Help Centre

Panicking about your photographs? Anxious about your album? You've come to the right place...

Fotopic KnowledgeBase
If you've got a question about Fotopic, your first port of call should be the Fotopic KnowledgeBase where we post articles about the most frequent queries which turn up with the Fotopic Support Team.
All About Approvals
Find out about 'Karma' here, how we carry out random approvals, and why your collection may have been referred for manual checking.
Adult Flagged Images
Certain images may be declined or restricted by Fotopic staff - read this document to find out our policy.
Direct Linking
Fotopic allows direct linking, so you can use your photographs on other websites as well as your gallery. Find out here how to do it, and what restrictions are in place.
How Many Photos?
If you want to know how many photos you can store on your memory card, see this page.
Cookie Information
If you've got problems logging in, it's usually because you don't have 'Cookies' set up on your web-browser. Take a look here for a more detailed explanation.
Not sure what a term means? You'll no doubt be able to find it in our extensive glossary of photographic terms - both traditional photography and digital photography are covered.
Operational Status
If we've got problems, you'll find it detailed here. It's updated whenever something has misbehaved. Please take a look at this before informing us - thanks ;)
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