Jüri Uluots

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Jüri Uluots
Jüri Uluots

Jüri Uluots (January 13, 1890 - January 9, 1945) was an Estonian prime minister, journalist, and prominent attorney.

Uluots was born in Lihula in 1890 and studied law at St. Petersburg University in 1910 - 1918. He subsequently taught Roman and Estonian law at the University of Tartu until 1944. Uluots was also an editor of the Kaja newspaper from 1919-1920, and editor-in-chief of Postimees from 1937-38.

Uluots was elected to the Riigikogu, the Estonian parliament, for 1920 - 1926, and from 1929 through 1932. He then served as prime minister from 1939 until June 1940 when Soviet troops entered Estonia and installed a new Soviet puppet government led by Johannes Vares, whereas Uluots' constitutional government went underground (and later, in exile). The communist puppet government was never recognized by the United States, United Kingdom and other western powers who considered it, and the August 1940 annexation of Estonia into USSR, illegal [1].

After the Estonian President Konstantin Päts was arrested by Soviet occupation forces and deported to Russia in July 1940, Uluots became prime minister in the duties of the president as dictated by the Estonian constitution. When the Nazis invaded Soviet-occupied Estonia in 1941 the communist government was overthrown. In January 1944, the front was pushed back by the Soviet Army almost all the way to the former Estonian border. Narva was evacuated. Jüri Uluots delivered a radio address that implored all able-bodied men born from 1904 through 1923 to report for military service (Before this, Uluots had opposed Estonian mobilization.) The call drew support from all across the country: 38.000 volunteers appeared at registration centers. [2] Several thousand Estonians who had joined the Finnish army came back across the Gulf of Finland to join the newly formed Territorial Defense Force, assigned to defend Estonia against the Soviet advance. It was hoped that by engaging in such a war Estonia would be able to attract Western support for the cause of Estonia's independence from the USSR and thus ultimately succeed in achieving independence. [3] As the Germans retreated in September, 1944, Uluots appointed a new government, headed by Otto Tief.

Tief's government left Tallinn prior to the Soviet army's arrival and went into hiding. But most of the cabinet members were later arrested and suffered various repressions by the Soviet authorities, or were sent to labour camps in Siberia. The remainder of the government fled to Stockholm, Sweden, where it operated in exile from 1944 to 1992 when Heinrich Mark, who was prime minister in duties of the president, presented his credentials to incoming president Lennart Meri.

Uluots died shortly after arriving in Sweden in 1945.

Preceded by
Kaarel Eenpalu
Flag of Estonia
Prime Minister of Estonia
Flag of Estonia

1939 - 1940
Succeeded by
Johannes Vares
Preceded by
President of Estonia
Konstantin Päts
Flag of Estonia
1938 - 1940
Prime Minister of Estonia in exile
In the Duties of the
Flag of Estonia

1940 - 1945
Succeeded by
August Rei

Flag of Estonia

[edit] References

  1. ^ European Parliament (January 13, 1983). "Resolution on the situation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania". Official Journal of the European Communities C 42/78.  "whereas the Soviet annexias of the three Baltic States still has not been formally recognized by most European States and the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Vatican still adhere to the concept of the Baltic States".
  2. ^ Resistance! Occupied Europe and Its Defiance of Hitler (Paperback) by Dave Lande on Page 200 ISBN-10: 0760307458
  3. ^ The Baltic States: The National Self-Determination of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Graham Smith p.91 ISBN-10: 0312161921
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