Colonel Tom Parker

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Colonel Tom Parker
Born June 26, 1909(1909-06-26)
Breda, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Died January 21, 1997 (aged 87)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Occupation Entertainment Business

"Colonel" Tom Parker (born Andreas Cornelis (Dries) van Kuijk on June 26, 1909January 21, 1997), was an entertainment impresario known best as the manager of Elvis Presley. For many years Parker claimed to have been U.S. born, but it eventually emerged that he was born in Breda, Netherlands to Dutch parents. His management of Elvis Presley re-wrote the role of the manager and was seen as central to the astonishing success of Presley's career. He displayed a ruthless devotion to his client's interests, took far more than the traditional 10% of his earnings (reaching 50% and more by the end of Elvis' life), and piloted Elvis to global superstardom. Presley said of Parker: "I don't think I would have been very big with another man. Because he's a very smart man."[1]


[edit] Finding Elvis

Parker's involvement in the music industry began as a music promoter in the late 1940s, working with such country music stars as Minnie Pearl, Hank Snow, and Eddy Arnold, as well as film star Tom Mix. During this time he received the honorary title of "Colonel" in 1948 from Jimmie Davis, the governor of Louisiana, in return for work he did on Davis' election campaign.

On August 18, 1955, Parker became Presley's manager officially, and in November he persuaded RCA Records to buy Presley out from Sun Records for $35,000, a considerable sum for that time. With his first RCA single, Heartbreak Hotel, Presley graduated from rumor to bona-fide recording star.

It is debatable whether Presley would have become the superstar he became without Parker, and it's likewise debatable to what extent Parker's management of the King of Rock and Roll was Svengali-like. Parker held the reins of Presley's singing and acting career for the rest of Presley's life and was said to be instrumental in virtually every business decision that Presley made—including his decision to cut back on recording and stop touring after returning from his stint in the United States Army in 1960 in favor of a film career (from 1960 to 1967-68) that was lucrative in terms of his bank account but, to many critics and fans, bankrupting in terms of Presley's music quality.

It took the energetic 1968 television special, Elvis, and a subsequent series of acclaimed recording sessions in Memphis, Tennessee, to restore Elvis Presley's musical reputation. After the Special, Parker managed Elvis' return to live performance, including a set of brief U.S. tours and many engagements in Las Vegas. During this part of Elvis' career, Parker and Presley agreed to a 50/50 "partnership," which, with Parker controlling merchandising and other non-music related items, resulted in Parker earning more than his client.

According to Presley biographer Peter Guralnick, Elvis and Colonel Parker "were really like, in a sense, a married couple, who started out with great love, loyalty, respect which lasted for a considerable period of time, and went through a number of stages until, towards the end of Elvis's life, they should have walked away. None of the rules of the relationship were operative any longer, yet neither had the courage to walk away, for a variety of reasons." Indeed, Elvis did reportedly on at least one occasion try to fire Parker; he gave an associate orders to "tell Parker he's fired," which the associate did. However, Parker replied that he would go only if Elvis gave him order to do so in person. It is possible that Parker with this took advantage of Elvis' well documented fear of direct confrontation; in any case, he remained Elvis' manager without break until his death.

[edit] Surviving Elvis

After Presley's death in 1977, Parker became embroiled in legal disputes with the singer's estate and with his ex-wife over claims that he had brought forward Elvis's death by frequently jumping out on him during his most pill-addled days. Parker eventually agreed in 1983 to sell his masters of some of Presley's major recordings to RCA for $2 million and to drop any claims he had to Presley's estate. Parker moved to Las Vegas in 1980 and worked as an "entertainment adviser" for Hilton Hotels; the disputes with the Presley estate did not alienate him entirely from his most high-profile client. Parker appeared at posthumous events honoring Presley, such as the ceremonies marking the tenth anniversary of the singer's death and the 1993 issuing of the United States Postal Service stamp honoring the King of Rock and Roll.

The continuing interest in Presley's enduring legend, interest that is sometimes notable for its obsessiveness, provoked Parker to remark in 1993, "I don't think I exploited Elvis as much as he's being exploited today."

[edit] Personal life

As Presley's fame grew, people became interested in Parker as well. For a time he lied about his childhood, claiming to have been born in Huntington, West Virginia, and to have run away at an early age to join a circus run by an uncle. The truth about his early years was revealed when his family in the Netherlands recognized him in photographs of him standing next to Elvis; this claim was confirmed when Parker tried to avert a lawsuit in 1982 by asserting that he was a Dutch citizen. In 1993 Dutch TV director Jorrit van der Kooi talked to him in Dutch about his family background in Holland. Parker was not aware that his sister Adriana had died a few years before. Van der Kooi also filmed the Colonel with a hidden camera while he was gambling in a casino in Las Vegas. This footage can be seen in the Dutch documentary "Looking for Colonel Parker". Biographies showed that Colonel Parker asked Elvis Presley to perform more and more concerts because he was addicted to gambling and needed the cash.

[edit] Real birthplace

Parker's real place of birth was in Breda, Netherlands. Still carrying his baptismal name, Andreas Cornelis (Dries) van Kuijk left his native land at about the age of 20 and joined the United States Army, despite the fact he was not a U.S. citizen. Van Kuijk was stationed in Hawaii, at a base commanded by a Captain Tom Parker. After leaving the service, van Kuijk adopted the name Tom Parker (giving himself a "promotion" to Colonel in the bargain) and became part of the circus world some time later. He also worked as a dogcatcher and a pet cemetery proprietor in Tampa, Florida in the 1940s.[2]

Elvis fans have speculated that the reason Presley never performed abroad, which would probably have been a highly lucrative proposition, may have been that Parker was worried that he would not have been able to acquire a US passport and might even have been deported from the United States upon filing his application. In addition, applying for the citizenship required for a US passport would probably have exposed his carefully concealed foreign birth, even though as an army veteran and spouse of an American citizen he would have been entitled to US citizenship. Presley did tour Canada in 1957 with concerts in Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver; however, at the time of these concerts, crossing the US-Canada border did not require a passport. (Red Robinson, Vancouver radio icon and MC of the Elvis concert in that city, says that Colonel Parker did not accompany Elvis to that show, but instead stayed in Washington State the whole time.)

[edit] Death

Parker died on January 21, 1997 of a stroke, in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the age of 87.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Guralnick, Last Train to Memphis: The Rise Of Elvis Presley, p.168
  2. ^ Guralnick, Peter (1994). Last Train to Memphis. Boston-New York-Toronto-London: Little, Brown & Co, 165. ISBN 0-316-33225-9. 

[edit] Bibliography

  • Goldman, Albert. (1981) Elvis. London, Allen Lane (Penguin). ISBN 0713914742
  • Nash, Alanna (2003). The Colonel: The Extraordinary Story of Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis Presley. Simon and Schuster.

[edit] External links

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