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Wednesday 21 May 2008
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A state in denial needs reality checks

By Alasdair Palmer
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 18/05/2008

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It’s a failure easier to recognise in other people than in yourself – but everyone, if honest, will accept that they have occasionally fallen into a “state of denial”, that well-attested psychological phenomenon that consists in refusing to recognise the truth of a piece of information because it suggests that your own views are wrong.

That the failing is common does not justify it. It simply makes it all the more important that procedures for making decisions, especially by authorities, should carefully guard against it: people in a state of denial make irrational, stupid and oppressive choices.

The most charitable interpretation of the reaction of Anil Patani, the Assistant Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, to the Channel 4 documentary Undercover Mosque is that he was in a state of deep denial.

The programme recorded preachers at the Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham making remarks that were not only bigoted and full of hate but also bordered on incitement to murder. Abu Usamah, one of the main preachers, was shown saying: “Osama Bin Laden, he’s better than a thousand Tony Blairs, because he’s a Muslim”; “Allah has created the woman, even if she gets a PhD, deficient. Her intellect is incomplete”; and advocating that homosexuals should be “thrown off” mountains. Mr Patani’s reaction? To refer the programme makers to the Crown Prosecution Service for inciting racial hatred.

He also referred the programme to Ofcom, the TV regulator, sending out a press release as he did so. Mr Patani’s press release claimed that “those featured in the programme had been misrepresented” and that it had “undermined community cohesion”. Those claims were blatantly false, as the Ofcom investigation itself made crystal clear. But why on earth did Mr Patani make them?

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He had no authority to censor the media, nor to assess whether it had done its job properly. Channel 4 had shown Abu Usamah the relevant parts of the programme before it was broadcast: he did not deny what he had said, nor did he try to get the programme prosecuted for being “misleading”. It was only Mr Patani who took that step. It is difficult to understand how Mr Patani could have persuaded himself that the programme makers were the problem – difficult until you recognise the power of the state of denial that he was in.

No context could make Abu Usamah’s remarks anything other than bigoted and hateful, something that should have been particularly obvious to Mr Patani, who had seen all 53 hours of film that had been shot in the making of Undercover Mosque. Now he and his force have been made to grovel, as well as pay out £100,000 to settle the libel suit that Channel 4 discovered was the only way to get West Midlands Police to stop claiming Undercover Mosque had distorted the views of innocent, peace-loving preachers. But then Mr Patani is by no means the only person in authority to suffer from denial on this topic.

His denial is very widely shared – which is why Mr Patani remains in his job, and why he won’t even be disciplined. The alarming truth is that much of Government policy towards radical Islam is based on Mr Patani’s delusion: if we pretend that radical Islamic preachers do not exist but are rather a creation of Islamophobic journalists, they will just go away. That sort of denial is extremely dangerous.

But since the procedures of Government decision-making fail to guard against it, our only defence against denial is programmes such as Undercover Mosque. Without that kind of check, denial would take over Government policy completely. And it is not difficult to imagine what a catastrophe that would be.

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All it needs is good people to remain silient for evil to prevail - someone said that, it is still true.
The rise of Islam is based on submission (a fact) the extreme/fundamental brand of Islam demands we submit.
When you have a large minority of muslims declaring hate, intolerance (indeed what we call nazism or racism if they were white Englishmen) basically bile against those who do not agree with them - and they are not answered by what we keep getting told is "the majority" of Muslims who silently nod their collective heads, then you have the situation we have now in the UK and other parts of Europe.
Many radical Muslims want the rise of extreme right wing groups (who else can the average person turn to whilst all the main parties are so paralysed by being so politically correct?) so that they can justify their rants, and hopefully pick up further young radicals who are responding to the rise of the extreme right.
Unless the main parties in the UK, and indeed Europe, face up to some unpleasant facts, you will have sat by whilst the politics of hate grows.
Eventualy something will give.
Posted by John Saluki on May 18, 2008 7:06 PM
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First everyone was talking about 'radical Islam' instead of criticising their own governments for creating the monster in late 70s (see my other comments @ 6.08 and 6.02).

Now real Islomophobia is emerging where you guys are talking about everyone in that faith and the faith itself. I think Muslims are right when they do not believe that 'we are only against extremism'

Margaret @ 6.11

Why don't you read Whole Quran once to see what it is instead of reading about 'suicide', 'women inferior', 'kill everyone' etc? I am not inviting you to conversion, just humbly requesting you to see that your anger might be misguided. You are 61 years old and your blood should not boil. Don't follow the crowd. Become our wise nanny. Bitterness is self harming. I call it self abuse.

Posted by A Muslim on May 18, 2008 7:00 PM
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andrew it isn't surprising at all that Muslims in the UK seem to be more fundamental than Muslims abroad for two reasons. Firstly, a lot of Muslims here come from rural Pakistan and Bangladesh. They have come with little
education and very tribal, rural ,attitudes. Secondly, multiculturalism
has been a daft idea as it has encouraged people not to integrate. Clinging to old ways has hampered the education and development of this group. They are one of the least successful groups in terms of educational attainment and salaries earned. The least successful groups of all religions and ethnicities find it hard to face up to making an effort and prefer to blame everyone else. "It is unfair innit?" No it is
the fact that they were not able to make use of the schooling offered or have not chosen to do so.

Posted by Calpurnia on May 18, 2008 6:47 PM
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Enough is enough - there's been plenty of time for debate on this article. All it does is let us vent our frustration at government.

What will the Conservative Party do about it? Will you be credible? Will we believe you?
Posted by Old-Tyke on May 18, 2008 6:39 PM
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Vijay Gupta 5.32 pm

Before Muslims destroyed many temples in India and carried out wholesale terror the had previously eliminated Christianity in north Africa and the Middle East. In Alexandria, a Muslim fanatic tried to set fire to one the greatest libraries that the world has ever known on the grounds that 'if these books only confirm what is the Koran then they are superfluous but if they contradict the Koran then they are wrong.'

So much for the Islamic love of learning.

Whilst I have great sympathy with the sufferings of Hindus (and Persian Zoroastrians), I am naturally biased towards my own faith (although not in a bigoted or dismissive way).

The Ottomans also used to kidnap Christian children both in Egypt (which was once ruled by the Ottomans) in in Anatolia. These included ancient Christians peoples such as Armenians, Greeks and Copts. These were forcibly converted to Islam and served as soldiers or were made into eunichs and trained as administrators.

The Armenian massacre during the First World War was at least partly religiously motivated. The Turks also used to capture 'white' females slaves to use as concubines from what is now Russia.

