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Message to staff:

Scientology False Purpose Rundown course

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United States
Church or religious organization
Wikileaks release date
Wednesday April 16, 2008
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PDF document, version 1.5
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SHA256 e2f790d2ec0e76fc36f0a9c4d2454f500ef4c0d1102c0d0ffb7bbd7bb504f9ba
Description (as provided by the original submitter)

The False Purpose Rundown Auditor course.

A kind of an extended "security check." Reveals that [according to Scientology] the true source of all crimes (and pretty much everything else that's wrong with the world) is in fact psychiatry.

1. This file has never been publicly released, since it contains information the Church of Scientology considers secret.

2. This file is important since it contains essential texts of the scientology religion, which should be free from the grip of the "orthodox" Church of Scientology.

3. The likely audience is either Free Zone scientologists or any member of the general public who is interested in the subject.

4. Verification should be done via the Religious Technology Center (

5. To help spread information about scientology not normally available outside the Church of Scientology.

6. The submission is not urgent.

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