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Apple iPod shuffle 2nd Generation 1GB MP3 Player - Silver

iPod shuffle 2nd Generation 1GB MP3 Player - Silver

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Most recent User Reviews for

Apple iPod shuffle 2nd Generation 1GB MP3 Player - Silver

  • Reviewed by: ludwigvan


    Duration of ownership: 2 Weeks

    Strengths: Small size, sturdy clip, decent battery life given small size, great price, fantastic packaging, easy to use intuitive controls, iTunes 7 vastly improved, good audio quality for size.

    Weaknesses:Earbuds fair at best, maybe my ears are shaped funny, but I never can get them to stay put. Invest in a good inner ear set with a thin band. Much better for jogging or other exersise.

    Overall Evaluation: I read other people's complaints and I just can't help myself...........Yeah it's small, it's supposed to be. Take it off before you put your clothes in the wash or hamper. The led is small, but it's quite bright and the different colors and patterns can be understood by a child if you take 30 seconds to read the easy guide card. Want the songs to play in a certain order? Open iTunes and put them in the order you want, then update your shuffle. It's really simple too use, battery life is amazing for a unit this small, and I think it will prove to be quite durable. Overall, a superior product for what it's designed for. Apple wins again!

  • Reviewed by: matthewmixdc


    Duration of ownership: 4 Months

    Strengths: Small, but carries alot of information. Good battery time.

    Weaknesses:The headphone cord it came with is too short.

    Overall Evaluation: What a great product, I bought one for me, one for my wife, and 2 for an office giveaway. I use it to run, and the low weight of the product does not weigh me down when I am on my road bike.

  • Reviewed by: deffenbaughc


    Duration of ownership: 15 Days

    Strengths: Long Battery Life, Compact, Easy to Use

    Weaknesses:Can only charge battery from computer usb port, Must use itunes to copy songs to ipod

    Overall Evaluation: I have had several mp3 players in the past. I decided to get this ipod for my wife as she had requested it for Christmas. All the other mp3 players in the past acted like a removable storage device and I could copy directly from HD to the player using windows explorer. At first I tried doing as I had done in the past (copy and paste) but the ipod did not recognize that there were any songs loaded. Then using itunes, I had to manually import each song (would not let me do multiple songs)and THEN I could load the songs to the ipod. Because of this reason, I will NEVER purchase an apple product again.

  • Reviewed by: boyko57


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: clip on no weight

    Weaknesses:due to size screen not possible

    Overall Evaluation: ideal for workout, easy to use exactly what I wanted.Changing often the playlist to overcome the limited possibility of choosing songs with out screen. The sound quality and battery life is good.

  • Reviewed by: turtlebud


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: * size* construction* ease of use* earbuds

    Weaknesses:* limited included charging options* need for dock limits portability/utility

    Overall Evaluation: The first thing I thought when I unpacked the shuffle is that it's so cute. It has it's own little dock that's actually quite a marvel - as it uses the headphone jack as a charging interface as well. I was surprised to find that it shipped with the new earbuds - I know originally they shipped with the old ones. The sound to my untrained ears was pretty good, especially with the new earbuds. It clip works quite well, though you want to be careful if you clip it on a jacket with a metal zipper as it may scratch the inner side of the shuffle. Now, the shortcomings. I had a heck of a time trying to get it to charge with the computer off. I tried plugging it into a powered usb hub with no luck. The only way I could find to charge it was to plug it into the usb dock with the computer on, then turn the computer off. For some reason, if you just plug it in without turning the computer on, it will not charge. That is very frustrating as I don't want to have the computer running in order to charge this little shuffle. The other alternative is to buy a $30 usb ac adapter from apple (though you can probably get a similar one for much cheaper from a 3rd party). That seems kind of lame that you'd have to shell out more money just to charge your shuffle without the computer being on though. The other issue I have is that you have to bring the dock in order to sync it or use it as a usb flash drive. This is not as big of a gripe as I realized they had to sacrifice some utility to get it to be so small.

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