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ReMix: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Ice Attack'

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"You got your Canada in my trance!" "No, you got your trance in my Canada!" - newcomer Trance-Canada provides just that - Canadian trance - in this initial submission of the IceCap theme from Sonic 3. This is a popular song, covered by McVaffe as well as Rayza in the past. This is a more direct genre adaptation than either of those (excellent) pieces - nothing wrong, all the parts are in the right place and fit together, but not many risks. Then again, this is trance, a genre some might argue is not conducive to much risk. Regardless, you've got a four-on-the-floor beat, pulsating filtered chords, a snippy slapish bass with very quick release (probably my favorite sound in the mix) and some bell and standard synths. The filter mod is what carries the piece and prevents it from potentially being too flat. A good, solid first effort from Trance-Canada - nothing to get too excited about, as there's room for growth (in particular, some layered breakbeats or more drum programming in general, and better use of effects), but a good techno reconstruction of a classic theme nonetheless. Suggest listening to Rayza and McVaffe's versions first if you have not already - both are are a bit crisper and have more variety, but all three are worthy. Hope to see more from Trance-Canada in the future.


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