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Date and Time (UTC)
year begin end
辛巳 2001-Dec-21 19:21 2002-Jan-05 12:43
壬午 2002-Dec-22 01:14 2003-Jan-05 18:27
癸未 2003-Dec-22 07:03 2004-Jan-06 00:18
甲申 2004-Dec-21 12:41 2005-Jan-05 06:03
乙酉 2005-Dec-21 18:34 2006-Jan-05 11:46
丙戌 2006-Dec-22 00:22 2007-Jan-05 17:40
丁亥 2007-Dec-22 06:07 2008-Jan-05 23:24
戊子 2008-Dec-21 12:03 2009-Jan-05 05:14
己丑 2009-Dec-21 17:46 2010-Jan-05 11:08
庚寅 2010-Dec-21 23:38 2011-Jan-05 16:54

Source: JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System

The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms (節氣). Dōngzhì (pīnyīn) or Tōji (rōmaji) (Chinese and Japanese: 冬至; Korean: 동지; Vietnamese: Đông chí; literally: "winter solstice") is the 22nd solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 270° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 285°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 270°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around December 21 (December 22 East Asia time) and ends around January 5.

In China, Dongzhi was originally celebrated as an end-of-harvest festival. Today, it is observed with a family reunion over the long night, when pink and white tangyuan are eaten in sweet broth to symbolise family unity and prosperity.

Preceded by
Daxue (大雪)
Solar term (節氣) Succeeded by
Xiaohan (小寒)

[edit] See also

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