Chinese people

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The term Chinese people may refer to any of the following:

  • A person who resides in and holds citizenship of the People's Republic of China (including Hong Kong and Macau) or the Republic of China (Taiwan). This definition stems from a legal perspective.
  • The Zhonghua minzu (sometimes translated as "Chinese nation"), a supra-ethnic concept which includes the Han, Tibetan and other established ethnic groups who have lived within the borders of China since at least the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). This definition stems from a nationality perspective, and includes most overseas Chinese.
  • A person of Han Chinese ancestry is often simply referred to as "Chinese" or "ethnic Chinese" in Western countries, though this usage is politically incorrect and sometimes derogatory when used to the exclusion of non-Han Chinese. This definition stems from a genealogical perspective. Note that some overseas Chinese may not necessarily identify with either the PRC or the ROC.

Many factors must be considered when deciding whether a person is Chinese. Apart from nationality (legal) reasons, place of residence (geographical factors), race (biological reasons), and ancestry (historical and genealogical factors), recognition as a Chinese and identifying as Chinese by that person and other people (mainly with those who share a close or intimate relationship with that person) are also very important.

[edit] See also

John Banh

[edit] References

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