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System: Windows (ウインドウズ)


Windows (ウインドウズ)
Computer, first available in 1985, by Microsoft


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We have 61 ReMixes of games on this system (view all). Most recent:

We have 45 game(s) on record for this system (view all). The most ReMixed game (8) is:

We have 70 composer(s) on record for this system (view all). Please note that we only have composers on record for games that have been ReMixed. By number of games on record for each composer, the most active are:

Frank KlepackiFrank Klepacki
4 games, 4 ReMixes
Jason HayesJason Hayes
2 games, 1 ReMixes
Matt UelmenMatt Uelmen
2 games, 2 ReMixes
Glenn StaffordGlenn Stafford
2 games, 1 ReMixes
Jack WallJack Wall
2 games, 0 ReMixes
Jeremy SouleJeremy Soule
2 games, 1 ReMixes
Jeehun HwangJeehun Hwang
2 games, 1 ReMixes
Derek DukeDerek Duke
2 games, 1 ReMixes
Alexander BrandonAlexander Brandon
2 games, 2 ReMixes

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Page generated Tue, 01 Apr 2008 20:05:05 -0400 in 0.1632 seconds

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