Debarshi's den - দেবর্ষির ডেড়া

ReviewReviewReviewReviewMar 24, '06 3:29 PM
for everyone
Category:Computers & Electronics
Product Type: Computers
Manufacturer:  Fedora Project
"Fedora is a set of projects, sponsored by Red Hat and guided by the Fedora Foundation. These projects are developed by a large community of people who strive to provide and maintain the very best in free, open source software and standards.

Fedora Core, the central Fedora project, is an operating system and platform, based on Linux, that is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute, now and forever."

That is what Fedora is. But what is most important is that Bordeaux is simply is the best Fedora Core release I have seen. This is important since the previous releases was more of a downgrade than an upgrade. But this one simply rocks, and alongwith Fedora Core 2 will be topping my list of favourite of OSes. Sure Ubuntu and SUSE comes close, but then this one will be getting the top spot.

The primary reason for which I changed form Tettnang, was the sparking fresh set of packages that Bourdeaux was going to have, I believe me, it exceeded my expectations. GNOME 2.14 (this I did not put KDE) will probably put an end to the simplistic tag attached to the GNOME desktop. GCC 4.0 is there, though a copy of GCC 3.2 is there too, and so is core-utils 5.93.

However a few things about the philosophy behind Fedora confuses me. While on one hand they claim "Fedora Core is a free operating system that offers the best combination of stable and cutting-edge software that exists in the free software world.", they also say that the Fedora Foundation's goal is to serve the Fedora community "By funding patent filings for inventors in the open source community, so that dedicated individuals can help to build a protective patent shield around open source code." Now how can that be? Is not Free Software supposed to stay away from patents? Or is Fedora only free as in beer, and not free as in speech?

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