a formidable candidate.

Name: Hedwig Species: Polar Bear Hails from: Uppsala, Sweden Bio: A singing superstar in the disco world, Hedwig is used to the public eye. She's convinced that the animal kingdom would best be served by someone with a celebrity's understanding of looking good, manipulating the press, and product endorsement.

Name: Murgatroyd Species: Jellyfish Hails from: Unknown Bio: Not much is known about Murgatroyd as her garbled pronouncements are completely indecipherable. This is a solid campaign strategy, as many animals assume her views are similar to their own. Mysterious, perplexing and lovable, Murgatroyd could be the underdog of this race.

Name: Daisy Species: Platypus Hails from: Sydney, Australia Bio: An incredibly popular children's TV show host, Daisy is the most adorable platypus ever born. With her cute looks and a tomboyish personality, she is loved by young animals of every species the world over. Capturing the presidency is the only way she can possibly get any bigger.

Name: Floyd Species: Walrus Hails from: Manhattan Bio: Floyd moved to NY to become a dock foreman. But after a blow to the head, he began having some funny ideas about the world. He now sees himself as a guru and soothsayer meant to lead the animal kingdom. After all, he's got a direct line to the cosmic plane.

Number of Previews:   1

looking good.
By: A Customer    Date: Wednesday, Apr 09, 2008
Most people pass up the cartoony games that come out, that lack the graphics that the system can handle. But, I find that these are usually really easy and fun. They're great to give you're brain a rest after a whole bunch of intense Gears of War, or Assasin's Creedin it up. Plus I think that these simpler games are usually more fun than games that got a bunch of hype for it's graphics and feature...[More]

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