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Twenty-five years: That's old for a gymnast, young for a politician, prime for a bottle of Scotch.
By Lisa Sorg | 9 Apr 2008

When the Independent Weekly launched in 1983 as a monthly, paid-subscription, statewide political publication, CNN had just started broadcasting.
By Fiona Morgan | 9 Apr 2008

Since its inception 25 years ago, the Indy has been committed to pushing the boundaries of traditional newspaper photography, to championing images that seemed more personal and timeless.
By Derek Anderson | 9 Apr 2008

Critics, musicians, fans and club owners speak on their biggest Triangle music memories; plus, an annotated scrapbook
By Grayson Currin | 9 Apr 2008

V.C. Rogers looks back on a quarter-century of North Carolina's governors and U.S. senators
9 Apr 2008

Pondering the "pentimenti" that underlie the present shape of our cultural efforts and institutions
By Kate Dobbs Ariail | 9 Apr 2008

From the Carolina through the Galaxy, and points related
By Godfrey Cheshire | 9 Apr 2008

She brings the flash, the fun, and underneath it all, a sense of stability to a small newspaper company with big dreams living on the cusp of the Internet future.
By Steve Schewel | 9 Apr 2008

Indy alums discuss journalism's future in extended interviews
By Fiona Morgan | 9 Apr 2008

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