List of Byzantine Emperors

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Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

Coat of Arms of Byzantine Empire
Coin showing the face of Constantine I
First emperor Constantine I
Last emperor Constantine XI
Emperorship started 306
Emperorship ended 1453

This is a list of the Emperors of the late Eastern Roman Empire, commonly known as the Byzantine Empire by modern historians. This list does not include numerous co-emperors who never attained sole or senior status as rulers.

This list begins with Constantine I the Great, the first Christian emperor reigning from Constantinople. Diocletian before him had ruled from Nicomedia and replaced the republican trappings of the office with a straightforward autocracy. All Byzantine Emperors regarded themselves as Roman Emperors.[1]

The Emperor Heraclius (610-641) replaced Latin with Greek as the language of the army and began the administrative restructuring of the Empire into themata. Although Greek had long been the dominant language in the Eastern Roman Empire this change represented a formal rejection of the Latin language and many aspects of traditional Roman culture. Indeed after 800 AD the Pope and later the Franks would reject the Roman Imperial authority of Constantinople partially on this basis.

The title of all Emperors listed preceding Heraclius was officially Augustus, although various other titles such as Dominus were used as well. For official purposes, their names were preceded by Imperator Caesar and followed by Augustus. Following Heraclius, the title commonly became the Greek Basileus (Gr. Βασιλεύς), which had formerly meant generally "king", "sovereign" but now was used in place of Imperator. Kings were now titled by the neologism Regas (Gr. Ρήγας, from the Lat. "Rex") or by another generic term Archon (Gr. Άρχων, "ruler"). Autokrator (Gr. Αυτοκράτωρ) was also frequently used, along with a plethora of more hyperbolic titles including Kosmokrator (Gr. Κοσμοκράτωρ) ("Master of the World") and "Chronokrator" (Gr. Χρονοκράτωρ) ("Master of Time"). In the later centuries of the Empire, the emperor could be often referred to by Western Christians as the "Emperor of the Greeks," though they still considered themselves "Roman" Emperors.


[edit] Constantinian dynasty (306-363)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Constantine I "the Great"
(Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus)
son of the Augustus Constantius Chlorus 27 February c.280 25 July 306
Proclaimed "Augustus" upon the death of Constantius Chlorus
22 May 337 He declared himself "Augustus" in Eboracum, Britannia (Modern York), upon the death of Constantius Chlorus, and, after a period of prolonged civil war, became sole Emperor. He famously converted to Christianity, and began imperial favour of that religion. He founded Constantinople as a capital of the Empire. Divided the Empire between his three sons upon his death. Later canonised.
Constantius II
(Flavius Iulius Constantius)
second son of Constantine I 7 August 317 22 May 337
Inherited Eastern third of Roman Empire upon his father's death
5 October 361
died of illness on campaign
By inheritance, he succeeded to the Eastern third; after his two brothers died, he became sole Emperor. He was responsible for the deaths of numerous family members in the wake of Constantine's death, and persecuted those remaining. His last cousin, Julian, rebelled against him in the last years of his life.
Julian "the Apostate"
(Flavius Claudius Iulianus)
grandson of Constantius Chlorus, cousin of Constantius II May 332 5 October 361
Proclaimed by his army in Gaul, became legitimate Emperor upon the death of Constantius
28 June 363
Mortally wounded in battle
The son of Constantine I's half brother, Julius Constantius, he was early orphaned by the death of his mother of childbed fever, and the murder of his father by the sons of Constantine I. Raised by Constantius II to the rank of Caesar, he ruled and defended Gaul very ably. He eventually rebelled, being proclaimed Augustus by his army, and seized control of Italy. He succeeded to the entire empire after Constantius' fortuitous death of illness. He died on campaign against the Sassanids. He is more famous, however, for his rejection of Christianity, and his doomed attempts to rejuvenate Paganism.

[edit] Non-dynastic (363-364)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
( Flavius Claudius Iovianus )
Guards' Captain amongst Julian's Eastern forces c.332 28 June 363
Elected by the army upon Julian's death
17 February 364
Died on journey back to Constantinople
A non-entity, chosen by the army to succeed following Julian's intestate death. His only deeds worth mentioning were to secure the escape of the Roman army from Persia by signing a peace treaty; this treaty signed away Rome's furthest Eastern provinces to the Persians. He died before reaching his capital.

[edit] Valentinian-Theodosian dynasty (364-457)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Valentinian I
(Flavius Valentinianus)
Officer under Julian and Jovian 321 26 February 364
Elected by the army upon Jovian's death
17 November 375
Died of cerebral haemorrhage
Shortly after his accession, he chose his brother Valens to rule alongside him. The pair then partitioned the Empire between themselves. Valentinian thereafter ruled in the West only. During his reign, the Empire was repeatedly ravaged by barbarians. His anger at the invasion of the Quadi caused his fatal haemorrhage.
( Flavius Iulius Valens )
Minor soldier of the Roman army, brother of Valentinian I 328 28 March 364
Appointed by his brother
9 August 378
Killed at the Battle of Adrianople
Called "The Last True Roman", he was chosen to rule the East by his brother, Valentinian I. His reign was ineffective, and at one point he came close to abdication and suicide following the proclamation of an imperial pretender, Procopius. He was killed in the disastrous Battle of Adrianople, in which most of his armies were destroyed by Gothic invaders.
( Flavius Gratianus )
Son of Valentinian I, nephew of Valens 18 April/23 May 359 9 August 378
Inherited rule of the East upon the death of Valens
19 January 379
Appointed Theodosius I as Emperor of the East
25 August 383
Assassinated during the rebellion of Magnus Maximus
He inherited the rule of the East upon Valens' death. He appointed one of his generals, Theodosius, as Emperor in the East in the following year. He was also Emperor in the West (with Valentinian II) 375-383
Theodosius I
( Flavius Theodosius )
Aristocrat and military leader, brother-in-law of Gratian 11 January 347 19 January 379
Appointed by Gratian
17 January 395
old age
He was appointed Emperor in the East by Gratian, who needed a loyal ally to deal with the effects of Adrianople. He restored the Eastern armies by taking many barbarian mercenaries into Roman service. After the deaths of Gratian and Valentinian II, he took control of the Western half of the Empire. He was the last Emperor to de facto rule the entire Empire. Made Christianity the official religion of the Empire.
( Flavius Arcadius )
Son of Theodosius I 377/378 17 January 395
Upon the death of Theodosius I
1 May 408 A weak Emperor, dominated by his wife Aelia Eudoxia and ministers. Brother of the Western Emperor Honorius
Theodosius II
( Flavius Theodosius )
Son of Arcadius 10 April 401 1 May 408
Upon the death of Arcadius
28 July 450
Riding accident
He was heavily influenced by his sister, Pulcheria, who declared herself "Augusta" in 414. During his reign, her Christian views led to persecution of non-Christians in the Empire. However, the period also saw the construction of Constantinople's near-impregnable Theodosian Walls, and the publication of the Codex Theodosianus. He died in 450, leaving his sister as his heir.
( Aelia Pulcheria )
Daughter of Arcadius, sister of Theodosius II 19 January 399 28 July 450
Upon the death of Theodosius II
July 453 After the death of her father, Arcadius, she became politically prominent. She was responsible for appointing the barbarian Aspar as Eastern Roman "Master of Soldiers", a position he would use to his own ends. Strongly Christian, she encouraged her brother to rule according to Christian values. She became a nun after being forced from the court in 441, but returned after her brother's death. She then married Marcian, and the pair ruled together until 453. She was later canonised by the Eastern Orthodox Church
( Flavius Marcianus )
Soldier, politician, husband of Pulcheria 396 450
Upon his marriage to Pulcheria
January 457
Gangrene contracted on a journey
He was elevated to the imperial throne by his marriage to Pulcheria. He was supported by Aspar. Under his rule, the Eastern Empire recovered from the political and military vicissitudes of the past 3/4 of a century, and faced down Attila the Hun. The West, however, he left to fend for itself. He was canonised after his death by the Eastern Orthodox Church