Christians and Jews suffered severe restrictions in Muslim lands and had to pay special taxes. Converting a Muslim or even arguing with one and putting doubts into his head was a capital offense in many places.

Even Gladstone called the Turks barbarians over their ill-treatment of the people of the Balkans such as the Bulgarians.

Posted by Sceptical about the Arab Missionaries on May 18, 2008 6:36 PM
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"Allah has created the woman deficient".

So Allah is capable of creating things that are not perfect? So Allah himself cannot be perfect.

It appears to me that that rabble rousing Imam not only offends the laws of this country but actually makes a profoundly blasphemous statement.

He should be careful, for he may easily loose his neck!
Posted by Ed Zuiderwijk on May 18, 2008 6:31 PM
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all moslems are radical= try to get what they want by any means possible as the koran says that any thing can be done to a none believer is legal in the eyes of allah.so these inmported mullahs tell the mosque
attenders . and our cowardly govt put up with it . and wont deport them
Posted by londoner432 on May 18, 2008 6:30 PM
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To Arthur Lincoln - I have been trying to do something about it by urging people who leave comments on the sites to also send a copy to Brown on his Downing St website - have also set up E-Petitions at Downing St - trying to do my bit - also bombarding my MP (labour unfortunately) to the point where he will not respond to my emails - the only response I had from him was when I asked him for a breakdown of his MP allowances - he told me to look at the website - which wasn't a breakdown - only the total. I'm 61 but my blood is boiling with the incompetance of Brown - please tell me what else I can do?
Posted by Margaret on May 18, 2008 6:11 PM
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Having spent over 20 years living in Muslim countries, 15 of which in the Middle East, I can speak with more authority than the majority of people.

If there's a state of denial, it's mostly found in the people spouting bile in this discussion. There's a general thread of truth through most of the arguments, only however blown vastly out of proportion.

From my own experience, a certain segment of Muslims in the UK are far worse than their native counterparts in their own country. It would appear living in the UK turns them into what they are ... funny that.

As for Patani, the police is not there to uphold and enforce the law despite the cliches. That is the job of the CPS, hence why he avoided the issue and referred it correctly to them.

Common sense in a DT discussion? Am I the first?
Posted by Andrew on May 18, 2008 6:11 PM
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And some wonder why the BNP are flourishing!
Posted by Christine on May 18, 2008 6:10 PM
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Some people claim that Muslims NEED TO LASH OUT AGAINST EXTREMISTS.

Idealistically, Muslim ‘youth’ should ‘lash out’ but then everyone would say:

‘they are not peaceful. All of them are criminals fighting with each other’.

What would you think of group of Bal Thackery (Indian Hindu Extremist) and his nephew fighting? What if a ‘peaceful’ group of youth join that as well with AK 47s. I hope it gives everyone an idea.

We have not seen anywhere in the world that local population ‘lashes out’ against extremists. Majority are too busy protecting their own family etc (many examples are there of terrorist movements).

Problem is not with Muslims or Islam, it was created in them. Those fighting extremism had no resources while extremism had Billions of DOLLARS and mighty world media calling them Mujahideen.

We have not forgotten President Ronald Reagan inviting Mujahideen and calling them moral equivalent of founding fathers of the United States of America.

Extremism is a very serious problem and sadly it will not go away in few years. It takes 2/3 generation.

Extremism was created in last 3 decades to fight the Soviet Union. When a democratic Prime Minister was not willing to help the USA (Benazir Bhutto's father), he was hanged against the wishes of a people of Pakistan and replaced by a dictator Gen Zia. Billions of dollars were spent to radicalize the youth (Watch Charlie Wilson's War).

Books published in local language had the mark ‘University of California Press’. Still majority of people have not become radical. OBL was their agent who went mad (or probably still is because OBL gives them excuses to enter any country they want).

The game is played at much bigger level than imagined. Was there any Al-Qaeda in Iraq? If not, is dictatorship alone enough to invade? Why not Burma? And many other countries?

Those who created this with Massive amount of money, are fighting with that (or at least pretending to be fighting). We cannot destroy rest of the countries in the name of protecting our religion. The monster is too big to challenge by us. They created it with Billions of $ and are now fighting it with Billions of $.

Myself and Majority of Muslims will always hate EXTREMISTS among ourselves as well others because they are making this world unsafe.

Posted by A Muslim on May 18, 2008 6:08 PM
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So where is the enqiry into the political motives of the WMP and the CPS in attacking investigative journalism and generating this whole affair?

Where is the enquiry into the Police's failure to prosecute the racist homophobic and fascist Islamists at the centre of the report?

Where is the political condemnation from our leaders of the behaviour of the Police and the CPS?

Answers....don't bother ....there aren't any.
Posted by David on May 18, 2008 6:03 PM
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Andrew Wattley
I watched a bit of what you suggested but am far from convinced. There was a clip on the news of a man saying "if she does not wear hijab we hit her" and the previous bit was about a duty to wear it from the age of 10. So there was an incitement to violence towards women and children. Hijab in any case is not required but comes from the culture of desert arabs.
There is no way to explain this away.The audience should have risen up and walked out or deposited the speaker outside. People must understand that in Britain the safety of all citizens is non negotiable. Religion does not trump it. Women , children and ,gays must not be abused. There must be no incitement to do so.
Posted by Calpurnia on May 18, 2008 6:02 PM
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Couldn't Anil Patani be a police chief in his own country if he does not like it in England and the way we live?
One rule for them - one for us? No way!
My father would be turning in his grave to see what Britain is turning into.
Fed up with this gov bending over backwards to appease those that would wish us harm!!!

Posted by Margaret on May 18, 2008 6:02 PM
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As a Muslim, I do accept that there are problems in our community. But then there are problems everywhere and Burmese are not Muslims, in fact Muslims in Burma are the most crushed minority.

It is sad to see that Muslims are being blamed for anything and everything.


Have you ever wondered why the British government gives benefits to those Osama Bin LONDON etc? We all know that majority of extremists are British born and are on benefits.

If I believed in conspiracy theories, I can only deduct two things:

Either 1. They are being used to give a bad name to a faith and they are agents (after all how can you say those things so openly if you are given handouts?)

Or 2. These people are not their agents but are indirectly encouraged to maintain a state of propaganda and fear (which is necessary for governments)

If my above theories are wrong, then we can only say that the British government’s negligence is CRIMINAL (because it is states’ responsibility to protect society from such people whereas state is giving them money so that they can work 24/7 on these issues).

In every scenario, who is to get the blame? A Muslim who is too busy in their petty jobs supporting their family or a government who is supporting a life style of a couple of hundred (at the most!) extremist Mullahs?

