Don't forget our feathered friends this winter season!

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Peanut Butter Pinecones
For the hanger, wrap thin wire around top of cone, leaving a loop for hanging. Spread pinecone with peanut butter. Pour some birdseed into a lunch sack and drop the pinecone into it. Hold the top of the sack closed and shake the sack to coat the pinecone. Tie on to a tree branch outdoors.

Bird Cookies
Cut stale bread with cookie cutters. Poke a hole at the top and thread with yarn or ribbon. Hang outdoors.

Mini Garland
With a sewing needle, thread miniature marshmallows, cranberries, popcorn, carrot slices, and donut shaped cereal on a long length of thread. Hang outdoors.

Orange Basket
Cut an orange in half; scoop out the fruit. For the hanger, poke a hole in either side of the shell. Thread wire through the holes. Fill the shell with birdseed and raisins.

Fruit on a Stick
Cut a pear or soft apple in half. Push a sturdy popsicle stick, through each fruit half. Tie a string to both ends of the stick and hang over a tree branch. For a different treat, substitute a stale donut for the fruit.

Nesting Yarn
If you know someone who knits or does crafts with yarn, ask them to please save the scrapes. Cut the yarn into five inch lengths or less for easy handling by the birds. Put them outside on a windowsill, bush or tree--anywhere the birds can see them. The birds will use this yarn as they make their winter's nest.

Submitted by Ms. Brenda

Last update December 21, 1999
©1999 Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
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