[edit] Leonid dynasty (457-518)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Leo I "the Thracian"
(Flavius Valerius Leo )
Soldier 401 7 February 457
Chosen by Aspar, commander-in-chief of the army
18 January 474
Died of dysentery
He was chosen by Aspar, who attempted to rule through him; Leo resisted and broke Aspar's power. In order to do this, he was forced to ally with the Isaurians, whose leader Tarasicodissa married Leo's daughter Ariadne and took the Roman name "Zeno". He raised Theodoric the Great in his court. He was the first Emperor to be crowned by the Patriarch of Constantinople.
Leo II
( Flavius Leo )
Grandson of Leo I 467 18 January 474
Succeeded his grandfather Leo I
17 November 474
Died of an unknown disease, possibly poisoned
He was the son of Ariadne (daughter of Leo I) by Zeno. He inherited the throne upon his grandfather's death. It was rumoured that his mother had poisoned him to allow Zeno to take the throne.
( Flavius Zeno )
(Born Tarasicodissa)
Roman general of Isaurian origins; son-in-law of Leo I, father of Leo II c.425 Co-emperor: 9 February 474
Appointed by his son Leo II
Sole Emperor: 17 November 474
Succeeded upon the death of Leo II
9 January 475
Deposed by Basiliscus, brother-in-law of Leo I
9 April 491 An Isaurian chieftain, he gave his support to Leo I to overthrow Aspar. In exchange, he was allowed to marry Leo I's daughter Ariadne, by whom he had a son, Leo II. After the latter's death, he took the throne. Unpopular due to his barbarian origins, he was deposed by his mother-in-law, Verina, and her brother Basiliscus.
( Flavius Basiliscus )
Army General; brother-in-law of Leo I 9 January 475
Seized power from Zeno
August 476
Deposed by Zeno
476/477 The brother of Leo I's wife, Verina. He was favoured by Leo I, who made him the leader of an expedition against Carthage. The expedition failed, however, Initially popular, Basiliscus alienated the Constantinopolitan population, and his own followers, partly through misfortunes of chance, partly through callous treatment of his allies and his support for the Monophysite Heresy. He was betrayed by his allies, and defeated when Zeno returned to the city with an army. He was then starved to death.
Zeno, restored
( Flavius Zeno )
(Born Tarasicodissa)
Roman general of Isaurian origins; son-in-law of Leo I, father of Leo II c.425 restored August 476
Having deposed Basiliscus
9 April 491 He rallied an army and restored himself by force. Shortly afterwards, he formally reunited the Roman Empire upon the deposition of the Western Emperor Romulus Augustulus, although in reality the West fell under barbarian control. He ruled laxly, but he left the East stronger than he had found it.
Anastasius I
( Flavius Anastasius )
Palace official ("Silentiarius"); son-in-law of Leo I c.430 11 April 491
Chosen by Ariadne, widow of Zeno
9 July 518 He was a reputable palace official chosen by Ariadne (daughter of Leo I, widow of Zeno) to succeed; the pair then married. He was at first popular due to his lowering of taxation; he lost popularity when he adopted a strong monophysite policy in his final years. His leadership in war led to an exhaustive conflict between the Romans and the Persians, resulting in little benefit; he also faced ravaging of the Balkans by Slavic and Bulgar invasions.

[edit] Justinian dynasty (518-602)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Justin I
(Flavius Iustinus )
General, commander of the City Guards under Anastasius I c.450 July 518
Elected by army and people upon the death of Anastasius I
1 August 527 He was an illiterate Illyrian peasant, who rose to become commander of the city guards. Through this position and lavish bribery, he secured the throne upon the death of Anastasius I. His reign was marked mainly by conflict with the Ostrogoths and Persians.
Justinian I
(Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus)
Nephew and heir of Justin I 482/483 1 August 527
Inherited the throne on the death of Justin I
13/14 November 565 The son of Justin I's sister, Vigilantia, he was adopted by his uncle, then a rising officer of the army, and brought to Constantinople where he was given a good education. He married in 525 Theodora, a shrewd and capable courtesan who acted as the power behind the throne whilst she lived. Often referred to as the last "Roman" emperor Justinian reconquered large swathes of territory in Italy and the Adriatic coastline, North Africa, and Spain, destroying many of the conquered territories in the process. Justinian also ordered the construction of the Hagia Sophia patriarchal basilica in 532. This "Renewal of the Empire", however, was ended by an outbreak of the so-called Plague of Justinian across Europe, killing much of the Empire's population, and seriously weakening it. Against Justinian's credit of restoring Roman rule in parts of the west, and his work on creating the "Corpus Juris Civilis", must be set the dire legacy he left his heir, Justin II: a hugely reduced army, a crippled economy, and over-stretched resources.
Justin II
(Flavius Iustinus Iunior)
Nephew and heir of Justinian I c.520 14 November 565
Inherited the throne on the death of Justinian I
5 October 578 The son of Justinian I's sister, Vigilantia, he inherited the throne upon his uncle's death. He proved a dismal successor to Justinian: in 568, Italy was overrun by the Lombards; his refusal to pay tribute to the Avars led to a number of unsuccessful campaigns against them; and he lost Syria to the Persians. The stresses of his duties proved too much, and, after making his friend and general Tiberius co-Emperor, he lapsed into insanity.
Tiberius II Constantine
(Flavius Tiberius Constantinus)
"Comes" of the Excubitors, friend and adoptive son of Justin II c.520 5 October 578
Became full Emperor on the death of Justin II
14 August 582
possibly poisoned by Maurice
A friend of Justin II, he was adopted and made co-emperor in 574, upon the advice of the Empress Sophia. He thereafter ruled with the Empress until Justin's death in 578. During his reign, the Persians were defeated in Armenia, whilst the Roman territories in Spain and Africa were secured. However, he was unable to prevent Slavic invasions of the Balkans. He named his son-in-law, Maurice, heir when he became ill in 582; his death shortly afterwards was attributed by rumour to poison.
(Flavius Mauricius Tiberius)
Commander-in-chief of Cappadocian origins; son-in-law of Tiberius II 539 14 August 582
Succeeded upon the death of his father-in-law Tiberius II
November 602
Forced to abdicate by Phocas
27 November 602
Executed by Phocas
One of Constantinople's outstanding generals, he successfully defeated the Persians in 581. He married Constantina, the daughter of Tiberius II in 582, and in the same year became Emperor upon Tiberius' death. He continued the Persian war until 591, when he secured peace by placing the exiled Sassanid heir Khosrau II on the Persian throne. He also warred mostly successfuly with the Avars and Slavs, and instituted the system of the "Exarchates" in Italy and Africa, allowing greater competence in defending Roman territory there. A refusal to pay a ransom demanded by the Avars in exchange for several thousand captured Roman soldiers led to the rebellion of Phocas, who had Maurice executed. His reign saw the last flowering of Roman power, and a weakening of both the Empire and Persia.