Now one might claim that British government doesn’t take action because it may annoy Muslims (which is untrue because Muslim imams were demanding the police to take action against Mr Hook for 12 years because of his bullying tactics untill he was arrested). Still, they don’t care about Muslim opinion when they want to attack WHOLE COUNTRIES, then why care to arrest someone against whom you have video evidence??
Posted by A Muslim on May 18, 2008 6:02 PM
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Why no mention of the role of the CPS in all this? Lawyer Bethan David of the CPS reviewed the footage too and claimed that it distorted what was said and there was a case to answer, and stated publically it should be referred to Ofcom.

ACC Patani might not understand how the law works in these cases but surely Bethan David should? And so should whoever at the CPS sanctioned their stamp of approval for Patani's comments.

The CPS needs to tell us why it came to this decision or it will appear it prefers political correctness to legal truths. After all the police refer cases to the CPS who tells them how to proceed.
Posted by hazelj on May 18, 2008 5:58 PM
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Krishna R Kumar: 5.14

What are you some sort of Islamophobic racist or something doubting the good nature of our Muslim citizens?

They are peaceful and if you say otherwise they'll shoot you, so there.

I must say, I never usually use a pseudonym on this site as I tend to think that one ought to use one's own name.

One of my properties in based near Canary Wharf, howevver, and I own several businesses in areas with large Muslim populations. I am not frightened myself but I don't want my wife, children or employees to be set about by fanatical thugs.

When a law-abidsing, hard-working citizen of this country whose ancestry goes bakc many gernations, whose realtives have fought in many wars for the country and whose family pay large amounts of tax have to hide behind a pseudonym there is something wrong somewhere.

Posted by Sceptical of the Arab Missionaries on May 18, 2008 5:58 PM
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Chickens coming home to roost.For years the british gave asylum to criminals (expelled from their lands) in the name of freedom of speech which is a big farce. Their is no freedom of speech, it is all a big con. As long as you criticise others we are happy. Isnt abu hamza well known and always visited by the MI5? Isnt the july 7 bombers been under MI5's surveillance? How was this allowed to continue? Wake up and ditch all this human rights rubbish, Thats why all the courts and judges are confused. This is the most regulated society on earth and the state is the beneficiary not the people.
For those that believe the poll about 40% muslims wanting sharia in the UK, you can believe what you want but we muslims know that it is a lie. 90% of the worlds muslims do not live under sharia(by sharia here I mean the strict intepretation of Islamic law which is always the focus of debate), I do not know what makes british muslims such a big departure. I would want to believe the sharia referred to in the poll has to do with civil law on marriage, divorce and inheritance etc like in most muslims countries not the one you like castigating which ONLY saudi and may be partially Iran practices as part of their law.
And for those that like to believe that making life uncomfortable for muslims in the UK is the answer, bad news for you if repression in the former USSR or China or 'trying to pretend we are europeans' Turkey did not make muslims disappear I do not see anything that the UK can do. Speaking for myself, if you are not going to force me to eat pork or drink alcohol, than I cannot see what can prevent me from being a muslim having a muslim name and teaching my kids Islam with or without any books. The animosity can only make it easier because I can tell my kids not everybody will accept you and they will not go far for proof.
And for those that choose to target polygamy, as long as there is no law barring three consenting adults from living together then how can you prevent me if I want to have another wife, mind you she is educated british born and for all reasons a very willing partner.
I have looked for the definition of what being british means that would prevent me from being british and muslim, there is none. A lot would like to define alcohol as part of it but alcohol is not a big fan of anyone lately with yobbish behaviour and feral youths being one of the biggest concerns of anyone that lives in the UK.
Posted by Muhammad on May 18, 2008 5:55 PM
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Is there any chance, do you suppose, that the so-called "Leader"
of the equally so-called "Opposition" might speak up on behalf
of the people protesting here and common sense?
Posted by Dave on May 18, 2008 5:55 PM
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Yes, government officials should be called to account (you've abolished the charge of Treason, so lamp posts and rope will have to suffice), but what about academics who further Islam, encouraged by huge bribes of Moslem 'endowments' of chairs in 'Islamic Studies' at some of your once renowned universities? What about newspapers which once 'telegraphed' and 'thundered' the truth regardless of threat? What about your clergy like Rowan Williams, an alleged theologian, who, knowing the character and deeds of Muhammad and the tenets of this cult, prattles on about 'inter-faith dialogue' and a 'common word'? What about a Monarch sworn to uphold the Christian faith and defend her people? What about a people whose display of anger and concern for their land extends only to comments on a newspaper's internet pages? When defeating an external threat almost two centuries ago, Prime Minister Pitt was able to say that "England which has saved itself by its exertions, may yet save Europe by its example." What are you waiting for?
Posted by former American resident on May 18, 2008 5:51 PM
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Too late for you blokes in the UK. your going down and you elected the idiots who is allowing it to happen. Buyer's remorse? THis should be a wake up call but I suppose you all would rather wonk about your dole money and other socialist crap. Have you any British dignity left?
Posted by fred on May 18, 2008 5:50 PM
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This article appears today and will be forgotten tomorrow. Nothing will change. We are sleepwalking toward our doom. Not one of the posters on here is willing to do anything about it except complain and whinge and the reason for this is pernicious political-correctness. While this Marxist mindset is accepted by the government and media all we can do is expect the worse.
Posted by Arthur Lincoln on May 18, 2008 5:45 PM
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Patani needs to resign as he is clearly not impartial and objective. If he does not resign, then he should be sacked.

Watch this space.

Posted by stanilic on May 18, 2008 5:39 PM
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I watched 'Undercover Mosque'. The presenters made sure to give the viewer a negative perception of the topic before showing a few selected seconds of the imam/guest speaker saying his piece. I found it impossible to determine from the documentary what any of the speakers were actually talking about.

I found the title of the documentary disingenuous. One does not normally need to go undercover to get footage of talks in mosques. The organisers usually record it themselves and sell tapes of the talks for a modest price.

One of the mosque speakers (that I know of), Dr. Bilal Philips, has posted, on youtube, a reply to the documentary, if anyone is interested.
Posted by Andrew Wattley on May 18, 2008 5:37 PM
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Those that promote and adhere to the Utopian Ideology of multi-culturalism are all the same. Be critical and you are labelled a racist, point out problems and the defence is to tell us the usual lie of how enriching it all is or just to place their hands over their ears and sing, "la, la, la.......!

The way our politicians bend over backwards to appease is often sickening. I think if you want a good model for the future of Britain in a few decades time one only has to look at the Lebanon.

