Register with Fotopic

If you are new to Fotopic, you need to register to build your own gallery system. Please complete the following registration form, and click "Sign Up".

If you wish to become a Plus or Premium member, you will be given the opportunity to subscribe in a moment.

Fields marked * are mandatory.

You will need a current email address to sign in and use Fotopic.
* Please choose an easy-to-remember password between 4 and 20 characters long.
* Please enter your password again for verification.
* We will use these details to list your gallery, and get in touch with you if we need to.
Verification Image
Please enter the numbers and letters you see in the image into the text entry box.
Please tell us where you heard about Fotopic.
If you've been given a promotional code for a free upgrade, please enter it here.
(viewable here). We will not be able to accept your application if you are unable to agree to these terms.