Image:Frieseke.jpg '''Frederick Carl Frieseke''' (April_7, 1874August_24, 1939) was an American Impressionist painter. He was born in Owosso,_Michigan and studied at the Art_Institute_of_Chicago and the Académie_Julian in Paris. Frieseke and his family resided for fourteen years in Giverny, which was also home to Monet. He had a great influence on the Americans at the colony there, many of whom shared his midwestern background. ==References== * Kilmer, Nicholas (2000). ''Chamber Works by Frederick C. Frieseke'', New York: Hollis Taggart Galleries. ISBN 0-9705723-1-X. * Frieseke, Frederick C. (2000). ''Uneventful Reminiscences: A Childhood in Florida'', New York: Hollis Taggart Galleries. ISBN 0-9705723-0-1. ==External links== * Frederick Carl Frieseke Biography: Hollis Taggart Galleries Frederick Carl Frieseke images, museums and gallery information, and Internet resources Frieseke, Frederick Carl Frieseke, Frederick Carl Frieseke, Frederick Carl Frieseke, Frederick Carl {{US-painter-stub}}