In the eyes of the liberati we all must live together with equal rights.
Under sharia that is immpossible: different religion and you are a second class citizen (Dhimmi), atheist or homosexual you are probably the Sunday afternoon entertainment at the local football ground. Women: they don't count.
Posted by K.Macca on May 18, 2008 5:35 PM
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Anil Patani is a Hindu name.
The shame of it. Hindus more than others should know the truth of the horror of islam. It just goes to show how institutionalised PC can be rammed through to anyones head if they want to progress up the institutional career ladder.


If you wish to know the horror that awaits this country, unless you wake up to the islamists, then just google
konrad elst and francois gautier

Politicians putting their heads in the sand will not make the horror of islam go away.

Posted by Vijay Gupta on May 18, 2008 5:32 PM
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Why does this man still have a job with such resposibility? He is
evidently totally unfit for purpose and should be removed and
prosecuted. NOW!
Posted by David Lodge on May 18, 2008 5:28 PM
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Is the Sunday or Daily Telegraph going to start a petition to have PATANI removed ?

Something must be done to face these people down..they are taking over our country because we are either too stupid or too frightened to kick them into touch....are we afraid of 'offending' them ? 'They' are plotting to take over.

I hope Channel 4 does something .
Posted by Molly on May 18, 2008 5:22 PM
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Well done channel 4
This isn't the first time they've fought to hold the machinery of this corrupt Labour government to account.

Labour won't solve our problems, they are the cause of them.

Only when we replace this Labour regime with a competent Conservative government in 2010 can we start to tackle our Labour induced problems.
Posted by Phil Kean on May 18, 2008 5:19 PM
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Ali 3:10 PM.

Islam/Muslims: good and peaceful?

Nice to hear a new story! Are you in this world or somewhere else?

That is why the whole imaginary world of yours is known as "denial state" world!
Posted by Krishna R. Kumar on May 18, 2008 5:14 PM
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Mark Leaving London 3.21 pm

The mere fact that I am a regular contributor to this site and usually dislike people not using their own names and yet have taken the precaution of using a pseudonym out of fear of reprisals against my family and businesses makes your point only too well.

Well into the twentieth century, many Western statesmen and Churchmen would have known of the dangers of Islam. Even within recent history the 'Moor' in Spain and the 'Turk' in the Habsburg domains were still the bogeymen.

People who weren't taken in by Islam
included John Wesley, the founder of the Methodists, and none other than Sir Winston Churchill.

When the Turks captured Constantinople in 1453, even the Catholic Church (which had split from the Orthodox Church in 1054), viewed it a tragedy of unprecedented proportions. It was only a combined force of Germans, Poles, Austrians and Hungarians who managed to stop the Ottomans from capturing Vienna. During the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, Spain, Venice, the Knights of Malta, Austria and the Papal States managed to break the back of a Turkish naval force that was attempting to dominate the whole of the Mediterrean as a springboard from which to launch further attacks on Europe.

Not only did Muslims virtually eradicate Christianity in North Africa but their behaviour in India was likewise atrocious. Even well into the nineteenth century, Muslim states along north Africa used to harbour pirates and abductors.

The last Christian country to outlaw slavery was Brazil in the nineteenth century but it is still going on today in many Muslim countries. Both black and white slavery existed as the Arabs didn't used to like either white Europeans or black Africans.

Even during the so called golden age of Islam its achievements were less impressive then many now pretend. Islam produced several notable philosophers such as Avicenna and Averroes, made some contributions to mathmaticains (particularly algebra), navigation, astronomy and medicine.

Many of the achievements listed as 'Muslim', however, were actually carried out by newly converted pagans in newly conquered terrorities before freedom of thought had been eradicated, or by Christian and Jewish scholars living in Muslim lands.

Other ideas were stolen from pre-Islamic Greek and Persian writings or from people such the Chinese and the Indians with whom Muslims came into contact. The truth is that Islam is extremely barren when set against the achievements of the West or even against ancient and medieval China.

It is complete idiocy to expect these people to settle here without any trouble. Even leaving aside the terrorist threat, Muslims have a far greater propensity to criminality and welfare dependency than any other group.

Posted by Sceptical about the Arab Missionaries on May 18, 2008 5:06 PM
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I always think the elite of the Saudi administration are terra forming. At some point their population will notice that the oil is running out and there is no social equality and no other means of support. Saudi spends 10 % of its budget on weaponry. They invest very heavily in the UK. Perhaps we are their lifeboat. But to try to be a bit serious. We will have to take note of population numbers. We will have to discourage large families so there will not be a vast demographic change. No one who cannot afford a large family should be encouraged to have them. We should not pay for more than two.
Posted by Margery on May 18, 2008 5:04 PM
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Judith at 4.04pm asks what can be done?

Remove Britain immediately from the European Union (it is on target to effect a full political union with what it blandly terms the 'Mediterranean countries, i.e., Turkey, North Africa, Middle Eastern, all predominantly Moslem lands; under the terms of the EU, 'islamophobia' is a crime punishable by imprisonment and the European Arrest Warrant allows any European nation, acting on complaint, to arrest a citizen of another European country, transport that citizen to the Warrant-issuing nation and face charges under the legal system of that nation; if a Mediterranean Union is set up, then Sharia Law, accepted as a 'regional variation' in 1997 on the UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights will become accepted jurisprudence in Europe)

Reclassify Islam as a seditious political organisation, with the attendant restrictions (i.e., end of charity status, tax privileges, need to register membership, deportation of advocacy of sharia, etc)

Enact legislation forbidding Halal slaughter and Halal food in all public food areas (including, naturally, schools and government organisations)

Enact legislation forbidding further immigration of Moslems into Britain, regardless of what country from which they are emigrating

Enact legislation forbidding Female Genital Mutilation, Child Brides (or Grooms), Polygamy and be prepared to prosecute and then deport upon conviction, all those taking part in such crimes

Forbid the construction of any further mosques and require the disbandment of those presently in existence (mosques are not places of worship principally, they are places where Sharia law is carried out, political incitement bodies, as such they are out of the terms of reference of religious worship)

Forbid Sharia Law in all forms and practices, prosecute and deport upon conviction all involved in attempting to establish, spread and conduct law under such jurisprudence

Forbid Moslem 'faith schools'

Review all textbooks in English public schools and universities for deliberate misrepresentation of and spread of Islam (this is already happening in the United States by concerned parents who have formed organisations for this purpose)

Will this do for starters?
Posted by American Reader on May 18, 2008 5:00 PM
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Pantani acts as the foreign subversive he is. No more reason is needed to prevent people like him obtaining power positions in our country.
Posted by Lionheart on May 18, 2008 4:44 PM
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Ali - Sharia law may (or may not be) good, but it has no place in the UK. You are a guest in this country, and OUR laws apply, not yours. Similarly, were I in a Muslim country, I would obey the laws of THAT country, as is right, proper and courteous.