[edit] Non-dynastic (602-610)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
(Flavius Phocas )
sub-altern in the Balkan army, leader of rebellion; deposed Maurice  ? November 602
Seized power in a rebellion against Maurice
Executed by Heraclius
A minor soldier in the Roman army, he led a rebellion against Maurice after the latter ordered the exhausted forces to winter on the unprotected side of the Danube, and then tried to send them on a winter campaign. In the ensuing rebellion, Maurice abdicated; Phocas had himself crowned Emperor, and then executed the ex-emperor and his children. He was initially popular due to his lowering of taxes and his reforms. However, under his rule, the traditional Roman borders in the east began to collapse, whilst the Persians supported rebellions on their border and advanced their control westwards. Eventually, his authority crumbled, and Heraclius proclaimed himself as Emperor and seized control, executing Phocas.

[edit] Heraclian dynasty (610-711)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
(Ηράκλειος, Hērakleios) Heraclius (Flavius Heraclius)
son of Exarch Heraclius the Elder; deposed Phocas c.575 5 October 610
Seized power in a rebellion against Phocas
11 February 641 He rebelled against Phocas and seized power. After a long war with the Sassanid Empire and the Avars, he emerged victorious, fatally weakening both opponents. He was unable to prevent the loss of Syria, Palestine and Egypt to the newly emergent Arab Caliphate towards the end of his reign. He is credited with organising the system of Themata to defend the Empire, and with making Greek rather than Latin the official language of the Empire. He left the Empire to be ruled jointly by his two sons Constantine III and Heraklonas
Constantine III
(Ηράκλειος (νέος) Κωνσταντίνος, Herakleios Novos Kōnstantinos) Constantine III ( Heraclius Novus Constantinus )
eldest son of Herakleios 3 May 612 11 February 641
Succeeded to throne with Heraklonas following death of Herakleios
24/26 May 641
Tuberculosis, allegedly poisoned by Martina
He was made co-Emperor with his father in 613, but did not fully accede until his father's death. He died shortly after his accession, his sole noteworthy act being bribing the army to safeguard the rights of his son, Constans II. The rumour that his stepmother, Martina, had poisoned him led to the downfall of herself and her son, Heraklonas
(Κωνσταντίνος Ηράκλειος, Kōnstantinos Herakleios) Heraclianus (Constantinus Heraclius)
younger son of Herakleios 626 11 February 641
Succeeded to throne with Constantine III following death of Herakleios
September 641
Deposed by Senate
Presumed to have died in exile
He was made co-Emperor with his father in 638, but did not fully accede until his father's death. After his brother's death, he ruled briefly as co-emperor, then made his nephew, Constans II, co-emperor, to quell an army revolt. The people of Constantinople, however, mistrusted him, believing that he and his mother Martina had murdered Constantine III; in September, the Senate deposed him and his mother, subjected both to ritual mutilation (Heraklonas lost his nose, Martina lost her tongue), and exiled them to Rhodes.
Constans II
(Κώνστας Β', Kōnstas II);
born Herakleios Constantine
(Ηράκλειος Κωνσταντίνος, Herakleios Kōnstantinos );
called "Constantine the Bearded" (Κωνσταντίνος Πωγωνάτος, Kōnstantinos Pogonatos) Constans II
(Constantus II);
born Heraclius Constantine
( Heraclius Constantinus );
called "Constantine the Bearded"
son of Constantine III 7 November 630 641
Made co-Emperor by Hereklonas, sole emperor in that same year
15 September 668
Assassinated, possibly on the orders of Mezezius
His uncle, Heraklonas, made him co-emperor to quell a revolt; the revolt continued, and Heraklonas was deposed. Constans then ruled as sole emperor. In his reign, Egypt was lost completely by the Empire, whilst Carthage was also lost for a time. He stabilised the border in the Balkans. His religious attitudes led him to bring Pope Martin I to trial in Constantinople for his criticism of Constans. After executing his brother, Theodosius, he became hated by the people of Constantinople, and left for Syracuse; he spent the rest of his life in Italy. Rumours that he intended to establish Syracuse as his capital led to his being assassinated in his bath. A noble of the court, Mezesius, then established a military regime in Sicily for several months.
Mezezius Usurper Emperor Unknown 668 669 A member of the Gnuni family. Declared Emperor in Sicily and ruled there for seceral months. Killed in conflict with Constantine IV.
Constantine IV
(Κωνσταντίνος, Kōnstantinos) Constantine
son of Constans II 652 15 September 668
succeeded following murder of Constans II
September 685
Died of dysentery
He became Emperor following the murder of his father; immediately, he was forced to suppress a revolt in Sicily, led by the imperial pretender Mezezius. In his reign, Constantinople was attacked by an Arab fleet between 672 and 678; Greek fire was used to drive them off. However, several coastal cities, including Smyrna and Cyzicus, were conquered by the Arabs, whilst the Bulgars took advantage of the situation to establish a state in Moesia, to which Constantine was forced to pay tribute. His reign also saw the formal condemnation of monothelitism by the Sixth Oecumenical Council.
Justinian II son of Constantine IV 669 Co-emperor in 681, sole emperor in 685. 695
Deposed by military revolt
December 711 Augmented the sum paid by the Umayyad Caliphate as an annual tribute, regained control of part of Cyprus. The income from the provinces of Armenia and Iberia was divided among the two empires. Defeated Slavic tribes of Macedonia and relocated them to Anatolia. Started war against the Umayyads which resulted in the loss of Armenia to them. Deposed shortly after.
Leontios Usurper Emperor Unknown 695 698
Deposed by military revolt
705 A strategos from Isauria. Used the army of the Helladic Theme to depose Justinian II. Lost Carthage to Abd al-Malik of the Umayyad Caliphate. Briefly resumed control of the city but the Battle of Carthage firmly established Umayyad control over the Exarchate of Africa. The remnants of the defeated Byzantine expedition revolted against Leontius and deposed him. Executed by Justinian II in 705.
Tiberios III Usurper Emperor Unknown 698 705
Deposed by a Bulgarian-supported revolt
705 An army officer of Germanic origins. Led remnants of the defeated army expedition for Carthage to successful revolt. War with Abd Al-Malik continued with incoclusive victories and losses for either side. Deposed by Justinian II who had gained the military support of Tervel of Bulgaria. Executed shortly after deposition.
Justinian II son of Constantine IV 669 705 711
Deposed by military revolt
December 711 Restored to the throne by winning the military support of Tervel of Bulgaria. Rewarded Tervel with a number of territories in the Balkans. Attempted to regain said territories by attacking Tervel in 708. The expedition failed and peace was restored. The Ummayyads managed to capture Cilicia and penetrated into Cappadocia. Inflicted harsh punishments to the city of Cherson which had served as his exile place for several years. The troops of Cherson revolted against him. He led his own troops against the rebels, fell into their hands and was swiftly executed.

