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Debarshi's posts with tag: fun

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Blog EntryExpectationsJul 18, '08 1:28 AM
for everyone

Blog EntryResponsible behaviourJan 12, '08 8:11 AM
for everyone

Blog EntryClock number 9Oct 8, '07 6:36 AM
for everyone

Blog EntryA pleasant surprise!Aug 13, '07 2:06 PM
for everyone

It was good to see that I still had two-thirds of the download limit on my broadband connection left after one month of using a connection that is meant to last for six months. After all me and my sister had gobbled up all of 6GB in the first month of our broadband experience.

Blog EntryMy lucky day!Jul 15, '07 1:19 AM
for everyone

Released the first full GUI version of the Fedora Offline Updater at 03:00 am. Got back my mobile, which I had lost at the multiplex yesterday, this morning at 08:30 am after a trip back to City Centre. Then my broadband got renewed and it cost me only a call to the Tata Indicom call centre. Restored some political notes that I had wrongly deleted from

This has got to be one of my lucky days. :-)

Blog EntryDay out.May 12, '07 11:12 PM
for everyone
Will be going to Palampur in a few moments from now with Manu...

Blog EntryWhat a day it was...May 6, '07 4:49 PM
for everyone
Yesterday was a nice mixture of fun and weird events:

* Saw Eyes Wide Shut at 03:45 hours.

* Kicked and banned myself from #glug-nith on Freenode (I am the channel operator) while trying to give birthday bumps to Rakesh.

* Had a nice dinner at Rakesh's birthday party.

Blog EntryTaking care of the backlog.Apr 29, '07 1:34 AM
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While I wait for the Fedora 7 test 4 DVD iso to finish downloading, I have been catching up with the bunch of movies that I never managed to see. Yes, yes, exams are on, but there has been 23 of them over the last 4 years and this one is the 24th, so its no big deal isn't it?

So here is what I have been able to cover:
* Kingdom of Heaven
* Cinderella Man
* The Last of the Mohicans
* Gladiator (for the Nth time)
* Blood Diamonds
* 300

Wondering which one I shall see today...

Blog EntryParties, parties and more parties.Jan 9, '07 10:49 PM
for everyone
Last week-end started a bit early from Friday evening itself turned out to be a rather rocking one with a party every evening. It started with the Uttar Pradesh freshers' party on Friday (5th Jan, 07) evening, followed by the DLF placement party on Sunday (6th Jan, 07), and our (West Bengal) freshers' party on Sunday (7th Jan, 07).

Usually parties are a welcome break and provide a good oppurtunity to gobble some good food and gulp loads of alcohol for the 'starved' and 'depressed' souls living in the campus. However this time it was almost an overdose of fun, and I badly prayed that I could bunk atleast one of them. So lets retrospect on those three days and list the good and bad things that happened as a result of going to this series of parties.

First the bad things:
(i) Lost out on GRE preparation. [Hope I remain this serious till I give the exam.]
(ii) No hacking. GNU Songanizer, GNOWSYS and GNU Parted all need some attention urgently.
(iii) Venturing anywhere outside the hostel, and especially the campus, at a time when temperatures are dropping below freezing point is never a good idea, unless there is an emergency. Good food has lesser priority than warmth in this case.
(iv) My ITC jacket got spoilt due to the antics of a character who had drunk much than what is good for him and his fellow party-goers.
(v) Sometimes one does tend to think 'enough is enough' after listening to the confused bakwaas and being an eye witness to the endless nakhre of intoxicated people three days in a row. Does not mean I hate drunks or drinking, though I remain a teetotaller, but I do have a tolerance limit.

Now the good ones:
(i) The fact that temperatures did drop below freezing point (see an earlier post), was confirmed. This was significant since I my information was based on the observations of the Forecastfox plugin in Mozilla Firefox, and not on weather report published in the print or electronic media. The cab driver had found that the water on his windscreen had frozen overnight, while I heard unconfirmed reports that people about water freezing on the roof of a bus in similar fashion.
(ii) Good food. Even though the cold does make it a bit more difficult, chili chicken does taste nice. The effect is enhanced when you are regularly fed on tasteless hostel food.
(iii) Fun with the juniors. In a freshers' party you are never short of this.
(iv) Was witness to Rohit's decision to start maintaining a blog. This happened when we were leaving the party on Sunday evening.

Blog EntryLockedMay 18, '06 7:10 PM
for everyone
A day before our sixth semester exams were about to commence, we (Rohit + myself) got ourselves in a nice spot of bother. We had gone to Ekta Cafe to grab some food, and had locked the door of our room without bothering to take the keys with us. Yeah! It is possible to engage the lock without the key since this one had a push-down mechanism. And there we were looking hopelessly stupid, trying to break into our own room.

Now the most interesting thing is that when we started to cut through the lock using a hack-saw, it opened up by itself just after we had cut through half the iron. Could you believe it? It was as if a magical key had been used to open it. Only that the only keys to it were inside the locked room.

This surely was one of the strangest incidents I have been involved in.

Blog EntryGet some free moo!Feb 22, '06 2:50 PM
for everyone
If you thought installing stuff in GNU/Linux is all toil and no play, then it is time you reviewed your opinion.

spectre@TheHotChilipepper:~$ apt-get moo
/ | ||
* /\---/\
~~ ~~
...."Have you mooed today?"...

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