Special Issues
Gender identity is about who you are.
By Bob Geary | 27 Jun 2007

Today, at 43, Rachel is the picture of a smart career woman in every respect, albeit the chromosomes will never change.
By Bob Geary | 27 Jun 2007

"I'm only adopting male mannerisms insofar as I have to to pass," Wiltshire says. "I have no desire to become this macho, joking, frat-boy type."
By Bob Geary | 27 Jun 2007

The crux is to be self-confident, she says, because people will accept you if they sense that you accept yourself. Most of them, anyway.
By Bob Geary | 27 Jun 2007

"We are fearfully and wonderfully made," Collie says, quoting Psalm 139:14.
By Fiona Morgan | 27 Jun 2007

Reforming "Gender Identity Disorder," the description in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association, remains a debatable issue in the trans community, but the consensus has shifted in recent years.
By Jim Baxter | 27 Jun 2007

Transgender: Any condition, activity or person that transgresses accepted gender norms.
27 Jun 2007

"Are you of a different persuasion?"
By Rebekah Meek | 27 Jun 2007

Twenty-one years ago, I was a bright-eyed young woman who was in love with a handsome, albeit serious, young man. We married, then had a baby, and I expected to live happily ever after.
By Kristin E. Howard | 27 Sep 2006

The battle for marriage equality--or "gay marriage," if you like--is going to be long and drawn-out.
* An LGBT community center: Has the moment passed?
* Remembering the first PrideFest
By Jim Baxter | 27 Sep 2006

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