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Song Samples on offers hundreds of thousands of song samples to help you find the music you're looking for.

Using the Amazon Music Sampler

To listen to song samples, first find an artist and album you're interested in. On the main product detail page, you'll see a section titled "Listen to Samples and Buy MP3s." Click on the Listen to all button to listen to all of the song samples. The Music Sampler will automatically advance through the track samples for you.

While you're listening, you'll be able to stop and start the player, select the next or previous track, or choose any track from the list.

Amazon Music Sampler Technical Requirements

Your computer must meet the system specifications listed below to view and use the Amazon Music Sampler.

Free Downloads for Required Software

Here's where you can find free downloads for the supported web browsers and plug-ins:

Amazon Music Sampler Tips

Having trouble using the Amazon Music Sampler? Here are some suggestions to help you out:

Note: Any reproduction, publication, further distribution, or public exhibition of song samples provided on this site, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.