I know many Muslims who do not agree with you. Bottom line - if you don't like the way things are run here, go home.
Posted by Jeremy Poynton on May 18, 2008 4:36 PM
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And yet your Queen was just in Turkey, boasting about how much she'd like to see 90 million more Muslims allowed into the EU. What hope would you have to live a Western life then?
Posted by MaryJ on May 18, 2008 4:35 PM
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The key to all this is to bring Nu labour and their acolytes to account. I dont just mean by routing them at the next election but by bringing them to account legally.
By this I mean charging them if necessary with subversion and treason.
They are dismantling this once proud nation very rapidly by fudge and their PC thinking.
Take away their pensions. These are merely an extention of their fraudulant expense claims.
We want justice and the rule of British law just as generations before us understood it and died for in their hundreds of thousands.

Posted by Robin on May 18, 2008 4:28 PM
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To Judith,
The Navy had the job of searching for and destroying Islamic slave traders after slavery was abolished in the early 1800s.
The RAF had the job of searching for and destroying Islamic insurgents coming out of Saudi in the 20s and 30s.
And we punished Nazis via the Nuremberg trials with death.
The British have always lead the World in not tolerating evil - we must pick up that mantle again.
Posted by Jonathan on May 18, 2008 4:26 PM
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Patani MUST be sacked NOW!!!!!
To paraphrase Wilde, he is the unelected in defense of the unspeakable.
There are two things you can guarantee about this situation -
1 Patani will have been promoted way above his ability simply beacause he is a Muslim of Asian origin.
2 If the cameras had been in a BNP meeting and filmed similar comments from a BNP leader, Patani and his cohorts would be screaming for blood.
The amount of freedom we - well, not us, our stupid leaders do that - give Muslims in this country is unbelievable. The law bends over backwards, turns somersaults and goes out of its way to accomodate them, their views and the demands of their obnoxious, primitive and barbaric religion.( And i despise Christian Fundamentalists too, so there.)
What is the matter with our government? Are they under orders from the Saudis to turn the UK into an Islamic state or loose defence contracts and oil supply?
Something sure is rotten in this country when it comes to accomodating muslims and crushing any opposition to them.
I would love to know what it is.

Posted by True Brit ( ex-RN ) on May 18, 2008 4:25 PM
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The plans of the 'Common Purpose' graduates are proceeding quite well and to their expectations.
Just wait until the EU Constitreaty kicks in - then you will know what it is all about.
Hitler had his Enabling Act - the Constitreaty will allow any old tin-pot dictator to have much more power than Hitler could ever have dreamed of.
Posted by Lickyalips on May 18, 2008 4:16 PM
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And this man is still employed by the police?! Unbelievable! There should be a petition started and protests began to have this man sacked immediately!
Posted by Stephanie Anderson on May 18, 2008 4:11 PM
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We all know this and this is one of the reasons people are hurting. Politicians are in their own state of denial if they think their unpopularity is all to do with doubling tax on the lowest-paid.

The media has been soft and compliant with the present government and when Ch.4 attempted to do a piece of investigative journalism our politicised police 'service' ("nothing to see here, move away") instigated an investigation into the wrong people - they should have investigated the claims the programme made but I suppose that might have 'increased tension' or been 'culturally insensitive'. When our own Police are fearful of the consequences of doing th right thing, I think we should all be fearful. Ch.4 has now been vindicated. Thank heaven for a sensible Judge at last.

I hope other journalists will take heart and do the right thing. Your job is to report not put a gloss on matters, just as the duty of the Police is to serve and protect all of us, not just a minority. As for politicians - at the moment I think we're being deliberatley run into the ground - EU etc. Here are a couple of links which show how deep a mess we are in with our Police and our Navy:



The time is way overdue when journalists, politicians and the police should have the courage of their convictions. We've had enough of political correctness and unreporting of the big issues affecting our country. People deserve the unvarnished truth.

Which politician will stand up and say, not 'we made mistakes' but, 'sorry, we lied' - for we know they have lied and while they are in their cosy EU offices in 2010 en route (pls excuse my French!) to one-world government, new world order, whatever you want to call it, then we will all finally understand how they see us - an underclass of statistics to be manipulated, ordered and put down. What we are seeing today are merely processes intended to cow us into submission.
Posted by Old-Tyke on May 18, 2008 4:10 PM
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Unfortunately the situation is far worse than Alasdair Palmer suggests. Many people fail to recognise reality not just because it runs counter to their own beliefs; many people deny reality because they have a NEED believe what the WANT to believe.

Such people are usually religious and/or “artistic”, but it is a form of madness that extends to the political as well. That’s why we have socialism.

Add to this the fact that people are only interested in themselves and it is easy to see why we have conflict when different cultures abut (they do not mix) and why there are no happy multicultural societies.

The balance is changing between the relatively rational population of old and the new, growing and largely irrational (fanatically religious) population - as evidenced by placement of a totally silly man to the position of high ranking police officer.

At the moment in Britain we are at the stage of generalised alienisation, occasional race rioting, and actual and threatened terrorism.

The future is of a necessarily very oppressive government. There will also be the need to accept all kinds of the insanities. For example the decision of higher authority to take no action against this policeman who is not just unsuited to his job, but is actually a danger to our welfare. (What are policemen for - you might well ask. Just think - never again will there be a rational answer to that question.)

The alternative to increasingly oppressive and irrational government would be all-out conflict - even civil war.

Mr Palmer; what you describe is a pimple; the cause is a deadly disease.

Posted by Old Man on May 18, 2008 4:09 PM
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Agree with everything said about Islam joining up the dots and taking over as it's so blindingly obvious that this is happening all over Europe....but what do we, can we do? Please someone, tell us!
Posted by Judith C on May 18, 2008 4:04 PM
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We have always been at war with Islam, especially in our fight against slavery. So why delude ourselves? Islam is not just radical, it is abominable to the core, it always has been. And yet if you say this you open yourself up to accusations of hatred!

How is it we could see the evil of Nazism but not the evil of Islam? Perhaps because we are too comfortable and too few have seen how Islam has ravaged other poorer nations.

So what is really happening in Britain? The England of my 50's childhood seems like a dream. At least I still have the "Antique Roadshow" to transport me back to a more kind and gentle age.

