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Organization: Sony

Systems (4)

We have 4 system(s) on record manufactured/designed by this organization:

PlayStation PlayStation 2 PlayStation 3 PlayStation Portable

We have 17 ReMixes of games published by this organization (view all). Most recent:

We have 9 game(s) on record published by this organization (view all). The most ReMixed game (5) is:

We have 9 composer(s) on record for this organization (view all). Please note that we only have composers on record for games that have been ReMixed. By number of games on record for each composer, the most active are:

Isamu OhiraIsamu Ohira
2 games, 2 ReMixes
Gerard K. MarinoGerard K. Marino
1 games, 1 ReMixes
Tim FollinTim Follin
1 games, 2 ReMixes
Kou OhtaniKou Ohtani
大谷 幸
1 games, 2 ReMixes
Cris VelascoCris Velasco
1 games, 1 ReMixes


Sony homepage

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