Checklist for Papers Submitted to the
Journals of the Plant Management Network

[  ] Double-spaced (including tables), 12 point font.

[  ] Manuscript has not been published previously or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

[  ] Manuscript has been critically reviewed by colleagues.

[  ] Formatted as Microsoft Word for Windows, or other acceptable format.

[  ] File names for text files are the last name of the corresponding author plus the appropriate extension (e.g., Smith.doc).

[  ] File names for all illustrations are the last name and figure number followed by the appropriate extension, e.g., Smith1.jpg, Smith2.gif, Smith3.tiff.

[  ] Consistent style and acceptable sizes are used for all figures and tables.

[  ] Articles will be submitted online via PMN's Manuscript Central system (see Procedure page).

[  ] Diagnostic Guides follow the format outlined in Instructions for Individual Article Types.

[  ] Briefs do not exceed 700 words including author names, affiliations, "Literature Cited," etc.

[  ] Authors listed under the title with full names and affiliation including department, institution, or company, and location.

[  ] References are cited in the text by their numbered position in the alphabetized "Literature Cited."

[  ] All references are listed in alphabetical order by authors' surnames, numbered, and cited in the text by number.

[  ] Double-checked the accuracy of each citation and that each is cited in the text.

[  ] Cite tables in numeric order in the body of the manuscript; explain any nonstandard abbreviations in table footnotes.

[  ] Captions for figures are listed following "Literature Cited" and tables.

[  ] Title does not exceed 100 characters and spaces, and contains a verb.

[  ] Abstract is a maximum of 200 words in one paragraph.

[  ] For Research articles and Reviews, acknowledgments are provided after the text, before the "Literature Cited."

For Research Articles:

[  ] Article is not subdivided using "Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, and Discussion", but instead uses short clauses that are specifically descriptive of the experiments conducted.

[  ] Introduction includes a succinct evaluation of the topic, including all relevant literature citations.

[  ] Objectives are clearly stated in introduction.

[  ] Significance and originality of work are shown.

[  ] Reproducibility of results is illustrated.

[  ] Experimental design and methodology are fully explained.

[  ] Proper and sufficient analyses are conducted (review by qualified statistician before submission is encouraged).

[  ] Discussion relates work to other published material and addresses strengths and weaknesses of research.

[  ] Major conclusions are supported by results from repeated experiments.

[  ] Manuscripts are reviewed critically before submission.

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