Posted by Jonathan on May 18, 2008 4:03 PM
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Will the free press highlight that under our "goverments" immigration policys that 60% of immigration outside of the E.U. is Muslim. This is official number that can be verified under Freedom of information. A revolution is tacking place without any debate.
Posted by robert on May 18, 2008 3:48 PM
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RIP Anglo-Saxon Britain

410 - 2000 AD

So sadly missed

Posted by jack on May 18, 2008 3:39 PM
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Patani was only behaving as any good muslim would behave when he acquires a position of authority. He is going to promote his own vile religion and do down anyone who tries to expose how hideous are its preachers and adherents. In other words he is behaving as he would if he was in a muslim dominated society.
Posted by John on May 18, 2008 3:34 PM
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Private 'faith' schools are teaching this distorted world view to its children, here in the UK.

The children who attend lessons at The Mosque are hearing this garbage.

Little wonder that some of them are going to want to 'punish' we infidels.

This is going on in Scandinavia , The US , France and Canada where the Islamic representatives (sic) are actually attempting to prosecute anyone or any journalists who repeats anything which they (the radicals) have said or written and presents it as 'extreme'...it is not funny ; like PATANI , they are trying to supress free speech and silence the free press.

Be on your guard !

Posted by Molly on May 18, 2008 3:22 PM
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I have been following the Islamists and the Religion of Peace for a while now, reading internet and newspaper articles, books on the subject as well as umpteen programmes such as 'Undercover Mosque' by Channel 4 Dispatches.
What we have in the UK is a religion that is growing and growing at an exceptionally fast rate. It is not only growing in the UK but also all over Europe.
We have a problem in the UK and believe it or not it is Islam and I will tell you why.
Many people do not realise that although firmly denounced by the government, as well as by Muslims in the UK, Islamic Terrorists are in fact MUSLIMS. They were born into Islam, they studied Islam and they are in fact the 'TRUE' Muslims in that they are following the teachings and the way of life of Muhammad, who if you do not know butchered hundreds(in the same way as Ken Bigley), raped women, robbed as well as indecently assault pre pubescent girls - he consumated his marriage with a nine year old girl. And yet people worship this man as the Prophet of Islam? He is on the opposite end of the spectrum when compared to Christ or Bhudda.
Everywhere in this world where there is war there is Islam - Christian vs Islam, Hindu vs Islam, Sikh vs Islam, Bhuddism vs Islam. The simple situation is that Islam is not able to live with any other religion other than Islam and if it does live in a society that is not Islamic then it will hurriedly make moves to Islamify it. This is happening not just in the UK but also all over Europe.
It is ok for Muslims to parade throught the streets of Brussels on 9/11 celebrating it but when Non Muslims paraded a year later, they were arrested by police as they tried to warn Belgium on it's pending Islamification.
It is ok for the BBC to interview a leader of Hizb ut Tahrir who deminises British Culture, Western Civilisation and society and yet will not allow the BNP to speak up for the UK? I am not a BNP supporter but an advocate of Free Speech and Democracy, but in this case, Islamists should never have a voice in the Free Speaking principles of the West.
I could go on but I don't have the space to inform unfortunately. I am not spreading Hate or Racism(Islam is a Religion by the Way) as the Islamists do.
I am however stating that now Christianity is dying in the UK and Islam is soon to be taught in state schools, do you not wonder, just why Saudi Arabia and Britain have a special relationship? Has it not dawned on you that Saudi Arabia invests Millions every year into the teaching of Wahabism in 'Faith Schools'?
We have a situation where Islam will take up the mantle that once belonged to Christianity in the UK and with further procreation(more amongst Muslims than any other culture), and immigration from Islamic countries, the Muslim population will rise to such a number that the annexation of Kosovo by Albanian Muslims will happen in the UK, starting off with places such as Birmingham, Leicester and Bradford.
You won't even notice it happen, it will be a very quiet cultural and religious hegemony by Islam in the UK. People in positions of power will make it so by laws and practices. Lord Ahmed for example, a Muslim peer in the House of Lords stated that his favourite Mosque in the UK was Green Lane, the main Mosque under Investigation in the Dispatches programme.
The Situation is the UK is a worrying one, and our civil Liberties and freedoms will disappear when Islam gains power.

Posted by Mark leaving London on May 18, 2008 3:21 PM
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Apart from this clown,we also had Brian Pillock (ex dep com of the Met police),who said that Islamics, and Moslems were not of the same religion.No wonder innocent people end up with 7 bullets to the brain.The police are run by uni Marxists who support terror.
Posted by banachech on May 18, 2008 3:18 PM
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...and this also raises the question of who is doing the translating in our own security services, and have they (MI6), as another branch of the Arabist FCO, also fallen down in vetting who they employ? They didn't do too well in the Cold War Burgess, Philby, and Maclean era. How much political correctness have they imbibed as yet another branch of the swollen civil service.

This religion is both faith and form of government and has no place in a secular democracy unless it embraces both respect for other faiths, without presumption of superiority, and also for the host nation who showed hospitality in allowing Muslims in in the first place on the back of a now clearly naive secularism.

For those Muslims who want Sharia law let them find a freedom-loving Muslim country to emigrate to. They might have a hard time finding one, if they start rocking the boat as some are doing in the UK.

The Muslim world needs to develop a modern form of Islam - period. Salafism, Wahabbism, and Deobandi sects should be watched day and night until we understand the full nature of this threat and how to counter it - and then act, decisively and militarily, on our own soil if need be.

Reading List?
Future Jihad, Terrorist Strategies against the West - Walid Phares
The Great Arab conquests. Hugh Kennedy - just so we know what we are up against.

I think this article is being generous to both Mr. Patani and the WMP.
Posted by Peter Trinder on May 18, 2008 3:15 PM
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Britain has been living in denial for the last 10-15 yrs. The lunatics are running the asylum - I will never return.
Posted by Michael on May 18, 2008 3:15 PM
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Good for you for publishing this article; there needs to be more and more of this. I and countless members of the public are seriously disturbed at the way the public authorities bow down to Islam. An unwillingness to tell the truth and to 'offend' Islam is the reason why the UK could be the first western nation to come under the heel of militant Islam. This nation is looking for leadership of the highest level of integrity. It will be a miracle, but that is our only hope for a major shift in the atmosphere.
Posted by Mark Withers on May 18, 2008 3:15 PM
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After the credit crunch, it must be islam bashing time again.
Posted by Zak on May 18, 2008 3:14 PM
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Krishmar R Kumar 2.42

Muslim population high in India. Muslims very good. Muslims peaceful.
Posted by Ali on May 18, 2008 3:10 PM
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This is what happens when a police force becomes in thrall to a political party. The police are now New Labour's Police, with Ian Blair the perfect symbol of that.
Posted by Jeremy Poynton on May 18, 2008 2:58 PM
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Even at this stage , is anyone in government setting up an investigation into how so much Police time and public money was wasted and why C4 was erroneously attacked like this...imagine if it had been a person or people rather than a TV corporation being hounded like this?