[edit] Non-dynastic (711-717)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Philippikos A general of Armenian origins; deposed Justinian II Unknown December, 711 3 June 713
Deposed by a military revolt
Later in the 8th century A Monothelite. Led the troops of Cherson in successful revolt against Justinian II. Abolished the canons of the Third Council of Constantinople. Both Tervel of Bulgaria and Al-Walid I of the Umayyad Caliphate managed to gain military victories over him. Deposed by a revolt of the troops of the Opsikian Theme, Thrace. He was deposed and blinded.
Anastasios II a burecraut, imperial secretary for Philippikos Unknown June, 713 November, 715
Deposed by a military revolt
718 Restored the canons of the Third Council of Constantinople. Attempted to impose discipline in the army and executed officers involved in previous revolts. The troops of the Opsikian Theme again revolted and deposed him. Retired for a while to a monastery in Thessaloniki. Led a Bulgarian-supported revolt against Leo III in 718. He was captured and executed.
Theodosios III a financial officer, tax collector in the Opsikian Theme Unknown May, 715 25 March 717
Deposed by a military revolt
Later in the 8th century Obscure origins, possibly related to Tiberios III. Laid siege to Constantinople from May to November, 715, prior to gaining entry and deposing Anastasios II. He was facing a renewed threat from the Umayyad Caliphate. Concluded a treaty with Kormesiy of Bulgaria, attempting to secure an alliance with him. Deposed by a combined revolt of generals Leo of the Anatolic Theme and Artabasdus of the Armeniac Theme. Abdicated when the rebels captured his namesake son, father and son joined the clergy. A Theodosios who was bishop of Ephesus c. 729 - 754 was either the former emperor or his son.

[edit] Isaurian dynasty (717-802)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Leo III the Isaurian a general from Germanikeia, Commagene c. 685 25 March 717 18 June 741 18 June 741 Strategos of the Anatolic theme. Successfully deposed Theodosios III. Faced the Siege of Constantinople (717 - 718) by Maslama. The Byzantines were reinforced by Tervel of Bulgaria and his troops. Maslama and his forces retreated, their Caliph Umar ibn AbdulAziz did not attempt another siege. Leo later also successfully withstood attacks by Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. Elevated the serfs into a class of free tenants. He was the first of the Iconoclast Emperors.
Constantine V Son of Leo III July, 718 Co-ruler in 720, senior ruler in 741 14 September 775 14 September 775 Second of the Iconoclast Emperors. Almost immediately challenged for the throne by his brother-in-law Artabasdos. Their civil war from 741 to 743, with Constantine as the victor. Branded the worship of relics and prayers to the saints as heretical practices. Reorganized the Byzantine army, introducing the tagma as its core military unit of professional troops. Invaded the Umayyad Caliphate which was falling apart under Marwan II, later leading attacks against As-Saffah, the first Abbasid Caliph. Gained a number of Christian captives from his Arab campaigns, resettling them in the Balkans. Led aggressive campaigns against the First Bulgarian Empire in attempt to extend his borders. His reign marks a turn of Byzantine military activities from mostly defensive actions to offensive campaigns against its eastern and northern neighbors.
Artabasdos Son-in-law of Leo III, brother-in-law of Constantine V Unknown Rival emperor from June 741/2 2 November 743 Later in the 8th century Strategos of the Armeniac theme, helped Leo III rise to the throne. Married Anna, daughter of Leo III, and also given command of Opsikion theme. Challenged his brother-in-law Constantine V for the throne soon after the death of Leo. He led the Iconodule faction of the civil war and held Constantinople for its duration. He was defeated, blinded and sent to a monastery. Unknown time of death, there is mention of his bones c. 772.
Leo IV the Khazar Son of Constantine V 25 January 750 Co-ruler in 751, senior ruler in 775 8 September 780 8 September 780 Third of the Iconoclast Emperors. His mother Tzitzak was a Khazar princess. Faced uprisings by his younger half-brother Nikephoros and the others sons of Constantine V by Eudokia. In his conflict with Al-Mahdi of the Abbassids, the Byzantine army raided into Syria and the Abbassid one into Anatolia. He was preparing a campaign against Kardam of Bulgaria at the time of his death.
Constantine VI Son of Leo IV and Irene 771 Co-ruler in 776, sole emperor in 780 August, 797 c. 797, though sources are contradictory on the subject He was underage when rising to the throne, his mother becoming his Regent. In 782, betrothed to Rotrude, a daughter of Charlemagne. Engagement broken in 788. Signed the decrees of the Second Council of Nicaea which restored the veneration of icons. Decision considered to reflect the religious views of his mother but not his own. Came to actual power in 790 but managed to alienate both the Orthodox (Iconodule) and the Iconoclast faction by the end of his reign. His divorce from his first wife Maria of Amnia and re-marriage to his mistress Theodote caused the so-called "Moechian controversy" (from the Greek moichos, "adulterer"), seen as legalization of adultery by circles of the Church. Deposed by his mother and blinded. Accounts in primary sources differ on how long he survived his deposition, ranging from a mere ten days to a full decade.
Irene of Athens Wife of Leo IV, mother of Constantine VI c. 752 August, 797 31 October 802 9 August 803 A member of the Sarantapechos from Athens. Wife of Leo IV. Regent from 780 to 790, retained part of her influence. Responsible for the Second Council of Nicaea and its decisions. Deposed and succeeded her son in 797. A fervant Iconodule. Charlemagne crowned Roman Emperor in oppossition to her in 800. Deposed by a patrician conspiracy in 802. Exiled to Lesbos, where she died the following year.

