Debarshi's den - দেবর্ষির ডেড়া

Blog EntryMy first look inside M$.Jan 11, '06 1:08 PM
for everyone
Getting an opportunity to have a peek inside the offices of Microsoft is undoubtedly one of the most cherished dreams of today's young men and women. I was no different. Last Christmas, my dreams were fulfilled when I got the chance to spend a day inside Microsoft Campus in Gachibowli, Hyderabad as part of our departmental industrial tour to Bangalore and Hyderabad. The role of Santa Claus was played by our alumnus, Manuj Bahl who had joined 'the corp' as a Senior Application Developer a few months back.

Standing outside the gates of the campus, I could smell the aura that covered the biggest, richest, and most successful software firm of all time. The nine letters, M I C R O S O F T, emblazoned across the main building had a larger than life appeal that had every soul in the vicinity gaping and drooling. Countless photographs were clicked, and each one of them had those nine letters in some form or the other.

The formalities were soon taken care of, and we stepped in. Our first destination was a audio-visual room where an interaction session was organized for us. We were greeted by Sriram Krishnan and Pratibha Kumar, and what followed was an amazing concotion of gyan-talk, informal gossip, and a sumptuous diet. I also got a chance to paint water colours and pastels on Sriram's tablet PC!

But I was still not satisfied. How could I be? There had to be a flame war. How could a GNU Project maintainer feel satisfied basking in the glory of Microsoft and munching Domino's Pizza's for free?

I did not have to wait too long though, as the topic of discussion soon swerved around to stuff like: "Who had the best search engine? Google or MSN?", "Why Microsoft's policies were justified?", "How Microsoft was being Opensource friendly by having six projects on Sourceforge?", "Why the Windows team deemed ext3 support unnecessary?", and so on. One noticeable point was that although Sriram and company vehemently said "Why do you want to use Linux?", and "Do you know the number of bugs and insecurities uncovered in Mozilla?", Sriram still preferred to keep Mozilla Firefox installed in his tablet PC! Kudos to Bill Gates for allowing him to do so, but I could not help thinking that our hosts were being slightly hypocritical. The trio of Sriram, Pratibha, and Manuj passionately pointed out how Microsoft Maps was superior to Google Earth; how Hotmail is going to be a far better email service; how MSN's search engine throws out better search results than Google; how Windows Live was a fantastic service being offered by Microsoft; and so on and so forth. It was quite a nice performance I must say, although they would have done a far better job if they had put more emphasis on the fact that most of the services they were praising were still in beta stage and only available to Microsoft itself. A visit to Google might just have given a completely different view of things, with Google beating its drum at the expense of Microsoft's. However time was running short, and our discussion ended with a quick photo shoot followed by Sriram's invitation to continue the discussion over email.

The cerebral stuff over, it was now time to flex our muscles. The synthetic lawn tennis court, the basketball and volleyball courts, the pool tables, and the XBoxes were the centres of attraction. After trying my hand at tennis for a couple of hours, during which Sanket ended up giving tips to some M$ employees regarding the finer points of the game and I sent the tennis balls flying out of the court, I hurried off to lay my hands on the XBox. What an experience it was? The force feedback gamepads were one of the uncountable first time experiences that I had at Microsoft.

At the end of it all, I could only feel a sense of immense gratitude towards Manuj sir for giving such a memorable Christmas present. Thank you Santa!

vijaymateti wrote on Jan 14, '06
That was gr8..really sucha person like you don't even dream of installing windows on to your machine getting in Microsoft..they shd have known abt you in advance. Defenders of RMS huh! kool What would you do when get an opportunity to work with M$ ??
debarshiray wrote on Jan 15, '06
Sriram Krishnan was a member of the Chennai Linux User's Group (LUG)!
sriramk wrote on Jan 16, '06
Member would be too much of a stretch - I was more of just a lurker :)
sriramk wrote on Jan 16, '06
One correction - all the stuff I showed off that day are in public beta or by invitation - just like Google's counterparts. None of those demos are internal only - just that I had an invitation. Could send it to you if you like.

Of course, you're right that if you went to Google you would have got the other side of the story. :). Btw, apart from Firefox , I also have XEmacs and Python installed on my machines. I use Visual Studio everyday - but I drop into XEmacs from time to time. And Python is always fun.

As for me keeping Firefox inspite of the vulnerabilities, let me make something clear - no software is free from security flaws. Irrespective of whether you have Firefox or IE,you need to keep software patched. The point I wanted to make was "it is not right to compare software soley on security - and even if you do so, we hold our own ground"

And yes - the big Microsoft sign does tend to awe..or inspire :)
sriramk wrote on Jan 16, '06
In case anyone is interested, the URLs I demoed that day are (public beta) (invitation - can get you some if you want)
Live Messenger ( No URL yet - by invitation only and again I have a few to hand out)
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