Isn't the West Midlands Police Force the same one which had a load of bent coppers in its Serious Crime Squad in the 1980s who fitted-up loads of petty gangsters and so-called IRA terrorists , many of whom were jailed wrongly?

There is something rotten in that Police Force..what is its Police Authority doing about it ?

How did that very senior officer take the law into his own hands without being challenged from within?

Mr Palmer stated that Patani is in denial ..yes he should be thrown in it , together with the PC Rule-book and all of his colleagues who aided and abetted this scandalous miscarriage of justice.


I hope Mr Cameron starts a row in Parliament this week over this.

Posted by Max on May 18, 2008 2:57 PM
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Whyt is this bigoted racist allowed to remain in the British police force? He should be investigated, disicplined and sacked immediately.
Posted by Justin Robinson on May 18, 2008 2:44 PM
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This is a dangerous trend with about two percent of Muslims. Imagine what happens when Muslim population crosses 10 percent.

Anil Patani should be fired. Abu Usamah should be tried under hatred laws. Are these hatred laws only applicable to Powells?

Islam should reform with times. State of denial will not help Muslims as some posts suggest. Otherwise, Islam will be washed away in this century itself as communism did in the last century!
Posted by Krishna R. Kumar on May 18, 2008 2:42 PM
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As evidence that Jihad is a holy obligation upon all Moslems, to wage either violent warfare or concerted da'wa ('inter-faith' dialogue) involving taqiyya, the following verses, over 80, from the Koran and supporting ahadith of Bukhari (most authoritative of all the transmitters), Muslim, Abu Dawud, Isaq and Tabari. Also listed are the Chronological Jihad against the following nations, religions and ethnic groups since 622 to the present day with the dates: Jihad against Arabs, Zoroastrian Persians, Byzantine Christians, Christian Coptic Egyptians, Nubians, pagan Berbers, Spaniards, Franks, Sicilians, Chinese, Turks, Armenians and Georgians, Mongols, Hindus, Indonesians and Malays, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbs, Croats, Greeks, Albania, Croatia, Hungarians, Austrians, Israelis, Americans, British, Denmark, Filipinos, Russians, Dutch, Belgians, French, Thais, Nigerians, Canadians, Latin America, Australia:-


As to the fact of Muhammad having wed a child of six and had sexual intercourse with her when she was nine and he in his mid-50s, the following dozen are the best-known supporting ahadith and it is on this basis, of Muhammad as the personficiation of a man "of exalted character," and "a model of perfect conduct" and that "he who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad), obeys Allah," (Koran, verses 68:4, 33:21 and 4:80, respectively), that child brides have been, and are now, an 'approved' part of Moslem societies:

Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64 and 7:62:65
"According to Aisha, The Prophet married her (Aisha) when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death)"

(in English and German with all ahadith stated and accredited)
Posted by Squelcher on May 18, 2008 2:34 PM
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Any non-Muslim public servant who made a similar speech would be disciplined and/or sacked.
Why is tax payer money still being paid to this islamic 5th columnist?
Posted by Nicholas Lutwyche on May 18, 2008 2:21 PM
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What chance has a woman got to achieve any form of recognition for good work in this man's police force.When is the Government going to realise that their form of Political Correctness is causing far more problems within our society than solving them?
Posted by EX-BRAT on May 18, 2008 2:17 PM
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Bookworm 6.33 am

You got yuorr factts wrong. Islam a peacful religion. Mohammed true prophet. Islam good for Britain.

Sharia law very good. Muslims like benefits in Britain. Muslims will be able tell the Jews and Christians to do what they want.

More mMuslims bewnefit Britain. Why Sharia law good and we not want trbble we a peaceful religion.

Posted by Ali on May 18, 2008 2:14 PM
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Is the assistant Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police a Muslim by any chance?

See where I'm going with this one...?
Posted by Fred Long on May 18, 2008 2:13 PM
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Methinks that the bit that got people particularly butthurt about this programme was its revelation that all these militant preachers had passed through Saudi during their training.

Saudi Arabia, in case you weren't aware, is an absolute monarchy in which the royal family are above the law and making large amounts of money selling oil to the West. But at the same time, the country's hardline religious establishment (known to some as the Wahhabi school of thought) sees this as sleeping with the enemy and so the royal appease them by allowing them to export their militant and hyper-conservative brand of Islam all round the world, backed, partly, by millions of petro-dollars.

Yet we in the West don't like to talk about this. We don't want to upset them or they might pull out the al-Yamamah II arms deal - which is mainly responsible for BAE Systems staying afloat. Thus we bend over backwards not to upset them. What about that bloke, Sandy, who was an expat in Saudi who was falsely accused, tortured, and so forth for months but our Government refused to put any pressure at all on the Saudis to get them released and even dissuaded his family from going to the press, because they didn't want to endanger the arms deal?

Similarly, one of the complaints about this programme was from the Saudis themselves.

Smell a rat, anyone?
Posted by Son of a Blizzard on May 18, 2008 2:09 PM
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Perhaps the Islamic hate preachers are right, and our culture is simply too decadent and lost in self pity to survive the onslaught of a stronger culture. But be damned if I feel any need to cross the street to avoid seeing the truth.
Posted by Eric Worrall on May 18, 2008 2:06 PM
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Yes islam is pernicious, and you can't escape...
For the disbelievers and those who make a last-minute conversion, allah has prepared a painful doom. 4:18
we are all doomed...
Posted by dave evans on May 18, 2008 1:45 PM
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Sorry dear author but to call this "denial", "delusion" or "pretending" is itsef clear appeasement exercise.

This is plain and simple treason, fifth column in action, and creeping replacement of civilized norms and institutions by practices of the death cults of Sharia.

Transforming British police into a de facto Taliban police, while British soldiers are fighting the same enemy in Afghanistan and Iraq - who is responsible for this treason and idiocy?

There must be someone.

Posted by Alex on May 18, 2008 12:56 PM
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You ask why Anil Patani took those decisions. The answer is simple. He took those decisions because his intellect is incomplete. It’s a product of the stupidest combination in world history: that of Islam and political ‘correctness’.
Posted by IM Archer on May 18, 2008 12:15 PM
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Is this the same Anil Patani who in the not too distant past protested his non-elevation to the rank of superintendent (stated on the record as not being merited) - resulting in panic measures by his force and his fast tracking so that he is now an ACC as an example of PC reverse bias?