[edit] Nikephoros' dynasty (802-813)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Nikephoros I logothetēs tou genikou (finance minister) Unknown 31 October 802 26 July 811 26 July 811 Deposed Irene through a conspiracy of patricians and palace eunuchs. Created new themes in the Balkans, resettled Anatolian populations in them. Signed the Pax Nicephori with Charlemagne but there were still conflicts over possession of Venetia. Initially refused to pay tribute to Harun al-Rashid as Irene had agreed. Forced to increase the tribute after suffering military defeats. Led troops in a war against Krum of Bulgaria but was killed in the Battle of Pliska, along with most of the army following him. His skull was turned into a skull cup by Krum.
Staurakios Son of Nikephoros I Unknown Co-ruler in 803, senior ruler in 811 2 October 811 11 January 812 Married Theophano, a relative of Irene of Athens. He was present at the Battle of Pliska where a sword-wound near the neck left him paralyzed. He was transferred from the battlefield by members of the imperial guard. He reportedly intended to abdicate the throne in favor of his wife, instead forced to abdicate in favor of his brother-in-law Michael I. Retired to a monastery and died months into his retirement, never recovering from his wounds.
Michael I Rangabe Son-in-law of of Nikephoros I, brother-in-law of Staurakios Unknown 2 October 811 11 July 813 11 January 844 Married Prokopia, a daughter of Nikephoros I. Kouropalates (master of the palace) prior to his elevation to the throne. A fervant iconodule, persecuted iconoclasts and was patron to Theodore the Studite. Recognized Charlemagne as basileus, though not a Roman one. In exchange established control over Venice with no oppossition from the Franks, ending the territorial dispute for the time. Suffered further losses in war against Krum. Abdicated in favor of Leo V, spend the rest of his life in a monastery. His sons were castrated but one of them emerged from monastic life as Patriarch Ignatios of Constantinople.

[edit] Non-dynastic (813-820)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Leo V the Armenian Strategos of the Anatolic theme c. 775 11 July 813 25 December 820 25 December 820 Had contacted himself well in wars against the Abbassids, but fled from the Battle of Versinikia against Krum of Bulgaria. Michael I abdicated in his favor. The war against Krum continued with the Bulgarians capturing both Adrianople and Arkadioupolis (Lüleburgaz). In 814, Krum died and his successor Omurtag of Bulgaria was defeated by Leo V. The two states initiated a peace treaty which lasted for decades. Reinstated the Iconoclast faction to power, fourth of the Iconoclast Emperors. Assassinated in the Hagia Sophia on Christmas, 820. He had entered the church unarmed and was unable to resist a group of dagger-wielding conspirators. His sons were castrated. Nicholas Adontz theorised that Leo V might be the same person as Leo, a great-grandfather of Basil I.

[edit] Phrygian dynasty (820-867)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Michael II the Stammerer or the Amorian (Μιχαήλ Β' ο Τραυλός ή Ψελλός) Strategos, son-in-law of Constantine VI 770 25 December 820
2 October 829 Fifth of the Iconoclast Emperors. Married Euphrosyne, a daughter of Constantine VI.
Theophilus (Θεόφιλος) son of Michael II 813 2 October 829
20 January 842 Sixth and last of the Iconoclast Emperors.
Theodora (Θεοδώρα) wife of Theophilus c. 815 842
855 867 Reestablished the veneration of the icons. Deposed and entered monastery; canonized by the Orthodox church
Michael III the Drunkard (Μιχαήλ Γ' ο Μέθυσος) son of Theophilos 19 January 840 842
23 September 867 assassinated

[edit] Macedonian dynasty (867-1056)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Basil I the Macedonian (Βασίλειος Α') married Michael III's widow c. 811 867
2 August 886 died in hunting accident
Leo VI the Wise (Λέων ΣΤ' ο Σοφός) likely either son of Basil I or Michael III 19 September 866 886
11 May 912
Alexander (Αλέξανδρος Γ' του Βυζαντίου) son of Basil I; regent for nephew 870 912
Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos (Κωνσταντίνος Ζ' ο Πορφυρογέννητος) son of Leo VI 9 September 905 15 May 908
9 November 959
Romanos I Lekapenos (Ρωμανός Α' ο Λεκαπηνός) father-in-law of Constantine VII c. 870 17 December 920
16 December 944 15 June 948 deposed by his sons; entered monastery
Romanos II Porphyrogennetos (Ρωμανός Β' ο Πορφυρογέννητος) son of Constantine VII 15 March 938 November 959
15 March 963
Nikephoros II Phokas (Νικηφόρος Β' Φωκάς) married Theophano, Romanos II's widow, regent for Basil II c. 912 16 August 963
969 Strategos; assassinated
John I Tzimiskes (Ιωάννης Α' Κουρκούας ο Τσιμισκής) brother-in-law of Romanus II c. 925 11 December 969
10 January 976 lover of Nicephorus's wife but banned from marriage; regent for Basil
Basil II the Bulgar-Slayer (Βασίλειος Β' ο Βουλγαροκτόνος) son of Romanos II 958 10 January 976
15 December 1025
Constantine VIII (Κωνσταντίνος Η') son of Romanos II 960 15 December 1025
15 November 1028 coemperor with Basil II
Zoe (Ζωή) daughter of Constantine VIII c. 978 15 November 1028
June 1050
Romanos III Argyros (Ρωμανός Γ' ο Αργυρός) Zoe's first husband 968 15 November 1028
11 April 1034 eparch of Constantinople; murdered
Michael IV the Paphlagonian (Μιχαήλ Δ' ο Παφλαγών) Zoe's second husband 1010 11 April 1034
10 December 1041
Michael V the Caulker (Μιχαήλ Ε' ο Καλαφάτης) Michael IV's nephew 1015 10 December 1041
20 April 1042 24 August 1042 deposed, blinded, and castrated
Theodora (Θεοδώρα) daughter of Constantine VIII 984 20 April 1042
1042 after 31 August 1056 deposed
Constantine IX Monomachos (Κωνσταντίνος Θ' ο Μονομάχος) Zoe's third husband c. 1000 11 June 1042
11 January 1055
Theodora (Θεοδώρα) daughter of Constantine VIII 984 11 January 1055
after 31 August 1056 restored

[edit] Non-dynastic (1056-1057)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Michael VI Court burecraut, defence minister Unknown September, 1056 31 August 1057 c. 1059 A member of the Bringas family, probably related to Joseph Bringas who rose to influence during the reign of Romanos II. He was the designated heir of Theodora. He was supported by the palace bureaucracy but opposed by the military aristocracy. From June to August, 1057, Michael was involved in a civil war again Isaac I Komnenos. He was convinced by Michael I Cerularius to abdicate in favor of his opponent and retire to a monastery. He was eventually allowed to return to his private residence, where he died peacefully.

