Materials needed:
  • Cardboard egg cartons
  • Acrylic paint
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Coffee filters
  • Stick-on reinforcements
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Tape
  • Pattern for grasshopper’s legs click here
  • Pattern for butterfly’s eyes click here
  • Pattern for snake’s tongue click here

1. The butterfly, grasshopper and the snake were all made using three sections of a cardboard egg carton.  First cover the egg carton piece with marker or acrylic paint. 

2. Notice that the snake was covered with different patterns for a realistic look.

3. If making the grasshopper, cut out two legs and attach to body with glue.

4. You may use the same eye pattern for all three, or you may use stick-on reinforcements.

5. If making the butterfly, cut a coffee filter in half and color with markers.  Gather each on the straight side that you cut.  Attach to the middle of the body using scissors to carefully make a slit in each side.  Slide each filter in and tape underneath to hold.

6. Take a pipe cleaner and cut in half.  These will be for the antennae for the grasshopper and the butterfly.  Poke two holes in the head section.  Then curl each end around as in the sample and stick straight end into holes.

7. For the snake, cut out the tongue and attach to the top section with tape underneath.

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Last update March 24, 2003
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