ACC Patani appears to find playing the race card - even beyond the remit of his job - his forte. The way that his second major attempt to play it has so spectacularly backfired as a result of proper impartial review should be noted.

Impartiality - an important word - has been subsumed in Britain to being Politically Correct and to the skilled leverage of articulate minorities using our equality legislation way beyond its true intent, and the mainstream majority is now the group finding itself disadvantaged. This has to change.
Posted by simon coulter on May 18, 2008 12:02 PM
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Criticism of Anil Patani is all very well and certainly good, but we have to remember that he was selected by the relevant authority in the first place. The whole system is, in other words, rotten to the core.
Posted by Graham Hayward on May 18, 2008 11:37 AM
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And the £100,000 settlement is coming from where?
Come on you ratepayers...make a noise.
Come on Chief Constable - get your staff singing from the same hymn sheet. Or am I not allowed to say that?
Posted by Beamish on May 18, 2008 11:35 AM
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Ah Mr Palmer, how refreshing; thank you, and I do mean that. Honest and open discussion on what has become a taboo subject in the PC bible is the only sane course.

I monitor sites around Europe and it is almost to late already in many countries to turn things around. More commentors such as yourself are very badly needed.

It is obvious to anyone that takes the time to investigate the Koran properly that Islam is a hugely political as well as religious entity. The dangers of appeasement are massive, overwhelming.

The sinister aspect of your article seems focused on the UK, and the actions of the Midland Police in attempting to malign and repress free and proper reportage of a very real and present danger to both security and society. This is a very good start, but we must realise that eastwards across Europe the situation is very much worse already than it has become here yet. Every government it seems is as delusional as our bunch of scheming [incompetents?]. This creates a far more sinister picture than were it just the UK does it not: The implication would suggest a deliberate EU policy of assault upon western society as a whole. Have a read of this for instance:


Might not be your cup of tea, but ordinary people are becoming very concerned indeed as PC at last loses some of its power of repression, at the way EU governments are steamrollering their societies with wicked and blatant positive discrimination in favour of Islam.
Posted by harry fredericks on May 18, 2008 11:35 AM
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Bookworm 6.33 am:

One of the most puzzling things in our country is that while Christianity seems to be declining, secularists seem to spend most of their time venting their spleen against the already weak position that Christianity has in our nation.

Islam is a growing menace to our society and yet gets off lightly. Although not an an expert, I also read that the Koran is actually a confusing and contradictory mishmash of ideas partly from Pagan Arabic origins, partly from confused Jewish ideas and partly from some heretical and schismatics Christian groups whom Muhammed had encountered and had misunderstood.

Muhammed was a paedophile, a liar, a bullying thug, a plundering bandit and a mass murderer and his followers carried out raids, murders, abductions and rapes that would be considered war crimes today.

Scholars have also noticed that the Koran contains a number of Biblical stories that have been historically compressed and this is thought to be because the illiterate Mohammed paid some Jews to read him parts of the Old Testament and as he had a good but imperfect memory he in turn dictated these stories to some others getting many of them confused.

Posted by Sceptical about the Arab Missionaries on May 18, 2008 11:14 AM
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An admirable article; readers should also read Nick Cohen on the same subject in today's Observer (Is that suggestion allowed here?)
Mr Palmer might have mentioned that, as a matter of law, no police force has jurisdiction to 'refer' anything to Ofcom. Neither - also a matter of law - does Ofcom have any power to accept such a referral. You can only complain to Ofcom if you think that you yourself have been the victim of inaccurate, unfair or biased reporting; it can't be done vicariously.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Posted by William Bapthorpe on May 18, 2008 10:53 AM
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This is the outcome when the pink and fluffy, politically correct do-gooders insist that minoritiies be given promotion beyond their capabilities and competence in the interests of "community cohesion"!
Posted by Ron Matthews on May 18, 2008 8:49 AM
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Yep and the lovely bit where if little girls would not wear the hijab they should be hit. The policeman should lose his job. Child abuse is non negotiable. And why didn't the audience rise up and deposit the vile speaker outside ? Why didn't they challenge him?
Posted by Brucie on May 18, 2008 8:31 AM
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The reason all these people are "in denial" is because this newspaper, and every other newspaper in the Western world, is unwilling to expose the truth about Islam. The ideology is essentially political, not theological; its founder, Muhammad, was a warlord and that is how Islam was spread, with violence, degradation, extortion and parasitism. The tenets of this ideology include mandated lying (taqiyya), mandated violence against women (the most notorious being Koran 4:34), mandated slavery, mandated religious intolerance (scores of verses in the Koran against Jews and Christians) and mandated warfare (Jihad) to secure the political goal of an islamic world under a jurisprudence (Sharia) which is totally antithetical to our superior Christian and Western principles.
Posted by Bookworm on May 18, 2008 6:33 AM
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Surely this senior police chief, Anil Patani, needs to be sent on a 'diversity training course'. He needs to be told about British values, notably including free critical expression, and than imams preaching hate are not 'off limits' for critical scrutiny and can in fact be breaking the law by their interpretations of Islam's Koran.
Why is he not suspended pending investigation of his cultural knowledge of the UK, which prima facie seems to be deficient?
Posted by Ib on May 18, 2008 5:58 AM
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Mr Patani, bless him, will be forced to re-evaluate his delusional worldview when the government is replaced with one less politically correct, and more right.
Posted by dave evans on May 18, 2008 4:27 AM
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An investigation should be held into the conduct of Mr Patani and also the West Midlands Police. There are serious double standards in operation when the police jump on the BNP for criticising Islam but turn a blind eye to muslim preachers of hatred.

As long as the police continue turning a blind eye the public will have little or no respect for them. They have been so indoctrinated by the government's PC/multicultural agenda that they protect criminals rather than law abiding citizens. It's sickening to see what has happened to our once respected police force.
Posted by Lin on May 18, 2008 3:11 AM
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The only relevant "procedures of Govt decision making" are those at the EU. All European nations are subject to these "insulting religion is a crime" laws.
Because the practice of Islamic Sharia law forms both a religion AND a government, the EU, by criminalizing the insult of religious Islam, has simultaneously gagged our voices against the danger of political Islam.
Thus Sharia practices, granted under the cloak of religious freedom continue, and unhindered by political scrutiny they ALWAYS, sooner or later, add up to a Sharia gov't flourishing within a democracy--no other outcome is possible.

Posted by OurUnionJacked on May 18, 2008 2:17 AM
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