[edit] Komnenid dynasty (1057-1059)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Isaac I Komnenos commander of the field army in Anatolia c. 1005 5 June 1057 as rival emperor, sole emperor since 31 August 1057 22 November 1059 c. 1061 He was a member of the Komnenos family who had risen to prominence in the reign of Basil II. He contacted a civil war against Michael VI, supported by his fellow members of the military aristocracy. He managed to force his opponent to abdication by the end of the summer. He rewarded his noble partisans with appointments which granted them authority but kept them at a distance from Constantinople. Attempted to repair the depleted finances of the empire by revoking numerous pensions and grants conferred by his predecessors and appropriating revenues from the wealthy monasteries. His only campaign was a defensive expedition against Andrew I of Hungary which threatened the northern borders of the empire. The campaign was successful and led to a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Hungary. He abdicated while convinced he was suffering from a fatal disease. Actually recoved shortly after his abdication. Spend the remainder of his life as a monk and scholar in the Monastery of Stoudios.

[edit] Doukid dynasty (1059-1081)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Constantine X Doukas (Κωνσταντίνος Ι' ο Δούκας) 1006 24 November 1059
22 May 1067 selected by Michael Psellus
Michael VII Doukas Quarter-short (Μιχαήλ Ζ' Δούκας Παραπινάκης) son of Constantine X 1050 22 May 1067
24 March 1078 1090 originally coemperor with two brothers and Romanus; deposed & entered monastery
Romanos IV Diogenes (Ρωμανός Δ' Διογένης) married Eudokia Makrembolitissa, Constantine X's widow 1032 1067
1071 1072 coemperor, deposed & mutilated to death
Nikephoros III Botaneiates (Νικηφόρος Γ' Βοτανειάτης) Strategos claiming descent from the Fabii 1001 31 March 1078
10 December 1081 bigamously married Maria of Alania, Michael VII's wife; deposed & forced into monastery

[edit] Komnenid dynasty (1081-1185)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Alexios I Komnenos (Αλέξιος Α' Κομνηνός) Nephew of Isaac I, military commander 1048 4 April 1081
15 August 1118 married Constantine X's grandniece
John II Komnenos (Ιωάννης Β' Κομνηνός o Καλός) son of Alexios I 13 September 1087 1118 8 April 1143 died of a hunting accident
Manuel I Komnenos (Μανουήλ Α' Κομνηνός ο Μέγας) son of John II 28 November 1118 1143 24 September 1180
Alexios II Komnenos (Αλέξιος B' Κομνηνός) son of Manuel I 14 September 1169 1180 October 1183 murdered with garrotte
Andronikos I Komnenos (Ανδρόνικος Α' Κομνηνός) nephew of John II c. 1118 1183 2 September 1185 deposed, tortured, and executed

[edit] Angelid dynasty (1185-1204)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Isaac II Angelos (Ισαάκιος Β' Άγγελος) great-grandson of Alexios I September 1156 1185
1195 January 1205 deposed and blinded
Alexios III Angelos (Αλέξιος Γ' Άγγελος) brother of Isaac II 1153 1195
1203 1211 deposed by the Fourth Crusade and eventually forced into monastery
Isaac II Angelos (Ισαάκιος Β' Άγγελος) great-grandson of Alexios I September 1156 1203
1204 January 1205 restored after Alexios III had fled as coemperor with Alexius IV, deposed by Alexios V
Alexios IV Angelos (Αλέξιος Δ' Άγγελος) son of Isaac II 1182 1203 1204 deposed and killed by Alexios V
Nikolaos Kanabos 25 January 1204 5 February 1205 refused to accept the election, strangled by Alexius V
Alexios V Doukas (Αλέξιος Ε' Δούκας) son-in-law of Alexios III 1140 5 February 1204 12 April 1204 December 1205

[edit] Laskarid dynasty (Empire of Nicaea, 1204-1261)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Constantine Laskaris Defender of Constantinople Unknown Claimant emperor in 1204 c. 1205 c. 1205 He was proclaimed emperor by troops still trying to defend Constantinople, following the flight of Alexios V. [2]
Theodore I Laskaris Brother of Constantine Laskaris, son-in-law of Alexios III c. 1174 proclaimed 1205, crowned 1208 1221 1221 He married Anna Angelina, a daughter of Alexios III. Founder of the Empire of Nicaea. Allied with Kaloyan of Bulgaria against Henry of Flanders of the Latin Empire.Successfully resisted an invasion by Kaykhusraw I, Sultan of Rum in 1211. Established Nicaean control over Paphlagonia. In 1220, Married Marie de Courtenay, a daughter of Peter II of Courtenay and Yolanda of Flanders of the Latin Empire, in an attempt at peace between the two rival empires. By the end of his reign Nicaea approximately consisted of the old Roman provinces of Asia and Bithynia.
John III Doukas Vatatzes son-in-law of Theodore I c. 1192 December, 1221 3 November 1254 3 November 1254 He married Irene Lascarina, eldest daughter of Theodore I. He was designated heir to his father-in-law in 1212. He faced oppossition from the surviving brothers of Theodore I from 1221 to 1224. His rivals were allied with the Latin Empire. Gained territorial concessions by the Latin Empire in 1225. He seized Adrianople at about this time but lost it to Theodore Komnenos, Despot of Epirus in 1227. Allied with Ivan Asen II of Bulgaria in 1230. Following the death of his ally in 1241, John III annexed much of Bulgarian Thrace. He annexed Thessalonica into his empire in 1246 and concetrated his later efforts against Epirus. He expanded Nicaean control over areas of the Aegean Sea, notably annexing Rhodes. His internal policies are credited with developing the economy of his realm to relative prosperity.
Theodore II Laskaris son of John III, grandson of Theodore I 1221/1222 proclaimed 4 November 1254, crowned 1255 18 August 1258 18 August 1258 He was the only son of John III and Irene Lascarina. Shortly after his succession, Nicaea was invaded by Michael Asen I of Bulgaria who had just reached adulthood and was attempting to recover lost territories. Theodore II countered the invasion and concluded peace with Michael by 1256. He proceeded in the annexation of Durazzo and Servia, outflanking Epirus. In his internal affairs Theodore entrusted state affairs to bureaucrats from the middle classes, losing support from the great aristocratic families. He suffered from epilepsy and died during a seizure.
John IV Laskaris son of Theodore II 25 December 1250 18 August 1258 25 December 1261 c. 1305 He was underage during his reign. His initial regents were George Mouzalon and Arsenius Autoreianus, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. However Michael VIII Palaiologos , a leading aristocrat, arranged the assassination of Mouzalon while Arsenius retreated to a monastery. Michael assumed control of the empire first as regent, then as co-emperor. When Nicaean troops captured Constantinople, Michael moved his court to the new capital and left his co-ruler behind in the city of Nicaea. John IV was blinded and deposed on the day of his eleventh birthday. He spend the rest of his life as a monk.

