Rockefeller University

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Founder's Hall
Founder's Hall

The Rockefeller University is a private university which focuses primarily on basic research in the biomedical fields and offers graduate and postgraduate education. It is located between 63rd and 68th Streets along York Avenue, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City, New York. Its current president is Paul Nurse.

Twenty-three Nobel Prize winners have been associated with the university.

The university has been the site of many important scientific breakthroughs. Rockefeller scientists, for example, established that DNA is the chemical basis of heredity, discovered blood groups, showed that viruses can cause cancer, founded the modern field of cell biology, worked out the structure of antibodies, developed methadone maintenance for individuals addicted to heroin, devised the AIDS "cocktail" drug therapy, and identified the weight-regulating hormone leptin.[1]

See also: Education in New York City


[edit] History

The original Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was founded in 1901 by the oil baron and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, who had earlier founded the University of Chicago in 1889. The Rockefeller family has maintained strong links with the institution throughout its history–David Rockefeller, to give just one example, is the current Honorary Chairman and a Life Trustee. The Institute changed its name to The Rockefeller University in 1965, after expanding its mission to include education.

Upon its organization in 1901, Simon Flexner assumed the directorship.

[edit] At A Glance

[edit] The Rockefeller University Community

  • >70 heads of laboratories
  • 190 research and clinical scientists
  • 360 postdoctoral investigators
  • 1,000 support staff
  • 150 Ph.D. students
  • 50 M.D.-Ph.D. students
  • 890 alumni

(approximate numbers)

[edit] Areas of basic interdisciplinary research

  • biochemistry, structural biology and chemistry
  • molecular, cell and developmental biology
  • immunology, virology and microbiology
  • medical sciences and human genetics
  • neuroscience
  • physics and mathematical biology

[edit] Health conditions under study

  • addiction
  • aging
  • AIDS
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • antibiotic resistance
  • arthritis
  • cancer
  • Chagas disease
  • cystic fibrosis
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • hepatitis C
  • hereditary diseases
  • memory loss with aging
  • neurological disorders
  • obesity
  • psoriasis
  • schizophrenia
  • tuberculosis

[edit] Faculty Awards

[edit] Nobel Prize Recipients

2003 Roderick MacKinnon
2001 Paul Nurse
2000 Paul Greengard
1999 Günter Blobel
1984 R. Bruce Merrifield
1981 Torsten Wiesel
1975 David Baltimore
1974 Albert Claude
1974 Christian de Duve
1974 George E. Palade
1972 Stanford Moore
1972 William H. Stein
1972 Gerald M. Edelman
1967 H. Keffer Hartline
1966 Peyton Rous
1958 Joshua Lederberg
1958 Edward L. Tatum
1953 Fritz Lipmann
1946 John H. Northrop
1946 Wendell M. Stanley
1944 Herbert S. Gasser
1930 Karl Landsteiner
1912 Alexis Carrel

[edit] Lasker Award Recipients

  • For Basic Medical Research
2007 Ralph M. Steinman
2003 Robert G. Roeder
1999 Roderick MacKinnon
1998 Paul Nurse
1993 Günter Blobel
1982 Hidesaburo Hanafusa
1975 Henry G. Kunkel
1969 R. Bruce Merrifield
1966 George E. Palade
1963 Lyman C. Craig
1958 Peyton Rous
1948 Rene Dubos
1947 Oswald T. Avery
  • For Clinical Research:
1988 Vincent Dole
1978 Emil C. Gotschlich
1957 Richard E. Shope
1946 Karl Landsteiner
1946 Philip Levine (physician)
  • For Special Achievement in Medical Science:
2002 James E. Darnell, Jr.
1994 Maclyn McCarty

[edit] National Medal of Science Recipients

2005 Torsten N. Wiesel
2003 James E. Darnell Jr.
1989 Joshua Lederberg
1986 George E. Palade
1979 Paul A. Weiss
1976 George E. Uhlenbeck
1974 James A. Shannon
1973 Frederick Seitz
1968 Detlev W. Bronk
1966 Fritz A. Lipmann
1965 Peyton Rous
1965 Donald D. Van Slyke
1964 Theodosius Dobzhansky

