Example review score box

Here at VideoGamer.com we're committed to providing you with the most honest, detailed, definitive reviews across all video game publications. We're clear, we're concise and, unlike some gaming websites on the internet, our reviews will always be free from waffle and accessible to all types of gamers. We'll always strive to tell you what you want to know, what you need to know, when you need to know it.

Where possible we'll always finish a game before delivering our ultimate verdict, digging deep into single-player, multiplayer, online and offline, whether it is a 100-hour epic or a downloadable arcade shooter. We'll also dish out the games to whoever is best suited to review them, ensuring everything from first-person shooters to sports sims are tackled by the right in-house gaming god.

Our review scores will never be swayed by game publisher influence, public relation incentives or advertising money. If a game makes us want to gouge our eyes out with a spoon, we'll give it the score it deserves, but if it makes us want to do star jumps and weep with joy we'll shower it with praise.

Example review score box

If a game is released across multiple platforms we'll play all versions that are available to us. In most cases a single review will be written to cover them all, and this will let you know how they compare and which is the one to buy. We treat all platforms equally, with any negative comments towards a particular version being down to its quality and nothing else. If a multi-platform title is significantly different on one system to justify a unique review then multiple reviews will be written, but this is a rare occurrence.

We hope you'll find VideoGamer.com's reviews an entertaining, informative and above all useful guide to the best and worst games available, whatever platforms you own. For more info on what each individual score means read on for our ratings guide - the best on the internet.

10. Masterpiece

Only the greatest games will receive VideoGamer.com's highest accolade possible. A 10/10 game on VideoGamer.com does not mean the game is perfect, it simply means that the game does things its genre has never seen before, that gamers have never seen before and that we here have never seen before. It does them so superbly that the game will be etched into the annals of videogame history as a shining example of interactive entertainment; a masterpiece in every sense of the word.

9. Essential

These games are essential purchases if you own the platform they're released on. Hell, they're worth buying a console for. A 9/10 game will be a tremendous addition to its genre, but just stop short of revolutionising it. These will be games you'll remember forever, with few flaws and little room for improvement.

8. Great

Games that score an 8 will be huge amounts of fun and amongst the best games of their genre. There will be flaws for sure, but on the whole the positives will massively outweigh the negatives. They might not offer anything new or indeed anything particularly refreshing but will be full of excellent gaming goodness.

7. Good

A commendable score in VideoGamer.com's rating scale. Definitely worth a look if you're a fan of the genre, licence or have had your interest piqued by a particularly well implemented game feature. These games won't set anyone's world on fire, will certainly do many things wrong, but will have plenty of redeeming features to make parting with your hard earned cash a good decision.

6. Disappointing

This is a special score in VideoGamer.com's rating scale, reserved for games that promise much but ultimately let us down with shoddy design, tired ideas and poor production values. One of the worst things in gaming is getting hyped for something that ends up biting you on the arse. Allow us to protect you from this unfortunate end.

5. Frustrating

Games are all about fun, but sometimes game developers seem to forget this. We here at VideoGamer.com hate it when a game ends up as a frustrating experience, especially when there are glimpses of quality. We're talking about unfair checkpoints, constant death, cheating AI and all those other things that take the fun out of gaming. Only consider if you're masochistic.

4. Annoying

As above but on another level. These games will often be broken and unfinished, with embarrassing examples of amateur game design seen throughout. If you do find yourself in possession of a game VideoGamer.com has given 4/10, we recommend one of two things: return it as quickly as you can or burn it as an offering to the gaming gods while praying you never have to suffer such a distressing experience again.

3. Barely playable

You'll be able to play games we give 3/10, but the word play doesn't seem appropriate - there's nothing playful about these gaming travesties. Games with this rating will be beyond annoying; after mere minutes, rather than explode in a an expletive filled tirade at whoever just happens to be near by, you'll slump down in your chair and sigh, a blank stare across your face and a heavy resignation in your heart. If you don't listen to us, you might lose your faith in gaming forever.

2. Garbage

Stinking, rotting, filthy, fish-filled garbage. What more do you need to know?

1. Unplayable

It is better to describe games that score 1/10 in terms of how they make us feel rather than what they are. These games will make you want to break your fingers, tear your arms off, then head-butt the nearest pencil holder full of freshly sharpened pencils with the sharp sides up. Trying to work out how these games have come to be will make your head explode. Do not buy.

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