The Nation.

Today in The Nation


  • Feature

    The Missing Debate

    Stephen F. Cohen : Russia

    Why aren't the presidential candidates talking about Moscow's impact on our national security?

  • The Counter-Family

    Chris Lehmann : Fiction

    British author Jonathan Coe departs from grand social transformations and turns to the domestic sphere in The Rain Before It Falls.

  • Federal Reserve Freakout

    Nicholas von Hoffman : U.S. Economy

    The Fed scrambles for solutions to the mortgage meltdown--but saving prudent homeowners also involves bailing out a huge number of wealthy speculators. What good is that?

  • The Age of the Wooden Spoon

    Benjamin Lytal : Fiction

    The radical subjectivity and reckless politics of Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun find new expression in recent English translations and editions. Subscribe

  • Backlash Spectacular

    Katha Pollitt : Feminism & Women

    From campus to courtroom, longstanding gains for women are being eroded everywhere you look.

  • The Year of the Prisoner

    Alexander Cockburn : Iraq

    Will Bush make America the ultimate POW by launching an attack on Iran? Subscribe

  • Vice President Clinton?

    Nicholas von Hoffman

    Is there a deal in the works for Clinton to be Obama's running mate? If so, it's a really bad idea.

  • Race to the Bottom

    Betsy Reed : Presidential Election 2008

    How Hillary Clinton's campaign played the race card--and drove a wedge into the feminist movement.

  • Young Voters Hold the Key

    Katrina vanden Heuvel

    Young voters have proven themselves to be a vital part of the Democratic base. They could make the difference in November--if they can get to the polls.

  • Market Media Meltdown

    Danny Schechter : U.S. Economy

    Financial news outlets, tethered to a mission to pump up confidence and support their advertisers, helped fuel the subprime meltdown. Subscribe

  • Blogged Down

    Dave Zirin : Sports

    Some sportswriters just don't get it.

  • Cruel and Unusual Punishment

    Billy Sothern : Death Penalty

    As executions resume in the wake of a Supreme Court decision, we are reminded that a life cannot be willfully ended without violence.

  • Looking Past Clichés

    Laila Lalami : The Short of It

    The Visitor is that rare film that defines Arabs not as ethnic or religious stereotypes but as individuals.

  • The New Geopolitics of Energy

    Michael T. Klare : US Foreign Policy

    The Pentagon has now placed resource competition at the center of its strategic planning.

Read More


» J Street

Friday Capitol Letter | This week's legislative run-down from Washington.
Te-Ping Chen

» Campaign 08

McCain Had Better Hope Voters Think He's a Liar | It won't hurt the GOP contender if Americans are reminded that he and Bush were never close.
John Nichols

» ActNow!

Cluster Bombs Kill Kids | The US is working to undermine an international cluster bomb treaty.
Peter Rothberg

» Passing Through

America 2.3 (Million) | Modern America through the lens of one number.
Zephyr Teachout

» The Beat

One in Four Republicans Reject McCain | In Indiana & North Carolina, GOP candidate had a bigger problem with his base than Obama did with wavering Dems.
John Nichols

» Editor's Cut

Newt Gingrich to GOP--Wake Up or Perish | The architect of the Contract ON America warns his party of looming disaster.
Katrina vanden Heuvel

» The Notion

Who Really Lost the Cold War? | Is the US finished as a superpower just as Russia rides a wave of energy back to great power status?
Tom Engelhardt

» And Another Thing

Preachers and Politics | Secularism looks better and better.
Katha Pollitt

For Subscribers Only

Nation Poll

What's the most outrageous John McCain story big media has ignored?

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Via Newsfeed

  • This Brave Nation: Coming Soon

    Brave Nation
    Take a sneak peak at the new documentary series from the Brave New Foundation and The Nation.
  • McCain's Pastor: US Should Destroy Islam

    Brave New Films & Mother Jones
    Since the media won't question McCain about his deeply bigoted pastor, it's up to you to call attention to this issue.
  • Madame President Gets the 3am Phone Call...

    Randall Enos
    What would happen if Hillary Clinton got the call? "Hmmm...huh? Iran has what? Obliterate them!"
  • Pillow Talk

    Gary Phillips
    This week's episode: Cyrus Kang and Conrad Waller find driving in LA can be hazardous, Congresswoman Kang and a LAPD detective get down.
  • The Empire Strikes Barack

    Can the entire narrative of the last few months of the Democratic nomination fight be found in the second Star Wars film?
  • Justice for Sean Bell

    Brett Story & VideoNation
    Protesters decry acquittal of three New York City police officers on trial for firing 50 bullets at an unarmed man.
  • Guantánamo Ain't No Joke

    Shayana Kadidal
    Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantánamo Bay is very funny. Nothing about the real place is.
  • Fox News' Obama Lies Are Spreading

    Brave New Films
    We'd expect Fox News to cover Barack Obama unfairly, but who knew the so-called "liberal media" would follow their lead so often?


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