[edit] Members of the National Academy of Sciences

2007 Albert Libchaber
2007 Michael W. Young
2006 Titia de Lange
2006 Charles D. Gilbert
2006 Michael E. O’Donnell
2006 Jeffrey V. Ravetch
2005 C. David Allis
2005 Charles M. Rice
2003 Cornelia I. Bargmann
2003 Barry S. Coller
2001 Jeffrey M. Friedman
2001 Ralph M. Steinman
2000 Roderick MacKinnon
1997 Joel E. Cohen
1997 Bruce S. McEwen
1996 Elaine Fuchs
1995 Jan L. Breslow
1995 Paul Nurse
1994 Donald Pfaff
1991 A. James Hudspeth
1988 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum
1988 Fernando Nottebohm
1988 Robert G. Roeder
1987 Emil Gotschlich
1985 Hidesaburo Hanafusa
1983 Günter Blobel
1980 Torsten Wiesel
1978 Paul Greengard
1975 Christian de Duve
1975 Philip Siekevitz
1973 James E. Darnell, Jr.
1972 R. Bruce Merrifield
1969 Norton D. Zinder
1959 Frank Brink
1957 Joshua Lederberg
1951 Frederick Seitz

Foreign Associates

[edit] Members of the Institute of Medicine

2005 Jeffrey M. Friedman
2002 Ralph M. Steinman
2000 Günter Blobel
1999 Barry S. Coller
1999 Paul Greengard
1998 Bruce S. McEwen
1997 Jan L. Breslow
1997 David D. Ho
1996 Torsten Wiesel
1994 Elaine Fuchs
1993 Jules Hirsch
1988 Emil C. Gotschlich
1971 Joshua Lederberg

[edit] Gairdner Foundation International Award Recipients

2007 C. David Allis
2005 Jeffrey M. Friedman
2003 Ralph M. Steinman
2001 Roderick MacKinnon
2000 Robert G. Roeder
1992 Paul Nurse
1986 James E. Darnell, Jr.
1982 Günter Blobel
1970 Vincent P. Dole
1970 R. Bruce Merrifield
1967 Christian de Duve
1967 George E. Palade
1964 Keith R. Porter
1962 Henry G. Kunkel

[edit] MacArthur "Genius Grant" Recipients

Robert Sapolsky
Joel Cohen
Mitchell Feigenbaum
Albert Libchaber
Robert Shapley
Jay Weiss

[edit] Current Faculty


Cornelia Bargmann

Robert Darnell

Jeff Friedman

Paul Greengard

Mary Beth Hatten

Nathaniel Heintz

Bruce McEwen

Tom W. Muir

Fernando Nottebohm

Donald Pfaff

Leslie Vosshall

A. James Hudspeth

[edit] Faculty history

In the mid 1970's, Rockefeller succeeded in attracting a few prominent academics in the humanities, most notably Saul Kripke, a notable logician, philosopher of language, and expositor of the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. More recently, its faculty were winners of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1999, 2000, and 2001, and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003.

Previous Faculty Members: Harry Frankfurt

[edit] Prominent alumni

David Baltimore, recipient of Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine in 1975 for the discovery of reverse transcriptase. Has served as president of both The Rockefeller University and the California Institute of Technology.

Barbara Ehrenreich, social commentator and author of the 2001 book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America.

Jonathan Lear, the John U. Nef Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought and professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago, who specializes in Aristotle and psychoanalysis.

Robert Sapolsky, Stanford Professor, MacArthur Grant recipient, and writer of numerous books on stress and natural history.

[edit] Further reading

  • Chernow, Ron. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., London: Warner Books, 1998.
  • Hanson, Elizabeth. The Rockefeller University Achievements: A Century of Science for the Benefit of Humankind, 1901-2001. New York: The Rockefeller University Press, 2000.
  • Rockefeller, David. Memoirs, New York: Random House, 2002.

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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