[edit] Palaiologan Dynasty (restored to Constantinople, 1259-1453)

Picture Name Status Birth Emperor from Emperor until Death Notes
Michael VIII Palaiologos Great-grandson of Alexios III, grandnephew of John III by marriage 1223 1 January 1259 as co-emperor, senior emperor since 25 December 1261 11 December 1282 11 December 1282 He married Theodora Doukaina Vatatzina, a grandniece of John III. In 1256, Michael was accused of consprining with representatives of Kaykaus II, Sultan of Rûm. He went into exile or self-exile to the court of Kaykaus in Iconium. He was recalled in 1258 and appointed Megas Kontostaulos, chief of the Frankish mercenaries. He used his position to assassinate George Mouzalon, Regent for John IV, and claim the regency for himself. He served two years as co-emperor prior to Alexios Strategopoulos capturing Constanntinople in his name. Michael transferred his capital to the captured city and shortly after deposed his co-emperor. In 1259, Michael defeated an alliance comprised of William II Villehardouin, Prince of Achaea, and Michael II Komnenos Doukas of Epirus at the Battle of Pelagonia. In subsequent peace treaties, Michael VIII gained control of Mystras, Monemvasia and Maina in the Morea. Attempted to unify the Orthodox and Catholic Churches at the Second Council of Lyons in 1274. Secretly incited the rebellion known as the Sicilian Vespers against his enemy Charles I of Sicily, resulting in the split of the Kingdom of Sicily. Michael VIII was forced to drain the treasury to pay the enormous bribe of 60,000 gold pieces to Peter III of Aragon in order for the other ruler to invade Sicily. Died excommunicated from both Churches.
Andronikos II Palaiologos Son of Michael VIII 25 March 1259 nominal co-emperor in September, 1261, crowned in 1272. Senior emperor on 11 December 1282 24 May 1328 13 February 1332 Son of Michael VIII and Theodora Doukaina Vatatzina. Repudiated his father's unpopular Church union with the Papacy (which he had been forced to support while his father was still alive), but was unable to resolve the related schism within the Orthodox clergy until 1310. Plagued by economic difficulties, the state treasury accumulated more than seven times less revenue (in nominal coins) than it had done previously. His economic measures included the dismantling of the Byzantine navy, never to be restored to its former strenghth of numbers. The empire grew increasingly depended on the rival republics of Venice and Genoa for naval support. The empire suffered from Turkish advances in Asia Minor throughout the reign, losing Prusa and much of Bithynia by 1326 to the rising Ottoman Dynasty. His second wife Eirene of Montferrat effectively established her own court in Thessalonica from 1303 to 1317. Theodore Svetoslav of Bulgaria conquered much of northeastern Thrace in c. 1305-1307. Andronikos II was involved in a civil war against his grandson Andronikos III from 1320 to 1328. He lost the conflict and spend the last years of his life as a monk.
Michael IX Palaiologos Son of Andronikos II 17 April 1277 co-emperor in 1281, crowned in 1294/1295. 12 October 1320 12 October 1320 Son of Andronikos II and his first wife Anna of Hungary. From 1300 to 1307, Michael led failed campaigns against the Turks, the Catalan Company of mercenaries (who had rebelled against their former employers) and Theodore Svetoslav of Bulgaria.He took over the court of Thessalonica in 1317. His health was seriously affected by the news that Andronikos III (his eldest son) had killed Manuel Palaiologos (his second son) over a conflict about a mistress. He died soon after the news reached him.
Andronikos III Palaiologos Son of Michael IX 25 March 1297 co-emperor in 1316, rival emperor since July, 1321. Senior emperor on 24 May 1328. 15 June 1341 15 June 1341 He set himself as rival emperor to his grandfather since 1321, reigning from Adrianople. He won the civil war between them and settled himself in Constantinople. Effective administrative authority during the reign of Andronikos III was wielded by his megas domestikos John Kantakouzenos, while the emperor enjoyed himself hunting or waging war. Andronikos managed the annexation of Phocaea and the islands of Lesbos and Chios to the empire. However Orhan I of the Ottoman Dynasty defeated Andronikos III at Pelekanos in 1329, took Nicaea in 1331 and Nicomedia in 1337. After that, only Philadelpheia and a handful of ports remained under Byzantine control in Asia Minor. Stefan Uroš IV Dušan of Serbia expanded into Byzantine territory in Macedonia, taking Ohrid, Prilep, Kastoria, Strumica, and Voden in about 1334. On the other hand, Andronikos secured the extension of Byzantine control over Thessaly in 1333 and Epirus in 1337, by taking advantage of succession crises in these principalities.
John V Palaiologos Son of Andronikos III 18 June 1332 Emperor in 15 June 1341 8 February 1347 16 February 1391 Son of Andronikos III and his second wife Anna of Savoy. Underage during his first reign, placed under the regency of Anna. Anna did not trust John Kantakouzenos who had been entrusted with the administration. When Stefan Uroš IV Dušan of Serbia launched an invasion in Northern Thrace, Kantakouzenos left Constantinople to try to restore order to the area. In his absence, Patriarch John XIV of Constantinople and courtier Alexios Apokavkos convinced Anna that the senior advisor was her enemy. Anna declared Kantakouzenos an enemy of the state and offered his title of prefect of Constantinople to Apokavkos. Kantakouzenos answered by declaring himself rival emperor, initiating a civil war which would last until 1347. Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria soon allied with the faction under John V and Anna while Stefan Uroš IV Dušan of Serbia sided with John VI. Both rulers were actually taking advantage of the civil war for their own political and territorial gains. In time John VI would ally himself with Orhan I of the nascent Ottoman Sultanate. Anna was attempted to gain support from Western Europe and in Summer, 1343 an emissary proclaimed her loyalty to Pope Clement VI in Avignon. In August, 1343, Anna pawned the Byzantine crown jewels to the Republic of Venice for 30,000 ducats as part of an attempt to secure more finances for the war. However she lost the war, her son demoted to a co-emperor of Kantakouzenos.
