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Mon. Mar. 24, 2008

Living Shari`ah > Muhammad > Reflections

A Shining Example to Follow *

By  Khaled Al-Maeena

Editor in Chief — Arab News

Visiting the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah is always a great pleasure. The mere sight of the mosque's minaret is heart-warming. Inside the mosque as we stand before the Prophet's tomb, we cannot but feel thankful for the opportunity of coming and offering greetings to the last of the prophets. Standing before the tomb, one reflects on the life of this greatest of people — a man whose life is a prime example for all of us.

A visit to Madinah refreshes both body and soul. We forget everything related to the hustle and bustle of life and concentrate on the spiritual experience we are going through. Believers from all over the world offer prayers in the mosques in and around the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah. They remember how the great Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) and his Companions lived and the effect their lives had on people's lives for over 14 centuries. It was from Madinah that Islamic civilization spread. It was from Madinah that a fountain of knowledge irrigated the world.

The Prophet's birth came at a time when the Arabian Peninsula was a land filled with idolatry, superstition, and obscurantism. The Prophet set a new standard of moral behavior that he and  his Companions practiced in daily life. This serves as a model for all generations to follow.

His early life, his struggle against heavy odds, and his preaching of the truth ushered a new dimension to the world — that of Islam.

In the 23 years that he spread his message, the Prophet offered the world truth, clarity, and a sense of purpose. His daily life, his actions, his responses to situations are all well-documented. He is truly an example for all of us to follow. Indeed, following his example is required of us by Allah Himself, Who says in the Qur'an,

(In God's Messenger [Muhammad] you have, indeed, a good example for everyone who looks forward with hope and awe to Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah unceasingly) (Al-Ahzab 33:21).

The revelation that came to the Prophet and the knowledge that he acquired were transmitted truly and accurately to his people, most of whom initially rejected it. Later, they were to accept it with enthusiasm, realizing that he said nothing but the truth and join his growing band of followers. Thus, the message of Islam spread quickly, and in a short period of time, it began to give light to millions outside Arabia as well. It appealed to many.

It was a message that was exemplified by the character of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) — as a man, a leader, a father, an administrator, a lover of the poor and orphans, a friend of the unfortunate, and a mentor. He stressed the need to take care of orphans, women, and the poor.
His acts were a beacon of light.

Today, as we stumble through our confused and turbulent world, as we grope in darkness, as we suffer from uncertainty and depression, we must look for and grasp at the teachings of the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessing be upon him), so that they will act as a cure for many of the social ills that have befallen humanity all over the world.

The world at present is faced with many problems. There is a sense of defeat. In the West, people speak of depression and decay in society. In the East, industrial and technological progress has created a vacuum in society. Many people are floundering in darkness. They don't know what to do. They cling to values that have nothing to do with life. They join cults. For role models, they look up to unworthy individuals — individuals badly lacking in moral values.

In our Islamic society, we have many role models. Foremost among them is the Last Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam — Muhammad (peace be upon him). His life shines as a model for us to follow. No other person in history has had so much written about him. The virtues of the Prophet, his life, his dealings with young and old, with friends and foe, set great examples for us all to follow. They are a looking glass for all of us. All of us, therefore, should look to his life for enlightenment.

We catch but a dimension of the Prophet through the moments of compassion he extended to others; how he played with the poor, orphaned boy when other children shunned that boy, how he prolonged his prostration out of consideration that his change in posture may inconvenience or hurt his darling grandson who had climbed on his back; how he commanded his army away from the anthill in order not to disrupt the ants' activities; how he mended the wing of the injured little bird and brought it relief; how he intervened and prevented a man from abusing his wife by teaching him that the best of men are those who treat their wives well; how he patched his clothes, mended his shoes, and did his daily household chores; how he wrestled with his nephew and raced with his wife; how he joked with the children and carried the baggage of the elderly; and how he stood up as the bier of a Jew was passing.

Let us also remember that we need not fear to acquire knowledge from the other. Here, again, our Prophet (peace be upon him) clearly encouraged Muslims to seek the beneficial knowledge wherever it is and promised a reward from Allah to those who do so.

We cannot progress if we do not learn. And in today's world, fast-changing technology has created a global village that makes the learning process easy. In the world of satellites and the Internet, we cannot feign ignorance. That in itself would be a crime. I am not saying that we should become imitators. We should, however, tailor ideas and methods to our needs, altering parameters to fit our culture, traditions, and ideology. Our capacity to improvise creatively will be the deciding factor in differentiating us from those societies that have yet to become successful.

It is here that we should follow our Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and set an example so that others will truly appreciate the philosophy of our ideology and abide by the example of the greatest of all people. Let us teach ourselves and our children and make them aware of the life of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and use it as an example in our daily lives in order that we may improve our conduct and become better human beings.

Let us all pray that in the Hereafter we will have a chance to be near our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

* Published with modifications and kind permission from

Khaled Al-Maeena is a well-known businessman, journalist, editor, PR consultant, and media personality in Saudi Arabia. Al-Maeena is a well-known as a regular political and  social columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat, Arab News, and Urdu News. He also is a columnist for several publications such as Gulf News, Dubai, Times of Oman, and China Post.

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