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Hail to the Chimp 

$39.99 Add to Wish List
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Publisher: Gamecock Media
Developer: Wideload Games
Platform: PS3
Category: Party
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Hail to the Chimp is a fast-paced party game that delivers exciting gameplay, lush interactive environments, and a comic look at politics. It is a bare-knuckled fight to win the crown of President of the animals.

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Below is a brief introduction to the candidates and what their goals are in this political campaign.

Name: Ptolemy Species: Hippo Hails from: Egypt Bio: Ptolemy lives in a world where the 1970's never stopped. With a unique style and charisma by the truckload, this happenin' Hippo wants to return Hippos (more directly, himself) to the top of the Animal Kingdom.

Name: Santo Species: Armadillo Hails from: New Mexico, US Bio: Born in the deserts of New Mexico, Santo was a painter before he joined the campaign. He thinks politicians and artists have a lot in common - prima donnas and shysters, the lot of them - and he's here to keep it real.

Name: Crackers Species: Monkey Hails from: Congo Bio: Crackers was the right-hand monkey to the King Lion before he was ousted from the throne. Rumor has it that Crackers' whole campaign is a ruse designed to restore his old boss to the throne, ensuring a cushy lifestyle for his favorite monkey.

Name: Toshiro Species: Octopus Hails from: Japan Bio: A samurai octopus, Toshiro's logic is simple – most of the world is water and therefore ocean-based animals are the dominant life form. A highly trained warrior and scholar, Toshiro's campaign is as elegant as it is ruthless.

Name: Bean Species: Sloth Hails from: Seattle, WA (by way of Bogota, Columbia) Bio: Bean is your atypical sloth -- super caffeinated, uber-motivated and ready to work the kingdom into shape. A coffee addict, she once lived in Bogota but found herself on a coffee shipment to Seattle where she is now an aerobics instructor.

Name: Moxie Species: Musk Ox Hails from: Liverpool, England Bio: Moxie is a self-educated Musk Ox who is sick of the patriarchal nature of politics. Why can't there be a Queendom? Her personal charisma, self-motivation and erudition make her a formidable candidate.

Name: Hedwig Species: Polar Bear Hails from: Uppsala, Sweden Bio: A singing superstar in the disco world, Hedwig is used to the public eye. She's convinced that the animal kingdom would best be served by someone with a celebrity's understanding of looking good, manipulating the press, and product endorsement.

Name: Murgatroyd Species: Jellyfish Hails from: Unknown Bio: Not much is known about Murgatroyd as her garbled pronouncements are completely indecipherable. This is a solid campaign strategy, as many animals assume her views are similar to their own. Mysterious, perplexing and lovable, Murgatroyd could be the underdog of this race.

Name: Daisy Species: Platypus Hails from: Sydney, Australia Bio: An incredibly popular children's TV show host, Daisy is the most adorable platypus ever born. With her cute looks and a tomboyish personality, she is loved by young animals of every species the world over. Capturing the presidency is the only way she can possibly get any bigger.

Name: Floyd Species: Walrus Hails from: Manhattan Bio: Floyd moved to NY to become a dock foreman. But after a blow to the head, he began having some funny ideas about the world. He now sees himself as a guru and soothsayer meant to lead the animal kingdom. After all, he's got a direct line to the cosmic plane.

Number of Previews:   3

Young Democrats Club
By: Obama08    Date: Friday, Apr 11, 2008
I just preordered this to pickup for my Young Democrats Club here at Arizona. We meet weekly (most of the time) and thought this would be good for downtime and afterhours. I read its written by Daily Show writers and from the clips it looks genuinely funny. Hopefully it will play as fun as it looks. Just thought I'd add my two cents!

Oh yea
By: Junk    Date: Thursday, Apr 10, 2008
People might be excited for metal gear solid 4 coming out but the is what want people. I love Gamecock Media there games are outrageous. These will be ok graphics but yea its ok for me. This game has 10 diffrent charecters (candidates) but i am so totally going to be the monky dude. Hes awsome. Keep up the good games Gamecock Media

looking good.
By: A Customer    Date: Wednesday, Apr 09, 2008
Most people pass up the cartoony games that come out, that lack the graphics that the system can handle. But, I find that these are usually really easy and fun. They're great to give you're brain a rest after a whole bunch of intense Gears of War, or Assasin's Creedin it up. Plus I think that these simpler games are usually more fun than games that got a bunch of hype for it's graphics and feature...[More]

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