John VI Kantakouzenos A maternal relative of the Palaiologoi c. 1292 rival emperor on 26 October 1341, senior emperor on 8 February 1347. 4 December 1354 15 June 1383 He was a descendant of the Palaiologoi through his mother and the most trusted advisor of Andronikos III. He was in conflict with regent Anna of Savoy. He proclaimed himself rival emperor, ruling from Didymoteicho. He won the civil war, becoming senior emperor with John V as his co-emperor. He married his daughter Helena Kantakouzene to John V. His hazardous alliance with Orhan I allowed the Ottoman Turks to establish their first permanent settlement in Europe, at Gallipoli in Thrace. He attempted to re-establish the Byzantine navy but two fleets met defeat against the Republic of Genoa in 1349 and 1351. Conflict with John V restarted in 1352, with Kantakouzenos loosing the second phase of the war. He spend the rest of his life as a monk and scholar.
Matthew Kantakouzenos Son of John V, brother-in-law of John V c. 1325 co-emperor on 15 April 1353, rival emperor since 4 December 1354. December, 1357 between 1383 and 1391 He married Irene Palaiologina, a granddaughter of Abdronikos II and Eirene of Montferrat. He was proclaimed co-emperor with his father as hostilities with John V had started again. Survived the fall of his father, keeping his title and part of Thrace as his own dominion. He and Irene were captured by Serbian forces in February, 1356. They remained in captivity until delivered to John V in December, 1357. Matthew was forced to abdicate. He moved to the Despotate of Morea, ruled at the time by his brother Manuel Kantakouzenos. He resurfaces as Despot of Morea from 1380 and 1383, before abdicating in favor of his son Demetrios I Kantakouzenos
John V Palaiologos Son of Andronikos III, son-in-law of John VI 18 June 1332 co-emperor in 1347, rival emperor in 1352. Senior Emperor on 4 December 1354 12 August 1376 16 February 1391 Restored to the position of senior emperor through a civil war with John V and Matthew Kantakouzenos. In 1371 he recognized the suzerainty of the Ottoman sultan Murad I. He was deposed by his son Andronikos IV Palaiologos.
Andronikos IV Palaiologos Son of John V, grandson of John VI 2 April 1348 co-emperor c. 1352, Senior Emperor on 12 August 1376 1 July 1379 28 June 1385 Son of John V and Helena Kantakouzene. In 1373, Andronikos IV allied with Savci Bey in a combined revolt against their respective fathers John V and Murad I. Both rebellions failed. Murad I blinded his son and demanded that John V have Andronikos IV blinded as well, but John V blinded only one of his son's eyes. The Republic of Genoa later helped Andronikos escape prison and assume control of Constantinople in a coup d'état. However he was opposed throughout his brief reign by the Republic of Venice and his old eneemy Murad I. He was effectively deposed in 1379, allowed to keep the title of co-emperor and given the city of Selymbria (Silivri) as his personal domain.
John V Palaiologos Son of Andronikos III, son-in-law of John VI 18 June 1332 Senior Emperor on 1 July 1379 14 April 1390 16 February 1391 Restored to the position of senior emperor through the intervention of the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire. Deposed by his grandson John VII Palaiologos.
John VII Palaiologos Son of Andronikos IV 1370 Co-emperor from 1376 to 1379, senior emperor on 14 April 1390. 17 September 1390 22 September 1408 Co-emperor with his father in Constantinople from 1376 to 1379, possibly co-emperor in Selymbria from 1379 to 1385. Probably emperor in Selymbria from 1385 to 1390. Deposed his grandfather John V in 1390 but only held the throne for five months. He was restored to his domain of Selymbria through the intervention of Bayezid I. Maintained good relations with his uncle Manuel II, entrusted with the regency of Constantinople from 1399 to 1403. He then established his own court in Thessalonica from 1403 to 1408.
John V Palaiologos Son of Andronikos III, son-in-law of John VI 18 June 1332 Senior Emperor on 17 September 1390 16 February 1391 16 February 1391 Restored to the position of senior emperor through the intervention of his son Manuel II and the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire. Died months later.
Manuel II Palaiologos Son of John V, grandson of John VI, brother of Andronikos IV 27 June 1350 Co-emperor in 1373, Senior Emperor on 16 February 1391 21 July 1425 21 July 1425 Second son of John V and Helena Kantakouzene. Proclaimed co-emperor after the failed revolt of his brother in 1373. He was supplanted by Andronikos IV in 1376-1379 and John VII in 1390. Instrumental in deposing the latter. Succeeded his father. His reign saw a siege of Constantinople by Bayezid I from 1394 to 1402. The siege was only broken when Bayezid had to leave to face an invasion of his own realm by Timur, founder of the Timurid dynasty. Manuel spend 1399-1303 traveling through Europe, trying to secure assistance against the Ottoman Empire. The defeat of Bayezid in the Battle of Ankara led to the Ottoman Interregnum, when several of his sons claimed the trone for themselves. Manuel II Palaiologos used this period of respite to bolster the defences of the Despotate of Morea, where the Byzantine Empire was actually expanding at the expense of the remnants of the Latin Empire. He maintained friendly relations with Mehmed I, victor of the Ottoman civil war. But in 1421, Manuel supported Mustafa Çelebi against Murad II. His candidate for the Ottoman throne lost and Murad launched a new assault against Constantinople. By 1424, the Byzantines were again paying tribute to the Ottoman court.
Andronikos V Palaiologos Son of John VII c. 1400 co-emperor c. 1403 c. 1407 c. 1407 Co-emperor with his father at the court of Thessalonica. Predeceased his father.
John VIII Palaiologos Son of Manuel II 18 December 1392 Co-emperor c. 1416, sole emperor on 21 July 1425 31 October 1448 31 October 1448 Mostly known for the Council of Florence which established a short-lived reconciliation and union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.
Constantine XI Son of Manuel II, brother of John VIII 8 February 1405 6 January 1449 29 May 1453 29 May 1453 Ruler of the Despotate of Morea from 1443 to 1449. Succeeded his childless older brother in the throne of Constantinople. He faced conflict with Mehmed II, resulting in the Fall of Constantinople to the latter. Considered to have been killed in battle, corpse not identified.

[edit] Palaiologan Dynasty (claimants in exile)

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hooker, Richard. "The Byzantine Empire." Middle Ages. World Cultures. 4 June 2007 <>.
  2. ^ His profile in
  3. ^ Norwich, John Julius, Byzantium, The Decline and Fall, p.446
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