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IMDb Index

If you're curious about the wide variety of features here at IMDb or if you're trying to find a particular one, this is the place to come. Though it's not an exhaustive list of every single page here, it's a good road map for finding your way around.

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Anniversary site Visit our 15th anniversary section celebrating the founding of the IMDb and the history of the site and of the movies since 1990.
Ask a Filmmaker The ongoing question and answer format with some of the best filmmakers in the business
Awards Nominees and winners for hundreds of awards (i.e. Oscars®, Emmys, Golden Globes) and festivals (i.e. Sundance, Cannes)
Road to the Oscars '07
Ballot Rate a variety of movies in our weekly ballot
Birthdays Who was born on your birthday?
Bottom 100 The 100 lowest rated movies according to our users
Box Office (Basic) Weekly winners at the U.S. and U.K. box office... and more
Box Office (Expanded)</no